AutoTx can be used with a Biconomy Smart Account.
First, add the private key of the account you want to use as the owner to the .env
file. Use the variable SMART_ACCOUNT_OWNER_PK
Since the private key is stored as plain text, it is recommended to use a test account.
Next, start the smart_account_api
, run: poetry run start-smart-account-api
. This API server will be used to interact with the Biconomy Smart Account.
You can run poetry run stop-smart-account-api
to stop the server.
To start AutoTx, you can now run: poetry run ask "my-prompt-here"
When running for the first time, you will be prompted to send funds to your new Biconomy Smart Account in order to pay for the gas fees.
Using Biconomy smart account: {SMART-ACCOUNT-ADDRESS}
Detected empty account balance.
To use your new smart account, please top it up with some native currency.
After sending the funds, AutoTx will automatically detect the balance and continue with the transaction.