Also known as algs4 and Princeton COS 226, Algorithms on Coursera is an introductory course to fundamental data types, algorithms, and data structures.
- Part I focuses on elementary data structures, sorting, and searching. Topics include union−find, binary search, stacks, queues, bags, insertion sort, selection sort, shellsort, quicksort, 3-way quicksort, mergesort, heapsort, binary heaps, binary search trees, red−black trees, separate-chaining and linear-probing hash tables, Graham scan, and kd-trees.
- Percolation - Union-Find (given a porous landscape with water on the surface (or oil below), under what conditions will the water be able to drain through to the bottom)
- Deque and RandomizedQueue - Stack and Queue (double-ended queue and randomized queue where the item to be removed is chosen randomly)
- Collinear Points - Sorting (given a set of n distinct points in the plane, find every (maximal) line segment that connects a subset of 4 or more of the point)
- 8 Puzzle - PriorityQueue (find the shortest path to solve 8puzzle board using A* search algorithm)
- KdTree - SearchTree (use 2d-tree to implement a generalization of a BST to two-dimensional keys for range and nearest neighbor search)
The algs4 booksite is open to everyone and contains a wealth of supplementary information, including synopses of the textbook and Java code that you will be using throughout the course.