Port of Etsy's statsd (https://github.com/etsy/statsd), written in Go (originally based on amir/gographite).
- Timing (with optional percentiles)
- Counters (positive and negative with optional sampling)
- Gauges (including relative operations)
- Sets
go get github.com/bitly/statsdaemon
Usage of ./statsdaemon:
-address=":8125": UDP service address
-debug=false: print statistics sent to graphite
-flush-interval=10: Flush interval (seconds)
-graphite="": Graphite service address (or - to disable)
-percent-threshold=[]: percentile calculation for timers (0-100, may be given multiple times)
-persist-count-keys=60: number of flush-intervals to persist count keys
-prefix="": Prefix for all stats
-receive-counter="": Metric name for total metrics received per interval
-version=false: print version string
- make gauges support floats
- allow multiple cores to work on reading from UDP + processing the values