A 2D-based Android offline game with a witch cat theme that tries to regain its lost strength so that it can defeat dogs that make witch cats lose their power. To restore strength, the cat witch collects sword items until the sword bar is full. Of course the dog will obstruct the witch cat by attacking the cat in gathering its strength. Witch cats will be prevented from drop items and dogs that will attack which makes the HP bar run out.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
- Unity 2019.2.17f1
Download the game from link bellow https://github.com/albirrkarim/hexenkatze/blob/master/Hexenkatze.apk
Then click that files, and follow the install instruction
- Unity - Tools for make game
- Visual Studio - Code editor for edit
You can send a pull request to run on your local machine for testing. for changes in the game can contact us to discuss what will be changed
- Albirr Karim - Programmer - albirrkarim
- Yumnanda - Programmer - yumnanda
- Lyongki - Designer - lyongki
- Imam Septian - Designer - imamseptian
- Aldo Doohan - Artist - meowjestic
- Ahmad Faisal - Artist - AhmadFaisal22
This project aims to complete the final exam in lectures. We hope this project can be useful.
This project is under MIT License