To get the project running on the QT editor on the EmbSw ubuntu VM please read the following instructions.
For QT to run Cmake, it must know its installation. To ensure this go to Tools -> Options -> Kits -> Cmake. It should look like this
Now we want to make an new kit because compilation fails with QT's own kit. Go to tab Kits -> Add put in the following configurations:
To import project, go to File->Open File or Project and select the CMakeLits.txt file in the repository. In the following window select the newly created Kit as Kit for the Project.
Since the Editor doesnn't add new files automatically to the CMakeList you must do it manually. If you add a .cpp or .ui file in the src add the file to the "add_executable" list. If the File is part of th backend, add its path to add_library after Static. The corresponding headerfile of a cpp file mustn't be added.
add_library(matrix STATIC src/Backend/Matrix.cpp)
add_executable(spicy src/SpicyPP.cpp
Adding foo.cpp/h in src, and bar.cpp/h in src/backend:
add_library(matrix STATIC src/Backend/Matrix.cpp
add_executable(spicy src/SpicyPP.cpp
To enable debug. Add the following value to the marked place: