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Custos Deployment on Cluster

Nirav Raje edited this page May 6, 2022 · 1 revision

Deploy Custos following below steps:-

  1. Login into master instance:-
//on home
mkdir custos
mkdir custos/artifacts
chmod 777 -R custos

Label all the nodes:-

kubectl get nodes

// for each node_name
kubectl label nodes node_name custosServiceWorker="enabled"
  1. On master Instance:-
kubectl delete all --all -n ingress-nginx

kubectl apply -f

Check port number of Vault and keycloak(SSL port):-

kubectl get svc -n ingress-nginx
  1. On local machine/VM, clone
git clone
cd airavata-custos
  1. Perform below changes on it
  • in the root pom.xml:-





  • In custos-core-services/utility-services/custos-configuration-service/pom.xml
  • In custos-core-services/utility-services/custos-configuration-service/src/main/resources/*-dev-properties
Change iam.server.url=https://{host}:{port_grabbed_above}/auth/

Same in custos-core-services/utility-services/custos-configuration-service/src/main/resources/*-staging-properties

  • Comment from line 225 to 249 in custos-integration-services/tenant-management-service-parent/tenant-management-service/src/main/java/org/apache/custos/tenant/management/tasks/
  1. Again from local machine, from root of airavata-custos repo:-
docker login

mvn clean install -P container

mvn dockerfile:push -P container

mvn antrun:run -P scp-to-remote
  1. On Master instance:-
helm install cluster-management-core-service /home/ssh_user/custos/artifacts/cluster-management-core-service-1.1-SNAPSHOT.tgz -n keycloak
  1. Now deploy helm install iam-admin-core and identity-core-service again setting profile as staging

  2. Login to vault and create new engines - secret and resourcesecret:- image

  3. Perform a post request to register a tenant:-

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "scope":"openid profile email org.cilogon.userinfo",
    "comment":"Custos super tenant for production"

It will output:-

    "client_id": "------------------",
    "client_secret": "-----------------",
    "is_activated": false,
    "client_id_issued_at": 1651722042000,
    "client_secret_expires_at": 0,
    "registration_client_uri": "",
    "token_endpoint_auth_method": "client_secret_basic",
    "msg": "Use Base64 encoded clientId:clientSecret as auth token for authorization, Credentials are activated after admin approval"
  1. Login to vault, service, edit the provided secret and change supertenant to true

  2. Perform post request to activate tenant:-

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{

It will output:-

    "tenant_id": "10000000",
    "status": "ACTIVE"
  1. Here all the pods in ready status:- image

  2. A sample request performed on the setup custos:-


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