$coolScienceNodes = $c->MACRO_RelatedNodes("AMPS - Recent Research");
$otherNodes = $c->MACRO_RelatedNodes(NULL);
$imageSlider = $c->MACRO_RelatedImages('image_slider', 'amps_image_slider');
$sc_papers_rows = $c->getCSVRowsMultiValueCell('references', 'rTag', $c->get("MPA_ID"));
<div class="panel-header">
<div class="breadcrumbs">
<a href="/amps">Australia</a> >
<?php if($c->getFeature($c->get("Network_ID"))): ?>
<a href="/amps?featureId=<?=$c->get("Network_ID") ?>"><?=$c->get("Network") ?></a> >
<?php endif; ?>
<?=$c->get("MPA_NAME") ?>
<h2 class="title"><?=$c->get("MPA_NAME") ?> <?=$c->get("park_type") ?></h2>
<div style="background-color: <?=$c->get("showcase_colour") ?>; height: 2em; margin: 2em 0;"></div>
<div class="template-menu">
<?php if ($coolScienceNodes): ?>
<li><a href="#research">Research</a></li>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if ($otherNodes): ?>
<li><a href="#other">Other content</a></li>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if ($imageSlider): ?>
<li><a href="/region_gallery/<?=$c->MACRO_GetRegionId() ?>">Image gallery</a></li>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if ($sc_papers_rows): ?>
<li><a href="#sc-papers">Scientific papers</a></li>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if ($imageSlider): ?>
<div class="preview">
<?=$imageSlider ?>
<div style="text-align: right;"><a href="/region_gallery/<?=$c->MACRO_GetRegionId() ?>">Image gallery</a></div>
<?php endif; ?>
<div class="pagewidth">
<div class="stats">
<?php if ($c->get('menu_ignore') !== "TRUE" && !$c->isNull("Network")): ?>
<span class="title">Network:</span>
<span class="value"><?=$c->get("Network") ?></span>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if (!$c->isNull("Park_Area")): ?>
<span class="title">Marine park area:</span>
<span class="value"><?=$c->formatNumber($c->get("Park_Area")) ?></span>
<span class="unit">kilometres<sup>2</sup></span>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if (!$c->isNull("Description")): ?>
<p><?=$c->get("Description") ?></p>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if ($coolScienceNodes): ?>
<div class="group">
<h2 id="research">Research</h2>
<div class="description-block">These short articles highlight the findings from ongoing scientific research within the <?=$c->get("MPA_NAME") ?> Marine Park, including exciting new discoveries and ideas for future projects.</div>
<div id="research-nodes">
<?=$coolScienceNodes ?>
<div class="button-row">
<button class="collapsible-minheight-button" target="research-nodes" expandLabel="More" collapseLabel="Less">More</button>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if ($otherNodes): ?>
<div class="group">
<h2 id="other">Other content</h2>
<div id="other-nodes">
<?=$otherNodes ?>
<div class="button-row">
<button class="collapsible-minheight-button" target="other-nodes" expandLabel="More" collapseLabel="Less">More</button>
<?php endif; ?>
Harvard referencing
Smith, John (2008). Name of Book. Name of Publisher.
function marineparks_check_plain($str) {
if (!$str) {
return $str;
$safe_str = check_plain($str);
if (!$safe_str) {
return '<b>INVALID ENCODING</b>';
return $safe_str;
<?php if ($sc_papers_rows): ?>
<div class="group">
<h2 id="sc-papers">Scientific papers</h2>
<div class="description-block">The following publications contain information relevant to the <?=$c->get("Network") ?> Network. Click on the links to access to the publications.</div>
<ul id="sc-paper-list">
<?php foreach($sc_papers_rows as $sc_papers_row) {
$url = $c->getReferenceURL($sc_papers_row['DOI']);
$author = $sc_papers_row['Author'];
if (!$author) $author = 'Unknown author';
$year = $sc_papers_row['Year'];
if (!$year) $year = 'N/A';
$title = $sc_papers_row['Title'];
if (!$title) $title = 'Untitled';
$publisher = NULL; //$sc_papers_row['Publisher..IP.owner'];
<?=marineparks_check_plain($author) ?> (<?=marineparks_check_plain($year) ?>).
<?php if ($url) : ?>
<a href="<?=$url ?>" target="_blank">
<?php endif; ?>
<i><?=marineparks_check_plain($title) ?></i>.
<?php if ($url) : ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if ($publisher) : ?>
<?=marineparks_check_plain($publisher) ?>.
<?php endif; ?>
<?php } ?>
<div class="button-row">
<button class="collapsible-minheight-button" target="sc-paper-list" expandLabel="More" collapseLabel="Less">More</button>
<?php endif; ?>
Simple style, that draw feature's polygon using colours defined in the GeoJSON / CSV file.
new ol.style.Style({
'stroke': new ol.style.Stroke({
'color': feature.get('showcase_colour'),
'width': 1
'fill': new ol.style.Fill({
'color': getAlphaColour(feature.get('showcase_colour'), 0.5)
Complex style:
- First part: Define how to draw the label.
- If resolution is > 40000 (zoomed out), do not draw any label.
- If the feature's 'menu_ignore' property is set to 'TRUE', draw a small label in the center of the feature's polygon. The label is offset for the marine park 'Moreton Bay' only.
- Otherwise, draw a large label in the center of the feature's polygon.
- Second part: Define how to draw the polygon.
- Draw the feature's polygon using colours defined in the GeoJSON / CSV file.
resolution > 40000 ? new ol.style.Style() : ( feature.get('menu_ignore') === "TRUE" ?
// Style for non Parks Australia parks.
// De-emphasise them
new ol.style.Style({
'text': new ol.style.Text({
'text': feature.get('MPA_NAME'),
'textAlign': 'center',
'font': resolution > 10000 ? '8px Arial' : '10px Arial',
'stroke': new ol.style.Stroke({'color': getAlphaColour('#ffffff', 0.8), width: 2})
// Find the center of the multi-polygon
'geometry': function(feature) {
var extent = feature.getGeometry().getExtent();
if (extent) {
var mpa = feature.get('MPA_NAME');
var offsetX = 0, offsetY = 0;
// Adjust labels to not clash with basemap
if (mpa == 'Moreton Bay') {
// move away from Brisbane label. When zoomed in have no offset.
offsetX = resolution * 5;
offsetY = resolution * 15;
centre = ol.extent.getCenter(extent);
return new ol.geom.Point([centre[0]+offsetX,centre[1]+offsetY]);
}) :
new ol.style.Style({
'text': new ol.style.Text({
'text': feature.get('MPA_NAME'),
'textAlign': 'center',
'font': resolution > 20000 ? 'bold 13px Arial' : 'bold 16px Arial',
'stroke': new ol.style.Stroke({'color': getAlphaColour('#ffffff', 0.8), width: 2})
// Find the center of the multi-polygon
'geometry': function(feature) {
var extent = feature.getGeometry().getExtent();
if (extent) {
var offsetX = 0, offsetY = 0;
centre = ol.extent.getCenter(extent);
return new ol.geom.Point([centre[0]+offsetX,centre[1]+offsetY]);
new ol.style.Style({
'stroke': new ol.style.Stroke({
'color': feature.get('colour'),
'width': 2,
'fill': new ol.style.Fill({
'color': getAlphaColour(feature.get('colour'), 0.5)