MindForge is a Python library designed to provide sophisticated memory management capabilities for AI agents and models. It combines vector-based similarity search, concept graphs, and multi-level memory structures (short-term, long-term, user-specific, session-specific, and agent-specific) to enable more context-aware and adaptive AI responses.
- Multi-Level Memory: Organizes memories into different levels, including:
- Short-Term Memory: For recent interactions.
- Long-Term Memory: For persistent knowledge.
- User-Specific Memory: Tailored to individual users.
- Session-Specific Memory: Contextual information for a single session.
- Agent-Specific Memory: Knowledge and adaptability specific to the AI agent.
- Vector-Based Similarity Search: Uses
(and optionally FAISS) for fast and efficient retrieval of memories based on semantic similarity. - Concept Graph: Builds and maintains a graph of relationships between concepts, enabling spreading activation for enhanced retrieval.
- Semantic Clustering: Groups memories based on their embeddings, improving retrieval efficiency and identifying related concepts.
- Flexible Storage: Provides
for persistent storage, with options for optimizing performance. - Model Agnostic: Supports OpenAI, Azure OpenAI, and Ollama models for chat and embedding generation, with an easily extensible interface for adding other models.
- Built-in Utilities: Includes tools for logging, monitoring, vector optimization, profiling, and input validation.
- Configurable: Uses dataclasses for easy configuration of memory, vector, model, and storage parameters.
pip install mindforge
Or install from source:
git clone https://github.com/yourusername/mindforge.git
cd mindforge
pip install -e .
openai (for OpenAI models)
azure-openai (for Azure OpenAI models)
requests (for Ollama models)
sqlite-vec (for vector search)
faiss-cpu (for FAISS-based MemoryStore)
scikit-learn (for clustering and vector optimization)
scipy (for vector optimization)
pip install openai azure-openai requests sqlite-vec faiss-cpu scikit-learn scipy
from mindforge import MemoryManager
from mindforge.models.chat import OpenAIChatModel
from mindforge.models.embedding import OpenAIEmbeddingModel
# Initialize models
chat_model = OpenAIChatModel(api_key="your-openai-key")
embedding_model = OpenAIEmbeddingModel(api_key="your-openai-key")
# Create memory manager
manager = MemoryManager(
# Process a query
response = manager.process_input(
query="What is machine learning?",
import os
from mindforge import MemoryManager
from mindforge.models.chat import OpenAIChatModel
from mindforge.models.embedding import OpenAIEmbeddingModel
from mindforge.config import AppConfig
# --- Example 1: Using OpenAI Models (requires OPENAI_API_KEY) ---
# Set your OpenAI API key as an environment variable
os.environ["OPENAI_API_KEY"] = "your_openai_api_key"
# Initialize the configuration (using default settings)
config = AppConfig()
# Initialize the chat and embedding models
chat_model = OpenAIChatModel(api_key=config.model.chat_api_key)
embedding_model = OpenAIEmbeddingModel(api_key=config.model.embedding_api_key)
# Initialize the MemoryManager
manager = MemoryManager(
chat_model=chat_model, embedding_model=embedding_model, config=config
# Process a query
response = manager.process_input(query="What is the capital of France?")
print(f"Response: {response}")
# --- Example 2: Using Azure OpenAI Models ---
# Set your Azure OpenAI API key and endpoint as environment variables (or in config)
# os.environ["AZURE_OPENAI_API_KEY"] = "your_azure_openai_api_key"
# os.environ["AZURE_OPENAI_ENDPOINT"] = "your_azure_openai_endpoint"
config = AppConfig()
config.model.use_model = "azure"
config.model.chat_api_key = "your_azure_openai_api_key" # Replace with your key
config.model.embedding_api_key = "your_azure_openai_api_key" # Replace with your key
config.model.azure_endpoint = "your_azure_openai_endpoint" # Replace with endpoint
config.model.azure_api_version = "2024-02-15-preview"
config.model.chat_model_name = "your-chat-deployment-name" # Replace
config.model.embedding_model_name = "your-embedding-deployment-name" # Replace
# Initialize Azure models (assuming you've set the environment variables)
from mindforge.models.chat import AzureChatModel
from mindforge.models.embedding import AzureEmbeddingModel
chat_model = AzureChatModel(
embedding_model = AzureEmbeddingModel(
manager = MemoryManager(
chat_model=chat_model, embedding_model=embedding_model, config=config
response = manager.process_input(query="What is machine learning?")
print(f"Response: {response}")
# --- Example 3: Using Ollama Models ---
config = AppConfig()
config.model.use_model = "ollama"
config.model.chat_model_name = "llama2" # Or your preferred Ollama model
config.model.embedding_model_name = "llama2"
config.model.ollama_base_url = "http://localhost:11434" # Default Ollama URL
from mindforge.models.chat import OllamaChatModel
from mindforge.models.embedding import OllamaEmbeddingModel
chat_model = OllamaChatModel(
model_name=config.model.chat_model_name, base_url=config.model.ollama_base_url
embedding_model = OllamaEmbeddingModel(
manager = MemoryManager(
chat_model=chat_model, embedding_model=embedding_model, config=config
response = manager.process_input(query="Explain quantum physics.")
