This extension lets you control every media player (Spotify, WMP, MediaMonkey...) and show media info on your status bar
This extension gives you control over the playback of whichever media is playing right now (play, pause, skip and previous) like:
- Spotify music (Spotify premium is NOT required)
- Youtube video
- VLC music or video
- Every other media player
To install this extension look for mediaManager
on Visual Studio Code marketplace and click on the install button or launch this command on visual studio code command palette:
ext install mediaManager
After you have installed this extension the only thing you have to do is to install Python3 and install the following python packages:
- pywin32
- winsdk
- vscode-ext
You can install them with this command:
pip install pywin32 winsdk vscode-ext
There are multiple reason for which you should use Media manager over other available extensions:
- No setup is required in order to use this extension: as soon as you install it via the marketplace you can use it
- It supports every media player available on Windows, even Spotify without premium subscription unlike all the other extensions
- On some supported media players, media info (Song, Artist, Album) is displayed in the status bar (see Media players that support media info)
Even though all media players are supported to control the playback, not all the media players provide to the OS the necessary infos about the media being played, and therefore only when using one of the following media players, media info will be displayed on the status bar:
- Spotify
- Windows media player (not the legacy version, and doesn't always display the infos)
- Mediamonkey
- Foobar2000 (Doesn't display album title)
- Youtube
- Others media players that I haven't tested may display media info and if you find other players that work feel free to send me an email at so that i can update the list