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Resource Pool


Some software resources have time and memory cost to create and reusing them can dramatically improve application performance. Resource pooling is widely used for resource reusing in different platform and languages. This article deals with Erlang Resource Pool project in Sourceforge that was inspired by Apache Commons Pool Java library. API and main functioning principals was borrowed from there, but internal implementation is completely different and is using Erlang OTP design principles and Erlang concurrent model.


Resource pool consists of two containers: Active and Idle. Active container keeps references to resources that are actively used by some processes. Oppositely Idle container keeps resources that are not used anywhere and they are in inactive state but ready to use.

  |                      |
  | Active--+  Idle----+ |
  | |       |  |       | |
  | |       |  |       | |
  | |       |  |       | |
  | +-------+  +-------+ |

We will use a diagram above to explain operations with pool in following text. Symbols in right of first line -{0,0}- show the load of containers: -{N_active,N_idle}-,


  • `N_active` - number of active resorces;
  • `N_idle` - number of idle resources.


First thing we have to do is create an instance of resource pool.

  {ok, Pid} = resource_pool:new(test_pool, resource_factory, resource_metadata)

test_pool is a registered name for the new pool and resource_factory is a name of a module that implements resource_factory behaviour. Now we can use test_pool or Pid as a reference to pool instance. Resource factory module will be responsible for creating, checking and disposing of resource instances and is discussed in details in Resource factory section below.

The common scenario of using of the resource pool is state with a few concurrently running processes shares the same pool to borrow resources from it.


To retrieve a resource from pool process has to call function borrow.

  Resource = resource_pool:borrow(test_pool)

If Idle list is empty the pool creates new resource and grants it to calling process.

  +-Pool-----------{1,0}-+          +-Pool-----------{2,0}-+
  |                      |          |                      |
  | Active--+  Idle----+ |          | Active--+  Idle----+ |
  | |       |  |       | |          | |       |  |       | |
  | |       |  |       | |    =>    | | <R.2> |  |       | |
  | | <R.1> |  |       | |          | | <R.1> |  |       | |
  | +-------+  +-------+ |          | +-------+  +-------+ |
  +----------------------+          +----------------------+

If the pool has idle resource within Idle list an idle resource just transfers to Active list and it is granted to caling process.

  +-Pool-----------{1,2}-+          +-Pool-----------{2,1}-+
  |                      |          |                      |
  | Active--+  Idle----+ |          | Active--+  Idle----+ |
  | |       |  |       | |          | |       |  |       | |
  | |       |  | <R.2> | |    =>    | | <R.2> |  |       | |
  | | <R.1> |  | <R.3> | |          | | <R.1> |  | <R.3> | |
  | +-------+  +-------+ |          | +-------+  +-------+ |
  +----------------------+          +----------------------+


Process has to return a resource to the pool after the process completes using a resource. In other words the resource is moved from Active list to Idle list. Now other concurrent processes can borrow freed resource from the pool.

  +-Pool-----------{2,1}-+          +-Pool-----------{1,2}-+
  |                      |          |                      |
  | Active--+  Idle----+ |          | Active--+  Idle----+ |
  | |       |  |       | |          | |       |  |       | |
  | | <R.2> |  |       | |    =>    | |       |  | <R.2> | |
  | | <R.1> |  | <R.3> | |          | | <R.1> |  | <R.3> | |
  | +-------+  +-------+ |          | +-------+  +-------+ |
  +----------------------+          +----------------------+


Sometimes we need just add new resource to pool. Function add creates new resource and puts it into Idle list.

  +-Pool-----------{2,1}-+          +-Pool-----------{2,2}-+
  |                      |          |                      |
  | Active--+  Idle----+ |          | Active--+  Idle----+ |
  | |       |  |       | |          | |       |  |       | |
  | | <R.2> |  |       | |    =>    | | <R.2> |  | <R.4> | |
  | | <R.1> |  | <R.3> | |          | | <R.1> |  | <R.3> | |
  | +-------+  +-------+ |          | +-------+  +-------+ |
  +----------------------+          +----------------------+


If resource failed then a process has to let know about it to the pool. invalidate function marks failed resource as unusable and pool will be destroy it shortly.