print(f"Response: {response}")
# --- Example 4: Using MemoryStore (FAISS) ---
from mindforge.core.memory_store import MemoryStore
import numpy as np
# Initialize the MemoryStore
memory_store = MemoryStore(dimension=1536) # Match your embedding dimension
# Add some interactions
interaction1 = {
"id": "1",
"embedding": np.random.rand(1536),
"text": "This is the first interaction.",
"concepts": ["interaction", "first"],
"timestamp": 1678886400.0
interaction2 = {
"id": "2",
"embedding": np.random.rand(1536),
"text": "This is the second interaction, about cats.",
"concepts": ["interaction", "second", "cats"],
"timestamp": 1678886460.0
memory_store.add_interaction(interaction2, memory_level="user") # Add to user memory
# Retrieve relevant interactions
query_embedding = np.random.rand(1536)
query_concepts = ["interaction"]
retrieved = memory_store.retrieve(query_embedding, query_concepts, memory_level="user") # Retrieve from user memory
print(f"Retrieved interactions: {retrieved}")
The MemoryManager is the central class for processing user input and managing memories.
manager = MemoryManager(chat_model, embedding_model, config)
response = manager.process_input(
query="What is the meaning of life?",
user_id="user123", # Optional: Associate with a specific user
session_id="session456", # Optional: Associate with a specific session
memory_type="short_term" # Optional: Specify memory type (short_term, long_term, user, session, agent)
Generates an embedding of the query using the embedding_model. Extracts key concepts from the query using the chat_model. Retrieves relevant memories from the storage (using SQLiteEngine or SQLiteVecEngine). You can filter by memory_type, user_id, and session_id. Builds a context dictionary from the retrieved memories. Generates a response using the chat_model, passing the context and query. Stores the interaction (query, response, embedding, concepts) in the storage. Updates the concept graph and semantic clusters.
The MemoryStore class provides a more direct way to interact with the memory storage, using FAISS for vector indexing.
from mindforge.core.memory_store import MemoryStore import numpy as np
memory_store = MemoryStore(dimension=1536)
interaction1 = {"id": "1", "embedding": np.random.rand(1536), "text": "...", "concepts": ["..."]} interaction2 = {"id": "2", "embedding": np.random.rand(1536), "text": "...", "concepts": ["..."]} memory_store.add_interaction(interaction1) memory_store.add_interaction(interaction2, memory_level="user") # Add to user-specific memory
query_embedding = np.random.rand(1536) query_concepts = ["concept1", "concept2"] results = memory_store.retrieve(query_embedding, query_concepts, memory_level="user", similarity_threshold=0.8) print(results)
These classes provide persistent storage for memories, using SQLite and sqlite-vec for vector search. SQLiteEngine offers more features (user, session, agent memories, concept graph updates), while SQLiteVecEngine is optimized for vector search performance. You typically interact with them through the MemoryManager. However, you can use them directly:
from mindforge.storage.sqlite_engine import SQLiteEngine import numpy as np
engine = SQLiteEngine(db_path="my_memories.db", embedding_dim=1536)
memory_data = { "id": "unique_id", "prompt": "What is the capital of Australia?", "response": "Canberra", "embedding": np.random.rand(1536).tolist(), # Store as list "concepts": ["capital", "Australia"], } engine.store_memory(memory_data, memory_type="long_term", user_id="user42")
query_embedding = np.random.rand(1536) memories = engine.retrieve_memories( query_embedding, concepts=["capital"], memory_type="long_term", user_id="user42" ) print(memories)
Configuration MindForge uses dataclasses for configuration:
from mindforge.config import AppConfig, MemoryConfig, ModelConfig
config = AppConfig()
config.memory.similarity_threshold = 0.8 config.model.chat_model_name = "gpt-3.5-turbo" config.storage.db_path = "custom_database.db"
custom_memory_config = MemoryConfig(short_term_limit=500, decay_rate=0.05) custom_model_config = ModelConfig(chat_model_name="llama2", use_model="ollama") custom_config = AppConfig(memory=custom_memory_config, model=custom_model_config)
from mindforge.utils.logging import LogManager
log_manager = LogManager(log_dir="my_logs", log_level="DEBUG") logger = log_manager.get_logger("my_module")
logger.info("This is an informational message.") logger.debug("This is a debug message.") logger.error("This is an error message.")
config = AppConfig(log_level="WARNING")
MindForge defines custom exception classes:
MindForgeError: Base exception.
ConfigurationError: For configuration issues.
ModelError: For errors related to AI models.
StorageError: For storage-related errors.
ValidationError: For input validation errors.
MemoryError: For memory-related errors.
These exceptions are used throughout the library to provide more specific error information.
Concept Graph: The ConceptGraph class manages relationships between concepts. The MemoryManager automatically updates the graph. You can access it directly for more advanced analysis:
from mindforge.utils.graph import ConceptGraph
graph = ConceptGraph(engine) # Pass your storage engine
related_concepts = graph.get_related_concepts("machine_learning")
Clustering: The MemoryClustering class clusters memories based on their embeddings. The MemoryManager periodically updates the clusters. You can use this class to perform clustering manually:
from mindforge.utils.clustering import MemoryClustering
clustering = MemoryClustering(engine)
clustering.cluster_memories(n_clusters=20) # Specify the number of clusters
Vector Optimization: The VectorOptimizer class provides utilities for compressing and quantizing embeddings, which can improve storage efficiency and retrieval speed.
from mindforge.utils.optimization import VectorOptimizer
import numpy as np
embeddings = np.random.rand(100, 1536)
compressed = VectorOptimizer.compress_embeddings(embeddings, target_dim=256)
quantized = VectorOptimizer.quantize_vectors(embeddings, bits=8)
Custom Models: You can easily add support for other chat and embedding models by creating classes that implement the BaseChatModel and BaseEmbeddingModel interfaces.
Profiling: Use the profile decorator to profile specific functions:
from mindforge.utils.profiling import profile
def my_function():
# ... your code ...
Contributions are welcome! Please see the project's GitHub repository for guidelines. This includes bug reports, feature requests, and code contributions.