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➲ Composer:

Composer is a tool for handling and managing dependencies in PHP. It allows to declare the libraries for the projects and manages by installing or updating that.

☴ Overview:

  1. Dependency Management
  2. Autoloading
  3. Handling Packages
  4. Basic Usage
  5. Composer Commands and Flags

✦ Dependency Management:

It creates composer.json file for declaring dependencies for the project. Which require libraries with versions. It can download and install the specified dependencies automatically. It handles complex dependency relationships to ensure compatibility between different libraries.

✦ Autoloading:

  • Class Autoloading: Composer generates an autoloader that automatically loads classes as needed, reduces usage for manual require or include statements.

  • PSR-4 Autoloading: Composer can support PSR-4 autoloading standards, which makes project structure and class loading more predictable.

✦ Handling Packages:

  • Package Discovery: Composer can discover packages from different sources including Packagist which is a public repository for PHP packages.

  • Package Updates: Composer can easily update dependencies to their latest versions update command.

  • Custom Packages: Composer can be used for creating custom packages of code and share it with others.

✦ Basic Usage:

  • Install Composer: To install composer, follow the instructions from official site to install.
  • Initiate Composer: Initiate project with composer by using composer init command.
  • Add Libraries: After initiation, mention third party libraries in composer.json or by command.
  • Download Libraries: After updating composer.json, run composer install command to download and install the required dependencies.


	"require": {
		"php": "^8.1"

Example: Add the composer autoload file in the PHP script to load dependencies.

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

✦ Composer Commands and Flags:

  • Core Commands:

    • init: It create a new project and initialize Composer.
       composer init
    • install: It installs all dependencies listed in the composer.json file.
       composer install
    • update: It updates all dependencies to their latest compatible versions.
       composer update
    • require: Adds a new dependency to the composer.json file.
       composer require monolog/monolog
    • remove: Removes a dependency from the composer.json file and deletes it.
       composer remove <package-name>
    • show: Shows information about packages
       composer show
    • create-project: Creates a new project based on a specified package template.
       composer create-project laravel/laravel my-project
  • Additional Commands and Flags:

    • self-update: Updates Composer itself to the latest version available.
    • outdated: Checks for outdated dependencies and packages.
    • --dev: It used with require command which adds and installs a development dependency.
    • --no-dev: It used with require command which adds and installs only production dependency.
    • --no-interaction: Skips interactive prompts for the commands.
    • --prefer-dist: Prefers installing packages from distributions.
    • --prefer-source: Prefers installing packages from source.
    • --optimize-autoloader: Optimizes the autoloader for better performance.
    • --dry-run: Simulates a command without making changes.


Optimizes the autoloader

composer dump-autoload -o

Checks for outdated packages

composer outdated

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