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A lightweight library for simplifying dynamic query building with Spring Data JPA, featuring filters, pagination, and sorting, also suitable for making projections.


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Data Querying

Data Querying

Data Querying is a lightweight and intuitive library designed to make dynamic query building in Spring Data JPA effortless.

Instead of manually crafting complex queries, this library provides a clean and type-safe DSL to construct JPA queries at runtime. With objects like Query and SearchRequest, you can filter, sort, and paginate data dynamically, all while keeping your code readable and maintainable.

❌ Traditional JPA Criteria API (Verbose & Complex)
public class UserSpecification {

    public static Specification<User> hasName(String name) {
        return (Root<User> root, CriteriaQuery<?> query, CriteriaBuilder cb) ->
                cb.equal(root.get("name"), name);

    public static Specification<User> hasAgeGreaterThan(int age) {
        return (Root<User> root, CriteriaQuery<?> query, CriteriaBuilder cb) ->
                cb.greaterThan(root.get("age"), age);

And then:

    Specification<User> spec = Specification

List<User> users = userRepository.findAll(spec);

Imagine doing that for every custom search!

✅ Using a DSL (Simplified & Readable)
Query<User> query = Query
        .where("name", SearchOperator.EQ, "John")
        .and("age", SearchOperator.GT, 25);

List<User> users = userRepository.findAll(query.buildSpecification());

Table of Contents


  • Dynamic Query Building: Create complex JPA queries with an intuitive, fluent API.
  • Search request DTO for your endpoints out of the box, which you can convert to a Specification object.
  • Nested Filters: Build recursive AND/OR conditions.
  • Multiple Joins: Deep join support to filter by joined attributes (e.g.,
  • Minimal Boilerplate: No need to manually write Specification implementations.
  • Projection Interface Support: Easily map query results to DTOs or interfaces.
  • Integration with Spring Data: Seamlessly use Specification, Pageable, and Sort.


This library is compatible with:

  • Spring Framework: 6.2.2+
  • Spring Boot: 3.4.2+
  • Java Version: 17 - 23

For more compatibility details visit



Quick Start

  1. Add dependency to your Spring Boot or Spring application (see Installation).
  2. Use Query or SearchRequest on your repository/service code to build dynamic queries.
  3. Integrate the resulting Specification<T> into your existing Spring Data JPA setup.

Core Concepts


An enum defining different comparison operators (e.g., EQ, NOT_EQ, GTE, LTE, IN, LIKE, etc.) This is part of the public API and can be referenced directly when building queries.

public enum SearchOperator {


A fluent builder for creating JPA Specification<T> objects.

Query<User> userQuery = Query.get()
        .where("email", SearchOperator.EQ, "")
        .or("active", SearchOperator.EQ, true);

Specification<User> spec = userQuery.buildSpecification();
List<User> results = userRepository.findAll(spec);


A JSON-friendly structure for capturing search criteria, including pagination and sorting.

Typically, you’d receive a SearchRequest in a REST controller from the client side. Then you convert it to a Query<> via getQuery and use it in your source code to modify the query you're building.

You can also just get a Specification<> object easily by calling the method getSpecification to pass to JpaSpecificationExecutor repository interfaces.

Example JSON body:

  "filters": [
    {"attribute": "city", "searchOperator": "EQ", "value": "New York"},
    {"attribute": "active", "searchOperator": "EQ", "value": true}
  "conditionalOperator": "AND",
  "page": {"pageNumber": 0, "pageSize": 10},
  "order": [{"attribute": "lastName", "sortOrder": "ASC"}]


The Projection Interface allows mapping query results directly to DTOs without additional conversions.

