An API that allows users to put up different types of properties for sale
Second Capstone BUILD A PRODUCT: ApexHauz
ApexHauz is a platform where people can create and/or search properties for sale or rent
Required features
- User can sign up
- User can sign in
- User can post a property advert
- User can update the details of a property advert
- User can mark his/her posted advert as sold
- User can delete his/her property advert
- User can view all property adverts
- User can view all properties of a specific type - 2 9. bedrooms, 3 bedrooms, mini flat etc
- User can view a specific property advert
Optional features
- User can reset password
- User can report a posted advert as fraudulent
- User can add multiple pictures to a posted advert
Preparation Guidelines
These are the steps you ought to take to get ready to start building the project
- Create a GitHub Repository, add a file, and clone it to your computer. find how to create a GitHub Repo here
Challenge: Create API endpoints
You are expected to create a set of API endpoints defined in the API Endpoints Specification section and use MySQL/MongoDB to store data
NB: You are to create pull request(PR) for each feature in the challenge and then merge it into your main branch
- NodeJS
- ExpressJS
- JWT => Token management
- bcryptjs => Password hash etc.
- Version your API using URL versioning starting with the letter "v". Avoid dot notation as 1.0. An example of this will be:
- Setup the server-side of the application using expressjs
- Use separate branches for each feature
- Use Cloudinary to store your images and only save the URL in your application's database
- On GitHub, create a GitHub project with a basic Kanban board
- On GitHub under GitHub issues, create the following issues and attach them to your created project: user can signup, user can sign in, user can post a property advert, user can update the details of a property advert, user can mark his/her posted advert as sold, user can delete his/her advert, user can view all properties, user can view all properties of a specific type, user can view a specific property
- Under GitHub issues, create issues to capture any other tasks not captured above.
API Response Specification
The API endpoints should respond with the appropriate HTTP response status code and a JSON object with contains either a data property(on success) or an error property(on failure). When present, the data is always an object or an array.
On success
{ "status": "success", "data": {...}}
On Error
{ "status": "error", "error": "error-message"}
Target skills with relevant links
- Project management: Click here to see how to create a GH repository project
- Version control with GIT: Click here to learn how to use git & GitHub
- Cloudinary with Node.js: Click here, and here HTTP & Web services: Click here
"id": Integer,
"email": String,
"first_name": String,
"last_name": String,
"password": String,
"phone": String,
"address": String,
"is_admin": Boolean,
"id": Integer,
"owner": Integer, // user id
"status": String, // sold, available - default is available
"price": Float,
"state": String,
"city": String,
"address": String,
"type": String, // 2 bedrooms, etc
"image_url": String,
"created_on": DateTime,
"id": Integer,
"property_id": Integer,
"created_on": DateTime,
"reason": String,
"description": String,
API Endpoint Specification
POST /auth/register: Create user account
Response spec:
"status": "success",
"data": {
"id": Integer, // id of the newly created user
"first_name": String,
"last_name": String,
"email": String,
POST /auth/login: Login a user
Response Spec:
"status": "success",
"data": {
"token": "token-generated-with-jwt-npm-package",
"id": Integer, // user id
"first_name": String,
"last_name": String,
"email": String,
POST /properties: Create a property advert
Response spec:
"status": "success",
"data": {
"id": Integer,
"status": String,
"type": String,
"state": String,
"city": String,
"address": String,
"price": Float,
"created_on": DateTime,
"image_url": String,
PATCH /properties/<:property-id>: Update property data
Note: Include any field you will like to update in your request object and only update those fields
Response spec:
"status": "success",
"data": {
"id": Integer,
"status": String,
"type": String,
"state": String,
"city": String,
"address": String,
"price": Float,
"created_on": DateTime,
"image_url": String,
PATCH /properties/<:property-id>/sold: Mark a property as sold
Response spec:
"status": "success",
"data": {
"id": Integer,
"status": String,
"type": String,
"state": String,
"city": String,
"address": String,
"price": Float,
"created_on": DateTime,
"image_url": String,
DELETE /properties/<:property-id>: Delete a property advert
Response spec
"status": "success",
"data": {
"id": Integer,
"status": String,
"type": String,
"state": String,
"city": String,
"address": String,
"price": Float,
"created_on": DateTime,
"image_url": String,
GET /properties/<:property-id>: Get a specific property by ID
"status": "success",
"data": {
"id": Integer,
"status": String,
"type": String,
"state": String,
"city": String,
"address": String,
"price": Float,
"created_on": DateTime,
"image_url": String,
GET /properties: Get all properties
Response spec
"status": "success",
"data": [{
"id": Integer,
"status": String,
"type": String,
"state": String,
"city": String,
"address": String,
"price": Float,
"created_on": DateTime,
"image_url": String,
}, {
"id": Integer,
"status": String,
"type": String,
"state": String,
"city": String,
"address": String,
"price": Float,
"created_on": DateTime,
"image_url": String,
GET /properties/search?type=propertyType: Get all properties with a specific type
Response spec
"status": "success",
"data": [
"id": Integer,
"status": String,
"type": String,
"state": String,
"city": String,
"address": String,
"price": Float,
"created_on": DateTime,
"image_url": String,
}, {
"id": Integer,
"status": String,
"type": String,
"state": String,
"city": String,
"address": String,
"price": Float,
"created_on": DateTime,
"image_url": String,