Given any propositional logic formula:
- Transform it into CNF
- Transform it into DNF
- Transform it into full DNF
- Transform it into full CNF
- Evaluate its truth value given truth values of the atoms
- Decide whether the formula is satisfiable, a tautology, or a contradiction
Use the following propositional formula as an example
- Java JDK 1.8 or above
For Windows:
- Open a terminal (Command Prompt)
- Compile the program with: javac
- Execute the program with: java Solution
The program will require a valid propositional formula using:
- Atoms: All letter from our roman alphabet A = {a, . . . , z} are atoms and are therefore propositional formulas.
- NOT: Given any propositional formula p, not (p) will be represented as !p.
- Given any two propositional formulas p and q:
- Conjunction: the conjunction of p and q will be represented as (p&q).
- Disjunction: the disjunction of p with q will be represented as (p|q).
- Implication: the implication of p to q will be represented as (p−>q).
- Note that the parentheses are important, and part of the syntax to be used
Use the following propositional formula as an example