Data and R code for: "Mitigating ecosystem service tradeoffs in rangelands by using grazing duration and timing to manage water quality" by Hulvey, KB, CD Mellon and AR Kleinhesselink. Journal of Applied Ecology.
- R code to reproduce the analysis is in riparian_grazing_analysis.Rmd
- Data used in the analysis is in an excel spreadsheet data/ecoli_data.xlsx
- Statistical output, data and code for the Shiny interactive figures are found in the Grazing-Windows/ folder
This is an Rstudio project. Please open the riparian_grazing.Rproj file in Rstudio. Then run the code found in riparian_grazing_analysis.Rmd script. This script fits all models and generates all figures used in the publication. The script also saves models and data for use by the Shiny interactive figure. This is an R markdown document which can be knitted to a PDF or HTML file.
10 columns by 361 rows.
Column descriptions:
- "treatment", character. Cattle rotation Treatment labels for each stream.
- "stream", character. Abbreviated stream names.
- "pasture", character. Abbreviated pasture names.
- "ecoli_MPN", numeric (MPN 100 ml-1). Observed concentrations of E. coli in units of most probable number (MPN) of colony forming units per 100 ml of water. See text for methods.
- "grazing_start", date (month/day/year). Date when cattle were moved on to pasture according to rotation scheme.
- "grazing_end", date (month/day/year). Date when cattle were moved off of the pasture according to rotation scheme.
- "trailing_start", date (month/day/year). Start date for cattle temporarily occupying pasture while moving through the area.
- "trailing end", date (month/day/year). End date for cattle temporarily occupying pasture while moving through the area.
- "sample_date" date (month/day/year). Date for E. coli water sample collection.
- "cattle_present" binary (0/1). Indicates whether cattle were present in the pasture, either during the grazing period or directly observed.
This directory contains data and R code required to create and deploy the R Shiny interactive figures at
- OS: x86_64-apple-darwin17.0
- R version 4.0.4 (2021-02-15) "Lost Library Book"
- tidyverse
- scales
- gamm4
- emmeans
- lubridate
- cowplot
- pbkrtest
- stargazer
- ggrepel
- shinyr
Andrew R. Kleinhesselink and Kris B. Hulvey