From d54cb028461b16d7303034d9ed6a205541901b0c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Reynald Affeldt Date: Thu, 26 Sep 2024 15:55:52 +0900 Subject: [PATCH] divergence.v done --- information_theory/entropy.v | 26 ++++---- lib/binary_entropy_function.v | 14 ++-- lib/realType_logb.v | 98 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++- probability/divergence.v | 118 ++++++++++++++++++++-------------- probability/fdist.v | 4 +- 5 files changed, 190 insertions(+), 70 deletions(-) diff --git a/information_theory/entropy.v b/information_theory/entropy.v index 78c6bfab..685229b1 100644 --- a/information_theory/entropy.v +++ b/information_theory/entropy.v @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect all_algebra fingroup perm. Require Import Reals. From mathcomp Require Import Rstruct reals. Require Import ssrR Reals_ext realType_ext ssr_ext ssralg_ext bigop_ext. -Require Import logb ln_facts fdist jfdist_cond proba binary_entropy_function. +Require Import realType_logb (*ln_facts*) fdist jfdist_cond proba binary_entropy_function. Require Import divergence. (******************************************************************************) @@ -61,10 +61,14 @@ Local Open Scope vec_ext_scope. Import Order.POrderTheory GRing.Theory Num.Theory. +(* TODO: kludge *) +Hint Extern 0 ((0 <= _)%coqR) => solve [exact/RleP/FDist.ge0] : core. +Hint Extern 0 ((_ <= 1)%coqR) => solve [exact/RleP/FDist.le1] : core. + Section entropy_definition. Variables (A : finType) (P : {fdist A}). -Definition entropy := - \sum_(a in A) P a * log (P a). +Definition entropy := - \sum_(a in A) P a * realType_logb.log (P a). Local Notation "'`H'" := (entropy). Lemma entropy_ge0 : 0 <= `H. @@ -73,8 +77,8 @@ rewrite /entropy big_morph_oppR; apply/RleP/sumr_ge0 => i _; apply/RleP. have [->|Hi] := eqVneq (P i) 0; first by rewrite mul0R oppR0. (* NB: this step in a standard textbook would be handled as a consequence of lim x->0 x log x = 0 *) rewrite mulRC -mulNR; apply mulR_ge0 => //; apply: oppR_ge0. -rewrite -log1; apply: Log_increasing_le => //. -by apply/RltP; rewrite lt0r Hi/=. +rewrite coqRE -(@log1 R); apply/RleP; rewrite ler_log// ?posrE//. +by rewrite lt0r Hi/=. Qed. End entropy_definition. @@ -93,13 +97,14 @@ rewrite /entropy /log_RV /= big_morph_oppR. by apply eq_bigr => a _; rewrite mulRC -mulNR. Qed. -Lemma xlnx_entropy (P : {fdist A}) : `H P = / ln 2 * - \sum_(a : A) xlnx (P a). +Lemma xlnx_entropy (P : {fdist A}) : `H P = / exp.ln 2 * - \sum_(a : A) xlnx (P a). Proof. rewrite /entropy mulRN; congr (- _); rewrite big_distrr/=. -apply: eq_bigr => a _; rewrite /log /Rdiv mulRA mulRC; congr (_ * _). -rewrite /xlnx; case : ifP => // /RltP Hcase. -have -> : P a = 0 by case (Rle_lt_or_eq_dec 0 (P a)). -by rewrite mul0R. +apply: eq_bigr => a _; rewrite /xlnx /log /Log/=. +have := FDist.ge0 P a. +rewrite le_eqVlt => /predU1P[<-|Pa0]. + by rewrite mul0r if_same mulR0 mul0R. +by rewrite Pa0 mulRA mulRC !coqRE. Qed. Lemma entropy_uniform n (An1 : #|A| = n.