BaseKit is a set of IOS class to make your life easier.
You have two way to do that
- Copying files.
- Install using CocoaPods.
Add Code dir or pick library that you need inside Code/*.
dependency 'BaseKit/Core', '~> 0.2.3'
dependency 'BaseKit/View', '~> 0.2.3'
dependency 'BaseKit/CellMapping', '~> 0.2.3'
dependency 'BaseKit/LocationManager', '~> 0.2.3'
dependency 'BaseKit/FormField', '~> 0.2.3'
dependency 'BaseKit/FormMapping', '~> 0.2.3'
Create iPhone and iPad IOS FORM with BaseKit
UITableView Dynamic cell mapping like Restkit
Perform operation in background.
[BKOperationHelper performBlockInBackground:^{
// Do your operation in background
} completion:^{
// Update UI in main queue
[BKIteratingHelper iterateTil:4 usingBlock:^(int number) {
NSLog(@"%d", number);
Present modal view controller with block.
[self presentModalViewControllerWithBlock:^UIViewController *{
return [[[AnyViewController alloc] init] autorelease];
} animated:YES];
Push view controller with block.
[self.navigationController pushViewControllerWithBlock:^UIViewController *{
return [[[AnyViewController alloc] init] autorelease];
} animated:YES];
Create table view with blocks based syntax.
self.tableModel = [BKTableModel tableModelForTableView:self.tableView];
self.tableView.dataSource = self.tableModel;
self.tableView.delegate = self.tableModel;
[BKCellMapping mappingForObjectClass:[Item class] block:^(BKCellMapping *cellMapping) {
[cellMapping mapKeyPath:@"title" toAttribute:@"textLabel.text"];
[cellMapping onSelectRowWithBlock:^(UITableViewCell *cell, Item *item, NSIndexPath *indexPath) {
// Do something
[cellMapping mapObjectToCellClass:[UITableViewCell class]];
[self.tableModel registerMapping:cellMapping];
NSArray *items = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:
[Item itemWithTitle:@"Simple mapping"],
[Item itemWithTitle:@"Nib cell example"],
[self.tableModel loadTableItems:items];
For more example open Examples/CellMappingExample/CellMappingExample.xcodeproj project.
FormMapping is a library for building form with table view. Fields data are automatically filled from a model. When data changed it's automatically savec inside the object.
BaseKit use an external library called ActionSheetPicker but unfortunately that library doesn't support ARC yet, so you need to add "-fno-objc-arc" when you import it to your project.
self.formModel = [BKFormModel formTableModelForTableView:self.tableView navigationController:self.navigationController];
[BKFormMapping mappingForClass:[Movie class] block:^(BKFormMapping *formMapping) {
[formMapping sectiontTitle:@"Information section" identifier:@"info"];
[formMapping mapAttribute:@"title" title:@"Title" type:BKFormAttributeMappingTypeText];
[formMapping mapAttribute:@"releaseDate" title:@"ReleaseDate" type:BKFormAttributeMappingTypeDatePicker];
[formMapping mapAttribute:@"suitAllAges" title:@"All ages" type:BKFormAttributeMappingTypeBoolean];
[formMapping mapAttribute:@"shortName" title:@"ShortName" type:BKFormAttributeMappingTypeLabel];
[formMapping mapAttribute:@"numberOfActor" title:@"Number of actor" type:BKFormAttributeMappingTypeInteger];
[formMapping mapAttribute:@"content" title:@"Content" type:BKFormAttributeMappingTypeBigText];
[formMapping mapAttribute:@"choice" title:@"Choices" selectValuesBlock:^NSArray *(id value, id object, NSInteger *selectedValueIndex){
*selectedValueIndex = 1;
return [NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"choice1", @"choice2", nil];
} valueWithBlock:^id(id value, id object, NSInteger selectedValueIndex) {
return value;
[formMapping buttonSave:@"Save" handler:^{
[self.formModel registerMapping:formMapping];
[self.formModel loadFieldsWithObject:movie];
For more example open Examples/FormMappingExample/FormMappingExample.xcodeproj project.
Easy to use CoreLocation manager with block or default delegate.
BKLocationManager *manager = [BKLocationManager sharedManager];
[manager setDidUpdateLocationBlock:^(CLLocationManager *manager, CLLocation *newLocation, CLLocation *oldLocation) {
[manager setDidFailBlock:^(CLLocationManager *manager, NSError *error) {
[manager startUpdatingLocationWithAccuracy:kCLLocationAccuracyHundredMeters];
BaseKit is fully compatible out of box with both ARC and non-ARC project.
2012/05/17 (0.2.3)
- Fix cell mapping editing style
2012/05/12 (0.2)
- Added LocationManager
- Added FormField
- Added FormMapping
2012/01/29 (0.1)
- Initial release.
If you use BaseKit I'll be happy to add your app name here.
Bruno Wernimont