This project provides the backend web server or a basic networking contact list managment application. The repository for the frontend can be found through the link provided below.
- Frontend Repository Test scripts can be found in the project scripts folder.
- Test Scripts
- Backend Server hosted on Heroku
- Get application frontend Started
- As a user you must register for an account. Once an account is created you login and can display, create, edit, and delete contacts.
- Styling - The Boostrap NAV bar and basic styling were used.
- HTML - A table is used to display the list of contacts.
- JavaScript - Events from the table, butons, and the navigation bar drive the application
- Handlebars - The contact table and entry form were done with html in handlebar tamplates.
- Ruby on Rails - The backend server was developed with Ruby's Rails framework. Ajax used on the frontend to make requests of the Rails server.
- ERD for backend DB
- The Development Process
- The development process started with some rough wireframes, some user
stories, and a quick planning outline. I divided development into feature
groups and created a branch in Git for each group. The branches for this
repository (backend) were as follows:
- backend - setup initial repository state using template from GA.
- testScripts - write scripts to provide tests for initial get and created operations.
- addUserReference - Add reference, 1-to-Many from user to contacts.
- updateDoument - Update project readme file.
- addLog - add support for communication logs
- Problem-Solving Strategy
- Testing and debugging of the web werver was through curl scripts and frontend api calls.
- Future Enhancements
- Future enhancements may include the managment of job applications, resume version control, email tracking, and other career managment functionality.