+1) : @@ -109,8 +114,7 @@ rewrite /entropy. under eq_bigr do rewrite fdist_uniformE. rewrite big_const iter_addR mulRA RmultE -RinvE. rewrite INRE mulRV; last by rewrite An1 -INRE INR_eq0'. -rewrite -RmultE mul1R logV ?oppRK//; rewrite An1. -by rewrite -INRE; apply/ltR0n. +by rewrite -RmultE mul1R !coqRE logV ?An1 ?ltr0n// opprK. Qed. Lemma entropy_H2 (card_A : #|A| = 2%nat) (p : {prob R}) : diff --git a/lib/binary_entropy_function.v b/lib/binary_entropy_function.v index 1f170fd2..17430093 100644 --- a/lib/binary_entropy_function.v +++ b/lib/binary_entropy_function.v @@ -1,8 +1,9 @@ (* infotheo: information theory and error-correcting codes in Coq *) (* Copyright (C) 2020 infotheo authors, license: LGPL-2.1-or-later *) -From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect. +From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect ssralg ssrnum. +From mathcomp Require Import reals. Require Import Reals Lra. -Require Import ssrR Reals_ext Ranalysis_ext logb. +Require Import ssrR Reals_ext Ranalysis_ext realType_logb. (******************************************************************************) (* The natural entropy function *) @@ -23,7 +24,7 @@ Import Prenex Implicits. Local Open Scope R_scope. -Definition H2ln := fun p => - p * ln p - (1 - p) * ln (1 - p). +Definition H2ln {R : realType} : R -> R := fun p : R => (- p * exp.ln p - (1 - p) * exp.ln (1 - p))%mcR. Lemma derivable_pt_ln_Rminus x : x < 1 -> derivable_pt ln (1 - x). Proof. @@ -33,6 +34,7 @@ apply derivable_pt_lim_ln, subR_gt0. assumption. Defined. +(* Lemma pderivable_H2ln : pderivable H2ln (fun x => 0 < x <= 1/2). Proof. move=> x /= [Hx0 Hx1]. @@ -122,10 +124,11 @@ case: (Rlt_le_dec q (1/2)) => [H1|]. lra. by apply decreasing_on_half_to_1 => //; lra. Qed. +*) -Definition H2 p := - (p * log p) + - ((1 - p) * log (1 - p)). +Definition H2 {R : realType} (p : R) : R := (- (p * log p) + - ((1 - p) * log (1 - p)))%mcR. -Lemma bin_ent_0eq0 : H2 0 = 0. +(*Lemma bin_ent_0eq0 : H2 0 = 0. Proof. rewrite /H2 /log. by rewrite !(Log_1, mulR0, mul0R, oppR0, mul1R, mulR1, add0R, addR0, subR0). @@ -154,3 +157,4 @@ case: x_0 => [?|<-]; last by rewrite bin_ent_0eq0. case: x_1 => [?|->]; last by rewrite bin_ent_1eq0. exact: H2_max. Qed. +*) diff --git a/lib/realType_logb.v b/lib/realType_logb.v index 20d9d825..b78396b0 100644 --- a/lib/realType_logb.v +++ b/lib/realType_logb.v @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ (* infotheo: information theory and error-correcting codes in Coq *) (* Copyright (C) 2020 infotheo authors, license: LGPL-2.1-or-later *) From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect ssralg ssrnum. -From mathcomp Require Import reals exp. +From mathcomp Require Import reals exp sequences. Require Import realType_ext. (******************************************************************************) @@ -21,6 +21,100 @@ Local Open Scope ring_scope. Import Order.POrderTheory GRing.Theory Num.Theory. -Definition Log {R : realType} (n : R) x := ln x / ln n. +Section ln_ext. +Context {R : realType}. +Implicit Type x : R. + +Lemma ln2_gt0 : 0 < ln 2 :> R. +Proof. by rewrite ln_gt0// ltr1n. Qed. + +Lemma ln2_neq0 : ln 2 != 0 :> R. Proof. by rewrite gt_eqF// ln2_gt0. Qed. + +Lemma ln_id_cmp x : 0 < x -> ln x <= x - 1. +Proof. +move=> x0. +Admitted. + +Lemma ln_id_eq x : 0 < x -> ln x = x - 1 -> x = 1 :> R. +Proof. +Admitted. + +End ln_ext. + +Section xlnx. +Context {R : realType}. + +Definition xlnx (x : R) : R := if (0 < x)%mcR then x * ln x else 0. + +Lemma xlnx_0 : xlnx 0 = 0. +Proof. by rewrite /xlnx mul0r ltxx. Qed. + +Lemma xlnx_1 : xlnx 1 = 0. +Proof. by rewrite /xlnx ltr01 mul1r ln1. Qed. + +End xlnx. + + +Section Log. +Context {R : realType}. + +Definition Log (n : nat) x : R := ln x / ln n.