  +-Pool-----------{2,1}-+          +-Pool-----------{1,1}-+
  |                      |          |                      |
  | Active--+  Idle----+ |          | Active--+  Idle----+ |
  | |       |  |       | |          | |       |  |       | |
  | | <R.2> |  |       | |    =>    | |       |  |       | |
  | | <R.1> |  | <R.3> | |          | | <R.1> |  | <R.3> | |
  | +-------+  +-------+ |          | +-------+  +-------+ |
  +----------------------+          +----------------------+

typical use case

Suppose that resource module implements some operations under resource.

  case resource_pool:borrow(test_pool) of
    {error, E} -> io:format("Error while borrow from pool, reason: ~p", [E]);
    Resource ->
        resource_pool:return(test_pool, Resource)
        _:_ -> resource_pool:invalidate(test_pool, Resource)

If everything is going well we see flow like this: borrow --> use --> return. When something wrong is happened during resource use then we have other flow: borrow --> use --> invalidate.

Size limits

We can setup some features and parameters for a resource pool during instantiation by using option parameter of new operation (see new):

  {ok, Pid} = resource_pool:new(test_pool, resource_factory, resource_metadata, options)

Options list contains a few values those define scales, limitation and behavior of a pool. Some of those are responsible for size of Active and Idle containers:

max_active, max_idle, min_idle

             |                      |
             | Active--+  Idle----+ |
             | |       |  |_______|_|__ max_idle
 max_active__|_|_______|  |       | |
             | |       |  |       | |
             | |       |  |_______|_|__ min_idle
             | |       |  |       | |
             | +-------+  +-------+ |


Maximum size of Active list is 8 by default. If it reaches the limit following borrow operation will be blocked or failed (see Borrow with exhausted pool for details). The value -1 (or any negative) means no limitation on Active list size. Example of use:

  {ok, Pid} = resource_pool:new(test_pool, resource_factory, [], [{max_active, 20}])


Maximum size of Idle list equals max_active by default. If it reaches the limit then following return operation will be finished with destroying of the returned resource. The value -1 (or any negative) means no limitation on Idle list maximum size. Example of use:

  {ok, Pid} = resource_pool:new(test_pool, resource_factory, [], [{max_active, 20}, {max_idle, 10}])


Minimum size of Idle list is 0 by default. If it reaches the limit then following borrow operation will successfully supplies a resource to invoker and then pool will additionally create new resource in Idle container to provide min_idle condition. The value -1 (or any negative) means no limitation on Idle list minimum size. Example of use:

  {ok, Pid} = resource_pool:new(test_pool, resource_factory, [], [{max_active, 20}, {max_idle, 10}, {min_idle, 3}])

Behaviour options

Borrow with exhausted pool

When we set max_active greater then 0 and size of Active list reaches this value then the pool is exhausted and pool's behaivior depends on when_exhausted_action option value:

{when_exhausted_action, fail}
`borrow` function on exhausted pool returns {error, pool_exhausted}.
{when_exhausted_action, block}
`borrow` function on exhausted pool is blocked until a new or idle object is available. Waiting time period is limited by value of other option max_wait (see [Timing](#timing)).
{when_exhausted_action, grow}
`borrow` function on exhausted pool returns new resource and size of `Active` list grows. In this case `max_Idle` option is just ignored.
Default value is `block`. Example of use:
  {ok, Pid} = resource_pool:new(test_pool, resource_factory, [], [{max_active, 20}, {when_exhausted_action, fail}])

Resource checking

Resource pool can check status of managed resources. Options test_on_borrow and test_on_return control how pool tests resources: before providing resource to invoker {test_on_borrow, true} and after a resource was returned to pool {test_on_return, true}. If pool finds that the resource is not alive during test then the resource will be destroyed.