// Also can be a POJO class instead of an Interface
public interface UserMinimalDto {
    String getFirstName();
    String getLastName();
    String getEmail();

Using it in a query:

ProjectionFactory projectionFactory;

Specification<User> specification = Query.where("firstName", "John").buildSpecification();
List<UserMinimalDto> users = projectionFactory.create(User.class, UserMinimalDto.class).findAll(specification);

Usage Examples

Building Queries Directly

Query<User> userQuery = Query
        .<User>where("country", SearchOperator.EQ, "USA")
        .and("age", SearchOperator.GTE, 18)

Specification<User> spec = userQuery.buildSpecification();
List<User> adultsInUSA = userRepository.findAll(spec);

Using SearchRequest in APIs

public class UserController {

    private UserRepository userRepository;

    public List<User> search(@RequestBody SearchRequest request) {
        return userRepository.findAll(request.getSpecification(), request.getPageRequest());

In combination with Projection

public class UserController {
    private ProjectionFactory projectionFactory;

    private UserRepository userRepository;

    public List<UserMinimalDto> getAllMinimal() {
        return projectionFactory.create(User.class, UserMinimalDto.class).findAll();

Advanced Usage

Dynamically Enhancing a SearchRequest Before Execution

One of the powerful features of this library is the ability to dynamically modify a SearchRequest at runtime before executing it. This is particularly useful when you need to apply additional filters or conditions based on business logic, user roles, or other dynamic factors.

Example: Enhancing a SearchRequest in a Controller

public class UserController {
    private UserRepository userRepository;

    public List<User> enhancedSearch(@RequestBody SearchRequest request) {
        Query<User> query = request.getQuery();

        query.and("status", SearchOperator.EQ, "ACTIVE"); // Global filter
        query.and("organizationId", SearchOperator.EQ, 123); // User-specific filter

        return userRepository.findAll(query.buildSpecification(), request.getPageRequest());
Multiple and nested joins
Query<User> query = Query.<User>where("", "John")
        .and("", "can_view_departments")
                .<User>where("", "Gotham Bank")
                .or("", "Gotham")
                .join("", JoinType.LEFT))
        .join("department.manager", JoinType.INNER)
        .join("role.permission", JoinType.INNER);

List<User> users = repository.findAll(query.buildSpecification());

If you omitted the join method, then all the necessary tables will be joined through the given attribute path, e.g. with default join type as JoinType.LEFT_JOIN.

Query<User> query = Query.<User>where("", "John")
        .and("", "can_view_departments")
                .<User>where("", "Gotham Bank")
                .or("", "Gotham"));

List<User> users = repository.findAll(query.buildSpecification());


Classes under internal package should only be used if you know and understand the internals. The library’s main public classes are Query, SearchRequest, SearchOperator, ProjectionFactory, and Projection.


When using the dynamic query features in this library, you may encounter the following exceptions. They are typically thrown if your filter definitions or query parameters are invalid. Catch them where appropriate, or surface them as HTTP errors in your REST APIs.

  • AttributeNotFoundException (SpecificationBuilderException)
    Thrown when the specified attribute does not exist on the entity when trying to create Specification object. For instance, if your query references a field that isn’t a valid column/property, this exception indicates the attribute cannot be resolved.

  • JoinNotFoundException (SpecificationBuilderException)
    Thrown when attempting to perform a join on a relationship that doesn't exist or isn’t properly mapped. This might happen if you reference a nested path (e.g., and one of the segments isn’t a valid association.

  • SpecificationBuilderException (RuntimeException)
    This is a wrapper for the RuntimeException. Thrown if there is an error in building the Specification—for example, conflicting operators, logical errors in filter groupings, or issues that prevent the library from creating a valid JPA criteria.

Package Structure

  ├── api
    ├── exceptions
  │ ├──
  │ ├──
  │ ├──
  │ ├──
  │ └──
  └── internal
    ├── deserializers
    ├── enums
    ├── executor
    ├── search
    ├── specification
    └── utils


Contributions are encouraged and accepted. To view more information about contribution visit


This project is licensed under the Apache-2.0 license. Feel free to modify and distribute under these terms.


A lightweight library for simplifying dynamic query building with Spring Data JPA, featuring filters, pagination, and sorting, also suitable for making projections.




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