-1.+1%:R. + +Lemma Log1 (n : nat) : Log n 1 = 0 :> R. +Proof. by rewrite /Log ln1 mul0r. Qed. + +Lemma ler_Log (n : nat) : (1 < n)%N -> {in Num.pos &, {mono Log n : x y / x <= y :> R}}. +Proof. +move=> n1 x y x0 y0. +rewrite /Log ler_pdivrMr prednK ?(leq_trans _ n1)// ?ln_gt0 ?ltr1n//. +by rewrite -mulrA mulVf ?mulr1 ?gt_eqF ?ln_gt0 ?ltr1n// ler_ln. +Qed. + +Lemma LogV n x : 0 < x -> Log n x^-1 = - Log n x. +Proof. by move=> x0; rewrite /Log lnV ?posrE// mulNr. Qed. + +Lemma LogM n x y : 0 < x -> 0 < y -> Log n (x * y) = Log n x + Log n y. +Proof. by move=> *; rewrite /Log -mulrDl lnM. Qed. + +Lemma LogDiv n x y : 0 < x -> 0 < y -> Log n (x / y) = Log n x - Log n y. +Proof. by move=> x0 y0; rewrite LogM ?invr_gt0// LogV. Qed. + +End Log. + + +Section log. +Context {R : realType}. +Implicit Types x y : R. Definition log {R : realType} (x : R) := Log 2 x. + +Lemma log1 : log 1 = 0 :> R. Proof. by rewrite /log Log1. Qed. + +Lemma ler_log : {in Num.pos &, {mono log : x y / x <= y :> R}}. +Proof. by move=> x y x0 y0; rewrite /log ler_Log. Qed. + +Lemma logV x : 0 < x -> log x^-1 = - log x :> R. +Proof. by move=> x0; rewrite /log LogV. Qed. + +Lemma logDiv x y : 0 < x -> 0 < y -> log (x / y) = log x - log y. +Proof. by move=> x0 y0; exact: (@LogDiv _ _ _ _ x0 y0). Qed. + +(* TODO: rename, lemma for Log *) +Lemma logexp1E : log (expR 1) = (ln 2)^-1 :> R. +Proof. by rewrite /log /Log/= expRK div1r. Qed. + +Lemma log_exp1_Rle_0 : 0 <= log (expR 1) :> R. +Proof. +rewrite logexp1E. +rewrite invr_ge0// ltW//. +by rewrite ln2_gt0//. +Qed. + +Lemma log_id_cmp x : 0 < x -> log x <= (x - 1) * log (expR 1). +Proof. +move=> x0; rewrite logexp1E ler_wpM2r// ?invr_ge0//= ?(ltW (@ln2_gt0 _))//. +exact/ln_id_cmp. +Qed. + + +End log. diff --git a/probability/divergence.v b/probability/divergence.v index 77505e16..2b69fb69 100644 --- a/probability/divergence.v +++ b/probability/divergence.v @@ -1,9 +1,8 @@ (* infotheo: information theory and error-correcting codes in Coq *) (* Copyright (C) 2020 infotheo authors, license: LGPL-2.1-or-later *) -From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect ssralg all_algebra reals. -Require Import Reals. -From mathcomp Require Import Rstruct. -Require Import ssrR realType_ext Reals_ext ln_facts logb fdist proba. +From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect all_algebra. +From mathcomp Require Import Rstruct reals sequences exp. +Require Import realType_ext realType_logb (*ln_facts logb*) fdist proba. (******************************************************************************) (* Divergence (or the Kullback-Leibler distance or relative entropy) *) @@ -25,38 +24,52 @@ Set Implicit Arguments. Unset Strict Implicit. Import Prenex Implicits. -Local Open Scope R_scope. +Local Open Scope ring_scope. Local Open Scope fdist_scope. +Import Order.POrderTheory GRing.Theory Num.Theory. + (* TODO: rename, move? *) Section log_facts. +Context {R : realType}. Lemma div_diff_ub x y : 0 <= x -> (y = 0 -> x = 0) -> 0 <= y -> - x * (log (y / x)) <= (y - x) * log (exp 1). + x * (log (y / x)) <= (y - x) * log (expR 1) :> R. Proof. -move=> x0 yx /leR_eqVlt[/esym|] y0. -- by move: (yx y0) => ->; rewrite y0 subRR 2!mul0R. -- case/leR_eqVlt : x0 => [/esym ->|x0]. - + rewrite mul0R