Deploy AKS LTS Prow #238
2 errors and 2 warnings
Deploy Prow cluster Bicep
WARNING: /home/runner/work/test-infra/test-infra/config/prow/cluster/prow-cluster.bicep(10,14) : Warning BCP081: Resource type "Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters@2024-06-01" does not have types available. Bicep is unable to validate resource properties prior to deployment, but this will not block the resource from being deployed. []
/home/runner/work/test-infra/test-infra/config/prow/cluster/prow-cluster.bicep(151,9) : Warning use-parent-property: Resource "prowlogsContainer" has its name formatted as a child of resource "sa". The syntax can be simplified by using the parent property. []
/home/runner/work/test-infra/test-infra/config/prow/cluster/prow-cluster.bicep(155,9) : Warning use-parent-property: Resource "statusRecocilerContainer" has its name formatted as a child of resource "sa". The syntax can be simplified by using the parent property. []
/home/runner/work/test-infra/test-infra/config/prow/cluster/prow-cluster.bicep(159,9) : Warning use-parent-property: Resource "tideContainer" has its name formatted as a child of resource "sa". The syntax can be simplified by using the parent property. []
Deploy CAPZ Bicep
WARNING: /home/runner/work/test-infra/test-infra/config/capz/capz.bicep(3,23) : Warning secure-parameter-default: Secure parameters should not have hardcoded defaults (except for empty or newGuid()). []
/home/runner/work/test-infra/test-infra/config/capz/capz.bicep(55,9) : Warning BCP334: The provided value can have a length as small as 2 and may be too short to assign to a target with a configured minimum length of 5. []
/home/runner/work/test-infra/test-infra/config/capz/capz.bicep(112,9) : Warning BCP334: The provided value can have a length as small as 3 and may be too short to assign to a target with a configured minimum length of 5. []
/home/runner/work/test-infra/test-infra/config/capz/capz.bicep(129,9) : Warning BCP334: The provided value can have a length as small as 2 and may be too short to assign to a target with a configured minimum length of 3. []
Deploy Prow cluster Bicep
WARNING: /home/runner/work/test-infra/test-infra/config/prow/cluster/prow-cluster.bicep(10,14) : Warning BCP081: Resource type "Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters@2024-06-01" does not have types available. Bicep is unable to validate resource properties prior to deployment, but this will not block the resource from being deployed. []
/home/runner/work/test-infra/test-infra/config/prow/cluster/prow-cluster.bicep(151,9) : Warning use-parent-property: Resource "prowlogsContainer" has its name formatted as a child of resource "sa". The syntax can be simplified by using the parent property. []
/home/runner/work/test-infra/test-infra/config/prow/cluster/prow-cluster.bicep(155,9) : Warning use-parent-property: Resource "statusRecocilerContainer" has its name formatted as a child of resource "sa". The syntax can be simplified by using the parent property. []
/home/runner/work/test-infra/test-infra/config/prow/cluster/prow-cluster.bicep(159,9) : Warning use-parent-property: Resource "tideContainer" has its name formatted as a child of resource "sa". The syntax can be simplified by using the parent property. []
Deploy CAPZ Bicep
WARNING: /home/runner/work/test-infra/test-infra/config/capz/capz.bicep(3,23) : Warning secure-parameter-default: Secure parameters should not have hardcoded defaults (except for empty or newGuid()). []
/home/runner/work/test-infra/test-infra/config/capz/capz.bicep(55,9) : Warning BCP334: The provided value can have a length as small as 2 and may be too short to assign to a target with a configured minimum length of 5. []
/home/runner/work/test-infra/test-infra/config/capz/capz.bicep(112,9) : Warning BCP334: The provided value can have a length as small as 3 and may be too short to assign to a target with a configured minimum length of 5. []
/home/runner/work/test-infra/test-infra/config/capz/capz.bicep(129,9) : Warning BCP334: The provided value can have a length as small as 2 and may be too short to assign to a target with a configured minimum length of 3. []