This project aims at providing an efficient multi-threaded implementation of the QuickSort algorithm on multi-core machines. This document contains my attempts to evaluate the performance of an implementation of such code.
This directory comprises the parallel implementation and a standard Makefile to compile it.
This is where raw experimental data should go. Each directory entry comprises a set of experiments and the directory name is based on the machine name and on the date. For example:
echo mkdir data/`hostname`_`date +%F`
mkdir data/sama_2014-10-13
A simple makefile with various compilation options is provided in the src/ directory. Compilation is thus done by running the following command:
make -C src/
make: Entering directory '/home/alegrand/Work/Documents/Enseignements/M2R_Eval_Perf_13/M2R-ParallelQuicksort/src' cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -Wcast-align -Waggregate-return -Wmissing-prototypes -Wmissing-declarations -Wstrict-prototypes -Wmissing-prototypes -Wmissing-declarations -Wmissing-noreturn -Wpointer-arith -Wwrite-strings -finline-functions -O0 -pthread -lrt -std=c99 -c -o parallelQuicksort.o parallelQuicksort.c cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -Wcast-align -Waggregate-return -Wmissing-prototypes -Wmissing-declarations -Wstrict-prototypes -Wmissing-prototypes -Wmissing-declarations -Wmissing-noreturn -Wpointer-arith -Wwrite-strings -finline-functions -O0 -pthread -lrt -std=c99 parallelQuicksort.o -o parallelQuicksort make: Leaving directory '/home/alegrand/Work/Documents/Enseignements/M2R_Eval_Perf_13/M2R-ParallelQuicksort/src'
The code is quite simple at the moment and can be run in the following way:
./src/parallelQuicksort [1000000]
When run, the code executes initializes an array of the size given in argument (1000000 by default) with random integer values and sorts it using:
- a custom sequential implementation;
- a custom parallel implementation;
- the libc qsort function.
Times are reported in seconds.
- I obtained an initial implementation from According to the header, the original author is Joshua Stough from Washington and Lee University. I hope he will not mind that I reuse this piece of code for educational purposes.
- Here is a typical first execution on my laptop (an Intel(R) Core(TM)
i7 running a Debian with Linux 3.14.15):
Sequential quicksort took: 0.231571 sec. at loc 506315, 5.068226e-01 < 5.068269e-01 Oops, lyst did not get sorted by parallelQuicksort. Parallel quicksort took: 0.161259 sec. Built-in qsort took: 0.241568 sec.
Sweet, in my first attempt, it looks like this parallel version is indeed running faster than then sequential one. I have to say this warning message is stressing me a bit though.
- On smaller instances, the code would segfault. So I reindented the
code and thanks to valgrind and gdb, I could find what was wrong. I
also renamed the file so that compiling is more convenient. This
fixed the previous warning message so now everything seems fine:
Sequential quicksort took: 0.239347 sec. Parallel quicksort took: 0.176365 sec. Built-in quicksort took: 0.244716 sec.
Let’s try to see how the three algorithms behave when changing the array size. Since one measurement is not enough, I run the code 5 times in a row.
OUTPUT_DIRECTORY=data/`hostname`_`date +%F`
OUTPUT_FILE=$OUTPUT_DIRECTORY/measurements_`date +%R`.txt
for i in 100 1000 10000 100000 1000000; do
for rep in `seq 1 5`; do
echo "Size: $i" >> $OUTPUT_FILE;
./src/parallelQuicksort $i >> $OUTPUT_FILE;
done ;
I obtained the following output.
Here is a simple script to parse the results:
use strict;
print "Size, Type, Time\n" ;
while($line=<>) {
chomp $line;
if($line =~/^Size: ([\d\.]*)$/) {
$size = $1;
if($line =~/^(.*) quicksort.*: ([\d\.]*) sec.$/) {
print "$size, \"$1\", $2\n" ;
I can then simply parse my data with the following command:
perl scripts/ < data/sama_2014-10-13/measurements_03\:47.txt > data/sama_2014-10-13/measurements_03\:47.csv
df <- read.csv("data/sama_2014-10-13/measurements_03:47.csv",header=T)
Well, this is not particularly nice and some may not know/like R.
So let’s try to parse in an other way and use gnuplot:
use strict;
print "Size, Seq, Par, Libc\n" ;
while($line=<>) {
chomp $line;
if($line =~/^Size: ([\d\.]*)$/) {
$size = $1;
if($line =~/^Sequential quicksort.*: ([\d\.]*) sec.$/) {
$seq=$1; next;
if($line =~/^Parallel quicksort.*: ([\d\.]*) sec.$/) {
$par=$1; next;
if($line =~/^Built-in quicksort.*: ([\d\.]*) sec.$/) {
print "$size, $seq, $pqr, $libc\n";
perl scripts/ < "$FILENAME.txt" > "${FILENAME}_wide.csv"
echo "
set terminal png size 600,400
set output '${FILENAME}_wide.png'
set datafile separator ','
set key autotitle columnhead
plot '${FILENAME}_wide.csv' using 1:2 with linespoints, '' using 1:3 with linespoints, '' using 1:4 with linespoints
" | gnuplot
echo [[file:${FILENAME}_wide.png]]
Well, I’m not sure it is nicer but I have lines. A first crude analysis seems to reveal the the parallel version is worth it for arrays larger than 400000.