apyefa is a python package used to asynchronously fetch public transit routing data via EFA interfaces like efa.vgn. It can request itineraries for Bus/Trams/Subways etc. connections and return data in a human and machine readable format.
You only need to install the apyefa package, for example using pip:
pip install apyefa
Currently the package supports only endpoints using RapidJSON format. To check whether the endpoint supports this format, please call:
e.g. curl https://bahnland-bayern.de/efa/XML_SYSTEMINFO_REQUEST?outputFormat=rapidJSON
If API's answer looks like this, endpoint supports rapidJSON:
{"version":"","ptKernel":{"appVersion":" build 16.12.2024 11:14:57","dataFormat":"EFA10_06_01","dataBuild":"2024-12-31T00:54:55Z"},"validity":{"from":"2024-12-15","to":"2025-06-14"}}
Create and activate virtual environment. Then install dependencies required by apefa
python3 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
pip install .
Function Name | Description |
info() | Provides EFA endpoint system information |
locations_by_name() | Search for locations by name with optional filters |
locations_by_coord() | Search for locations by coordinates |
list_lines() | Retrieves a list of lines |
list_stops() | Retrieves a list of stops |
trip() | Calculates a trip between an origin and a destination locations |
departures_by_location() | Fetches departures for a given location |
lines_by_name() | Fetches lines by name |
lines_by_location() | Fetches lines for a specific location |
line_stops() | Retrieves the stops for a given line |
coord_bounding_box() | Requests locations within a bounding box |
coord_radial() | Requests locations within a radius |
geo_object() | Generates a sequence of coordinates and all passed stops of a provided line |
import asyncio
from apyefa import EfaClient
from apyefa.data_classes import (
async def async_info(client: EfaClient):
info = await client.info()
async def async_location_by_name(client: EfaClient):
stops: list[Location] = await client.locations_by_name(
"Plärrer", filters=[LocationFilter.STOPS], limit=20
for s in stops:
async def main():
async with EfaClient("https://bahnland-bayern.de/efa/") as client:
await asyncio.gather(
if __name__ == "__main__":