When writing shell scripts that need to run portably across multiple hosts and platforms, it's useful to know what external commands are required. This utility does exactly that.
$ shreq ./testdata/*.sh
testdata/001.sh:3:20: unsupported external command: parallel
testdata/002.sh:3:1: unsupported external command: parallel
testdata/002.sh:5:3: unsupported external command: mc
$ shreq -c parallel,mc testdata/*
Usage: shreq <script> ...
This utility verifies all commands used by a shell script against an allow list:
. : [ admin alias ar asa at awk basename bash batch bc bg bind break
builtin c99 cal case cat cd cflow chgrp chmod chown cksum cmp comm
command compgen complete compress continue cp crontab csplit ctags cut
cxref date dd declare delta df diff dirname dirs disown du echo ed
enable env eval ex exec exit expand export expr false fc fg file find
fold fort77 fuser gencat get getconf getopts grep hash head help
history iconv id if ipcrm ipcs jobs join kill let lex link ln local
locale localedef logger logname logout lp ls m4 mailx make man mesg
mkdir mkfifo more mv newgrp nice nl nm nohup od paste patch pathchk
pax popd pr printf prs ps pushd pwd qalter qdel qhold qmove qmsg
qrerun qrls qselect qsig qstat qsub read readonly renice return rm
rmdel rmdir sact sccs sed set sh shift shopt sleep sort source split
strings strip stty suspend tabs tail talk tee test time times touch
tput tr trap true tsort tty type typeset ulimit umask unalias uname
uncompress unexpand unget uniq unlink unset until uucp uudecode
uuencode uustat uux val vi wait wc what while who write xargs yacc
<script> ... Shell scripts to validate.
-h, --help Show context-sensitive help.
-a, --allow=none,... Enable optional features (none,relative,var-relative).
-c, --cmds=CMD,... Extra commands to allow.