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How to use the Finesse Locust script

This tool simplifies the process of comparing different search engines and assessing their accuracy. It's designed to be straightforward, making it easy to understand and use.


Before using the Finesse Locust script, make sure to set up the necessary configuration. Follow the steps below:

  1. Create a .env file in the root directory of the project if it doesn't already exist.

  2. Copy the contents of the .env.template file and paste them into the .env file.

  3. Replace the placeholder values in the .env file with your actual secrets and configuration settings. In particular, you will need to provide the necessary credentials for the Bing Search API.


Finesse supports caching to improve performance and reduce costs. If you already have a cache directory from a previous usage, you can reuse it by placing it in the finesse directory. If you don't have a cache directory, Finesse will automatically create one for you.

The cache directory is used to store expensive API requests, so they don't need to be repeated unnecessarily. This can significantly speed up subsequent runs of the Finesse Locust script.

Make sure that the cache directory has the appropriate read and write permissions for the user running the script.

How it Works

  • Single command:
    • Users can enter commands with clear instructions to choose a search engine, specify a directory for JSON files and specify the backend URL.
    • Mandatory arguments:
      • --engine [search engine]: Pick a search engine.
        • ai-lab : AI-Lab search engine
        • azure: Azure search engine
        • static: Static search engine
        • llamaindex: LlamaIndex search engine
      • --path [directory path]: Point to the directory with files structured
      • --host [API URL]: Point to the finesse-backend URL with JSON files with the following properties:
        • score: The score of the page.
        • crawl_id: The unique identifier associated with the crawl table.
        • chunk_id: The unique identifier of the chunk.
        • title: The title of the page.
        • url: The URL of the page.
        • text_content: The main textual content of the item.
        • question: The question to ask.
        • answer: The response to the asked question.
    • Optional argument:
      • --format [file type]:
        • csv: Generate a CSV document
        • md: Generate a Markdown document, selected by default
      • --once: Go through all the json files and does not repeat
      • --top: Limit the number of results returned by the search engine
  • Many tests
    • Test all the JSON files in the path directory
  • Accuracy score
    • The tool compares the expected page with the actual Finesse response pages.
    • Calculates an accuracy score for each response based on its position in the list of pages relative to the total number of pages in the list. 100% would correspond of being at the top of the list, and 0% would mean not in the list.
  • Round trip time
    • Measure round trip time of each request
  • Summary statistical value
    • Measure the average, median, standard deviation, minimum and maximal accuracy scores and round trip time


  participant User
  participant finesse-test
  participant finesse-backend
  participant Output
  User->>finesse-test: Enter command
  loop Each json files
      finesse-test->>finesse-backend: POST /search
      finesse-backend-->>finesse-test: Return documents
      finesse-test->>finesse-test: Measure round trip time
      finesse-test->>finesse-test: Caculate accuracy score
  finesse-test->>finesse-test: Calculate statistical summary
  alt md:default
      finesse-test-->>Output: Save data in markdown file
  else csv
      finesse-test-->>Output: Save data in csv file
  finesse-test-->>User: Display results

Example Command for Locust Script

$locust -f finesse/ --engine azure --path finesse/QnA/sorted-2024-02-22/  --host --once
Searching with Azure Search...

File: qna_2023-12-08_36.json
Question: Quelle est la zone réglementée dans la ville de Vancouver à partir du 19 mars 2022?
Expected URL:
Accuracy Score: 50.0%
Time: 277.836ms

File: qna_2023-12-08_19.json
Question: What are the requirements for inspections of fishing vessels?
Expected URL:
Accuracy Score: 0.0%
Time: 677.906ms


Tested on 21 files.
Time statistical summary:
  Mean:429, Median:400, Standard Deviation:150  Maximum:889, Minimum:208
Accuracy statistical summary:
  Mean:0.35, Median:0.0, Standard Deviation:0.25, Maximum:1.0, Minimum:0.0

This example shows how the CLI Output of the tool, analyzing search results from Azure Search and providing an accuracy score for Finesse.


XLSX Converter to JSON 📄

This script converts data from an Excel file (.xlsx) into JSON format. It is used for questions generated created by non-developers. Excel files are easier to read than JSON files.


  1. Input Excel File: Place the Excel file containing the data in the specified input folder (--input-folder). By default, the input folder is set to 'finesse/scripts/input/'.

  2. Output Folder: Specify the folder where the resulting JSON files will be saved using the --output-folder argument. By default, the output folder is set to 'finesse/scripts/output/'.

  3. Input File Name: Provide the name of the input Excel file using the --file-name argument..

  4. Worksheet Name: Specify the name of the worksheet containing the data using the --sheet-name argument. By default, it is set to 'To fill'.

Example Command for XLSX Converter Script

python finesse/scripts/ --input-folder finesse/scripts/input/ --output-folder finesse/scripts/output/ --file-name Finesse_questions_for_testing.xlsx --sheet-name "To fill"

Replace 'example.xlsx' with the actual name of your input Excel file and 'Sheet1' with the name of the worksheet containing the data.


The script generates individual JSON files for each row of data in the specified output folder. Each JSON file contains the following fields:

  • question: The question extracted from the Excel file.
  • answer: The answer extracted from the Excel file.
  • title: The title(s) extracted from specified columns in the Excel file.
  • url: The URL(s) extracted from specified columns in the Excel file.

Upon completion, the script prints "Conversion terminée !" (Conversion completed!) to indicate that the conversion process is finished.