Resource order in idle container

Option fifo (first-input-first-output) controls order of extracting a resources from Idle list. Diagrams below illustrate this. Suppose we fill out Idle list in order: <R.1> was first, <R.2> is next, then <R.3>. Resource <R.4> is active in given moment. If {fifo, true} is set the borrow operation leads to situation below: resource <R.1> was came first and it becomes active now (first out).

  +-Pool-----------{1,2}-+          +-Pool-----------{2,1}-+
  |                      |          |                      |
  | Active--+  Idle----+ |          | Active--+  Idle----+ |
  | |       |  | <R.3> | |          | |       |  |       | |
  | |       |  | <R.2> | |    =>    | | <R.1> |  | <R.3> | |
  | | <R.4> |  | <R.1> | |          | | <R.4> |  | <R.2> | |
  | +-------+  +-------+ |          | +-------+  +-------+ |
  +----------------------+          +----------------------+

If {fifo, false} is set it means that order will be last-input-first-output. borrow operation makes active resource <R.3> (last input).

  +-Pool-----------{1,2}-+          +-Pool-----------{2,1}-+
  |                      |          |                      |
  | Active--+  Idle----+ |          | Active--+  Idle----+ |
  | |       |  | <R.3> | |          | |       |  |       | |
  | |       |  | <R.2> | |    =>    | | <R.3> |  | <R.2> | |
  | | <R.4> |  | <R.1> | |          | | <R.4> |  | <R.1> | |
  | +-------+  +-------+ |          | +-------+  +-------+ |
  +----------------------+          +----------------------+

Default value for fifo is false.


max_wait option defines the maximum amount of time to wait when the borrow function is invoked, the pool is exhausted and when_exhausted_action equals block.

max_idle_time option defines non terminated period of time an resource instance may sit idle in the pool, with the extra condition that at least min_idle amount of object remain in the pool. No resources will be evicted from the pool due to maximum idle time limit if max_idle_time equals infinity.

Maintenance of pool instance


Lets look more closely at resource pool instantiation. pool_name is atom and multiple processes can use the registered name to access the resource pool. resource_factory is module name that is responsible for creating and maintenance of a resources. resource_metadata is an object that contains information for instantiation of an resource. The object is passed as parameter to each function of resource_factory to help maintain an resources.

  {ok, Pid} = resource_pool:new(pool_name, resource_factory, resource_metadata)


The function sweep up (destroy) all resources from pool.

  ok = resource_pool:clear(pool_name)


The function terminates pool process and destroys all resources from pool.

  ok = resource_pool:close(pool_name)

get_num_active, get_num_idle, get_number

The functions return number of resources in Active, Idle containers and total number of resources.

Resource factory

Before we do not go in details of an resources managed by pool. We was thinking about its as abstract resource without any features and properties. It is not true in reality. Real resources (as connections, sockets, channels and so on) are living in pool are composed objects with number of properties and they have an life cycle: we have to create them, test, use and dispose them. Resource factory separate pool functionality from managed resources functionality and allows to easy customize pool for different types of resources.

resource_factory module defines behavior of generic resource factory. We have to implement this behavior while designing of resource factory module for given resource. The module has to consist following functions:

The function creates new instance of the resource. In Erlang word this is a new process in most cases. `Resource_metadata` is a data structure that describes an resource. `Resource_metadata` came to the pool from `new` operation and it has to be enough to create and manage the resource. Structure and contain of the `Resource_metadata` is custom and it is used only by `resource_factory` but is kept as a pool state.
`destroy(Resource_metadata::term(), Resource::pid())`
The function destroys the resource represented by `Resource` as a `pid`.
`validate(Resource_metadata::term(), Resource::pid())`
The function check an `Resource` and returns true if the resource is valid.
`activate(Resource_metadata::term(), Resource::pid())`
The function is callback that is fired when pool are moving `Resource` from passive state to active (from idle list to active list).
`passivate(Resource_metadata::term(), Resource::pid())`
The function is callback that is fired when pool are moving `Resource` from active state to passive (from active list to idle list).


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