Higher States of Being is an experiment in digital art collectivism inspired by the Higher Collective
The series consists of a number of Volumes, each collecting 50 Issues
We invite anybody to take the prompts, remix them, and launch their own HSOB collections
- HSOBs are arranged by Volumes, each in its own folder
- Each Volume contains 50 Issues in of closely related AI generated Higher ↑ imagery
- Please place all 50 Issues in a /images subfolder
- Metadata is located in a json file, containing information on the curator, artist, and prompt used
- The json should contain the following fields as per Highlight's instructions
metadataId | imageRef | name | curator | artist | prompt | description |
1 | 1.jpg | Higher States of Being - Vol xx #001 |
curatorName |
artistName |
promptUsed |
tokenDescription |
2 | 2.jpg | Higher States of Being - Vol xx #002 |
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