- Exported recipes can now be loaded as addons by putting them in the
folder.- Recipes loaded with addons do not list in the recipe list.
- The following command has been added:
/mineflow addon list
: show list of addons/mineflow addon reload
: reload addons in theplugin_data/Mineflow/addons
folder/mineflow addon load <name>
: load an addonplugin_data/Mineflow/addons/<name>.json
/mineflow addon unload <name>
: unload an addon named<name>
- Custom actions can now be added using addons.
- Recipes can now be temporarily disabled.
- Recipe argument can now specify a variable type.
- Enabling/disabling event triggers now reflects instantly.
- Added new variables
: list of recipe arguments
- Added new variable properties
- Number variable
- floor
- ceil
- round
- abs
- Number variable
- Added new variable methods
- Number variable
- floor()
- ceil()
- round(precision)
- abs()
- pad(length)
- Entity variable
- isVisible
- Number variable
- Added new actions
- Set a player data
- Stores personal player data in the player variable. To get the data from a player variable, you can use
<player variable name>.data.<data name>
variable. Example)target.data.money
- Stores personal player data in the player variable. To get the data from a player variable, you can use
- Set the default value for a player data
- Send a message to jukebox popup field
- Send a message to action bar field
- Make a player visible/invisible
- Transfer a player to another server
- Emote
- Set a player data
- Actions in the
category have been moved to MineflowMoreActions plugin.
Please see changelog for API changes.
Download from poggit