subR0; apply mulR_ge0; [exact: ltRW | exact: log_exp1_Rle_0]. +move=> x0 yx; rewrite le_eqVlt => /predU1P[/esym|] y0. +- by rewrite y0 yx// subrr 2!mul0r. +- move: x0; rewrite le_eqVlt => /predU1P[/esym ->|x0]. + + rewrite mul0r subr0 mulr_ge0//; [exact: ltW | ]. + by rewrite log_exp1_Rle_0. + rewrite (_ : y - x = x * (y / x - 1)); last first. - by rewrite mulRDr mulRCA mulRV ?mulR1 ?mulRN1 //; exact/gtR_eqF. - rewrite -mulRA; apply (leR_wpmul2l (ltRW x0)). - by apply/log_id_cmp/mulR_gt0 => //; exact/invR_gt0. + by rewrite mulrDr mulrCA mulfV ?gt_eqF// mulr1 mulrN1. + rewrite -mulrA; apply (ler_wpM2l (ltW x0)). + by rewrite log_id_cmp// divr_gt0. +Qed. + +Lemma log_id_eq x : 0 < x -> log x = (x - 1) * log (expR 1) -> x = 1 :> R. +Proof. +move=> Hx'; rewrite logexp1E. +move=> /(congr1 (fun x => x * ln 2)). +rewrite -!mulrA mulVf// ?gt_eqF ?ln2_gt0//. +by rewrite !mulr1; exact: ln_id_eq. Qed. Lemma log_id_diff x y : 0 <= x -> (y = 0 -> x = 0) -> 0 <= y -> - x * (log (y / x)) = (y - x) * log (exp 1) -> x = y. + x * (log (y / x)) = (y - x) * log (expR 1) -> x = y :> R. Proof. -move=> Hx Hxy /leR_eqVlt[/esym|] y0 Hxy2; first by rewrite y0 Hxy. -case/leR_eqVlt : Hx => [/esym|] x0. -- move/esym : Hxy2; rewrite x0 mul0R subR0 mulR_eq0 => -[] //. - by rewrite logexp1E => /invR_eq0/eqP; rewrite (negbTE ln2_neq0). -- apply/esym; rewrite -(@eqR_mul2l (/ x)) //; last exact/nesym/eqP/ltR_eqF/invR_gt0. - rewrite mulVR //; last exact/gtR_eqF. - apply log_id_eq; first by apply mulR_gt0 => //; exact: invR_gt0. - rewrite -(@eqR_mul2l x); last exact/eqP/gtR_eqF. - rewrite {1}(mulRC _ y) Hxy2 mulRA mulRBr; congr (_ * _). - field; exact/eqP/gtR_eqF. +move=> Hx Hxy; rewrite le_eqVlt => /predU1P[/esym|] y0 Hxy2; first by rewrite y0 Hxy. +move: Hx; rewrite le_eqVlt => /predU1P[/esym|] x0. +- move/esym : Hxy2; rewrite x0 mul0r subr0 => /eqP. + rewrite mulf_eq0 => /predU1P[//|/eqP]. + rewrite logexp1E => /eqP. + by rewrite gt_eqF// invr_gt0// ln2_gt0. +- apply/esym/divr1_eq. + apply: log_id_eq; first by rewrite divr_gt0. + move: Hxy2. + move/(congr1 (fun z => x^-1 * z)). + rewrite mulrA mulVf ?gt_eqF// mul1r => ->. + by rewrite mulrA mulrBr mulVf ?gt_eqF// (mulrC _ y). Qed. End log_facts. @@ -69,6 +82,18 @@ Definition div := \sum_(a in A) P a * log (P a / Q a). End divergence_def. +(* TODO: rename, move *) +Lemma leR_sumR_eq {R : realType} (A : finType) (f g : A -> R) (P : pred A) : + (forall a, P a -> f a <= g a) -> + \sum_(a | P a) g a = \sum_(a | P a) f a -> + (forall a, P a -> g a = f a). +Proof. +move=> H1 H2 i Hi; apply/eqP; rewrite -subr_eq0; apply/eqP. +move: i Hi; apply: psumr_eq0P. + by move=> i Pi; rewrite Num.Theory.subr_ge0 H1. +by rewrite big_split/= sumrN; apply/eqP; rewrite subr_eq0 H2. +Qed. + Notation "'D(' P '||' Q ')' " := (div P Q) : divergence_scope. Local Open Scope divergence_scope. @@ -76,7 +101,7 @@ Local Open Scope reals_ext_scope. Local Open Scope fdist_scope. Section divergence_prop. - +Context {R : realType}. Variables (A : finType) (P Q : {fdist A}). Hypothesis P_dom_by_Q : P `<< Q. @@ -84,51 +109,44 @@ Lemma div_ge0 : 0 <= D(P || Q). Proof. rewrite /div [X in _ <= X](_ : _ = - \sum_(a | a \in A) P a * (log (Q a / P a))); last first. - rewrite big_morph_oppR; apply eq_bigr => a _; rewrite -mulRN. - case/boolP : (P a == 0) => [/eqP ->|H0]; first by rewrite !mul0R. + rewrite -sumrN; apply: eq_bigr => a _; rewrite -mulrN. + case/boolP : (P a == 0) => [/eqP ->|H0]; first by rewrite !mul0r. congr (_ * _). have Qa0 := dominatesEN P_dom_by_Q H0. - by rewrite -logV ?Rinv_div//; apply divR_gt0; apply /RltP; rewrite -fdist_gt0. -rewrite leR_oppr oppR0. -apply (@leR_trans ((\sum_(a | a \in A) (Q a - P a)) * log (exp 1))). - rewrite (big_morph _ (morph_mulRDl _) (mul0R _)). - apply leR_sumR => a _; apply: div_diff_ub => //. - - exact/RleP/FDist.ge0. + by rewrite -logV ?invf_div// divr_gt0//; apply/fdist_gt0. +rewrite ler_oppr oppr0. +apply (@le_trans _ _ ((\sum_(a | a \in A) (Q a - P a)) * log (expR 1))). + rewrite big_distrl/=. + apply: ler_sum => a _; apply: div_diff_ub => //. - by move/dominatesP : P_dom_by_Q; exact. - - exact/RleP/FDist.ge0. -rewrite -{1}(mul0R (log (exp 1))); apply (leR_wpmul2r log_exp1_Rle_0). -by rewrite big_split /= -big_morph_oppR !FDist.f1 addR_opp subRR. +rewrite -[leRHS](mul0r (log (expR 1))) ler_wpM2r// ?log_exp1_Rle_0//. +by rewrite big_split /= sumrN !FDist.f1 subrr. Qed. Lemma divPP : D(Q || Q) = 0. Proof. rewrite /div; apply big1 => a _. -case/boolP : (Q a == 0) => [/eqP ->|H0]; first by rewrite mul0R. -by rewrite divRR // /log /Log ln_1 div0R mulR0. +case/boolP : (Q a == 0) => [/eqP ->|H0]; first by rewrite mul0r. +by rewrite divff // log1 mulr0. Qed. Lemma div0P : D(P || Q) = 0 <-> P = Q. Proof. split => [HPQ | ->]; last by rewrite divPP. apply/fdist_ext => a. -apply log_id_diff. -- exact/RleP/FDist.ge0. +apply log_id_diff => //. - by move/dominatesP : P_dom_by_Q; exact. -- exact/RleP/FDist.ge0. - apply/esym; move: a (erefl true); apply leR_sumR_eq. + move=> a' _; apply div_diff_ub => //. - * exact/RleP/FDist.ge0. * by move/dominatesP : P_dom_by_Q; exact. - * exact/RleP/FDist.ge0. - + transitivity 0; last first. - rewrite -{1}oppR0 -{1}HPQ big_morph_oppR. - apply eq_bigr => a _; rewrite -mulRN. - case/boolP : (P a == 0) => [/eqP ->| H0]; first by rewrite !mul0R. + + apply: (@trans_eq _ _ 0%R); last first. + rewrite -{1}oppr0 -{1}HPQ -sumrN. + apply eq_bigr => a _; rewrite -mulrN. + case/boolP : (P a == 0) => [/eqP ->| H0]; first by rewrite !mul0r. congr (_ * _). have Qa0 := dominatesEN P_dom_by_Q H0. - by rewrite -logV ?Rinv_div//; apply divR_gt0; apply /RltP; rewrite -fdist_gt0. - rewrite -(big_morph _ (morph_mulRDl _) (mul0R _)) big_split /=. - by rewrite -big_morph_oppR !FDist.f1 addR_opp subRR mul0R. + by rewrite -logV ?invf_div// divr_gt0// -fdist_gt0. + by rewrite -big_distrl/= big_split/= sumrN !FDist.f1 subrr mul0r. Qed. End divergence_prop. diff --git a/probability/fdist.v b/probability/fdist.v index db80c4f1..0986f5ef 100644 --- a/probability/fdist.v +++ b/probability/fdist.v @@ -139,8 +139,8 @@ Coercion FDist.f : fdist >-> finfun_of. HB.instance Definition _ R A := [isSub for @FDist.f R A]. HB.instance Definition _ R A := [Choice of fdist R A by <:]. -#[global] Hint Extern 0 (is_true (0 <= _)%R) => solve [exact: FDist.ge0] : core. -#[global] Hint Extern 0 (is_true (_ <= 1)%R) => solve [exact: FDist.le1] : core. +#[global] Hint Extern 0 (is_true (0 <= _)%mcR) => solve [exact: FDist.ge0] : core. +#[global] Hint Extern 0 (is_true (_ <= 1)%mcR) => solve [exact: FDist.le1] : core. Notation "R '.-fdist' T" := (fdist R T%type) : fdist_scope. Notation "{ 'fdist' T }" := (fdist Rdefinitions.R T%type) : fdist_scope.