A Unix-like shell script which helps you to manipulate Android project, including migrating legacy project, cleaning and listing files.
APAC (Android Project Assistant Command-line) is a shell script, you can use it to:
- Migrate a legacy Android project to be Android Studio compatible.
- Clean build files like bin/, gen/, build/ etc.
- Clean Gradle cache (.gradle/) and/or the Gradle Wrapper.
- Clean Eclipse project files or Android Studio project files.
- List the files like *.apk, *.aar, *.jar in your project directory.
Apache License, Version 2.0
After the installation, open a console, enter the directory, then run like this (take Cleaning Build Files for example):
MyApp $ apac clean -by
Plan to delete the following in CURRENT and SUB directories:
bin, gen, build
MyApp $
Installing APAC is pretty simple, just copy it to a directory which is part of your $PATH.
Or, you can run this command to download the latest APAC script to your ~/bin/ directory (assumes it is part of your $PATH, and wget is available):
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/konca/android-project-assistant-cli/master/src/apac -O ~/bin/apac
MyApp $ apac
usage: apac [-h | --help] <command> [<args>]
help Show this message
clean (cl) Clean temporary or project files etc
list (ls) Find files of specified types
migrate (mg) Migrate legacy project to Android Studio format or more
MyApp $ apac clean
apac clean - Clean the files in specified types in CURRENT and SUB directories.
Usage: apac clean <-bceswTyh>
-b Build temporary files, including:
bin/, gen/, build/
-c Cache files, including:
-e Eclipse project files and build files, including:
project.properties, local.properties,
.project, .classpath, .settings/,
bin/, gen/
-s Android Studio project files and build files, including:
*.iml, local.properties, .idea/,
build/, .gradle/
-w Gradle Wrapper files, including:
gradle/ in current directory
-T Total, means **ALL** the directories and files listed above.
-y Answer and skip the confirmation.
-h Help, show this message
MyApp $ apac ls
apac list - List the files in specified types in CURRENT and SUB directories.
Usage: apac list <-ajrbh>
-a APK files
-j JAR files
-r AAR files
-b Bundle files, including APK, AAR, JAR files
-h Help, show this message