N-PIP (Nannochloropsis - Promoter Interpretable Prediction) : a novel interpretable deep learning framework for promoter identification in Nannochloropsis
- python 3.6
- tensorflow-gpu 1.10.0
- keras 2.2.0
- numpy 1.14.5
- matplotlib 3.2.2
- scikit-learn 0.23.2
- scipy 1.5.4
Scrambler code reference:
Linder, Johannes, et al. "Interpreting neural networks for biological sequences by learning stochastic masks." Nature machine intelligence 4.1 (2022): 41-54.
To start making predictions, you can place your fasta file in the promoter_data folder, noting that all sequences must be 1,000 kb in length.
python run_npip.py strain_name fasta_file save_figs
Command-line arguments:
strain_name can be set to CCMP525, CCMP526, CCMP529, CCMP531, CCMP537, IMET1, determine the trained parameters of which strain to use.
fasta_file can be set to your fasta file name, such as CCMP525.fa.
save_figs can be set to True or False, noting that if the number of samples is large, it may take a long time to save figures.
Output files will be generated in the npip_output folder:
- label.npy (predictive confidence)
- importance_scores.npy
- importance_pwm.npy
- figures (optional)
If you want to repeat the training steps in the paper, or retrain with your own dataset, please follow these steps:
Train the predictor - ADNPPro (this step will run five-fold cross-validation).
python run_adnnpro_5fold.py pos_data_path neg_data_path n_5fold save_name
Command-line arguments:
- pos_data_path can be set to your positive dataset path, such as promoter_data\CCMP525.fa.
- neg_data_path can be set to your negative dataset path, such as promoter_data\randomCCMP525.fa.
- n_5fold determine the repeat number of five-fold cross-validation.
- save_name determine the h5 file name you want to set. Models and validation results will be saved in the adnppro_trained_model folder.
Train the interpreter - Scrambler.
python run_scrambler_train.py pos_data_path load_name save_name
Command-line arguments:
- pos_data_path can be set to your positive dataset path, such as promoter_data\CCMP525.fa. In our work, only positive dataset are used to train the interpreter.
- load_name should be set same to the save_name in the previous step.
- save_name also determine the h5 file name you want to set. Models will be saved in the scrambler_trained_model folder.