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Creating ReClass plugins

dude719 edited this page Nov 18, 2016 · 32 revisions

ReClass Plugins

ReClass now offers you the ability to create new plugins! Thanks to Timboy67678 for finishing what was started a couple years ago.

With plugins you can override memory operations such as reading memory, and writing memory. You can also override handle operations such as OpenProcess and OpenThread. The plugin API exposes the ReClass main window, the ribbon bar interface, and the debug console, so can also add your own custom buttons, classes, and types if you want.

ReClass Plugin API header

Here is a quick rundown of the plugin API and it's callbacks and structures.


Plugin info structure to be filled in during initialization which is passed back to ReClass to display in the plugins dialog

typedef struct _RECLASS_PLUGIN_INFO
    wchar_t Name[256];       //< Name of the plugin
    wchar_t Version[256];    //< Plugin version
    wchar_t About[2048];     //< Small snippet about the plugin 
    int DialogID;            //< Identifier for the settings dialog


Plugin initialization callback to fill in the RECLASS_PLUGIN_INFO struct, and initialize any other plugin resources.



Callback for when the plugin state is changed (enabled or disabled). Plugins disabled and enabled state are dependent on the implementation inside the plugin. All we do is send a state change to plugins for them to disable or enable their functionality.

VOID PLUGIN_CC PluginStateChange( BOOL state );

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