The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- feat(browser): add option to define name in browser by @jmkerloch in #165
- feat(config UI) : small changes by @jmkerloch in #166
- feat(config widget): add stacked widget if no project available by @jmkerloch in #167
- feat(conf widget): transform QDialog in QgsOptionsPageWidget by @jmkerloch in #168
- feat(project): add new comment parameter for project by @jmkerloch in #169
- feat(config dialog): add help button by @jmkerloch in #170
- (fix): small fixes for project configuration UI by @jmkerloch in #163
- feat(projet conf): update merge selection by @jmkerloch in #161
- feat(menu): always use version for layer action creation by @jmkerloch in #162
- update(docs): broadcast project's sponsors by @Guts in #160
- Feature: support syntaxic sugar for a layer with different versions and format by @jmkerloch in #159
- Feature: refactor project configuration widget by @jmkerloch in #133
- update(docs): add QDT helper by @Guts in #156
- Move to stable canal
- fix(browser): don't add group that start with
by @jmkerloch in #154 - fix(browser): show load all action if children not created by @jmkerloch in #155
- update(i18n): complete French translation by @Guts in #153
- feat(doc): add browser support by @jmkerloch in #152
- Bring Qt6 compatibility by @nicogodet in #146
- Feature: add location option to create menus in QGIS browser from project by @jmkerloch in #129
- Docs: add how LMFP behaves during QGIS startup by @Guts in #144
- Update minimum QGIS version requirement to 3.34 by @Guts in #147
- Update plugin tags and revamp metadata by @Guts in #148
- fix(conf): need to remove projects setting before write by @jmkerloch in #139
- fix(settings): invalid remove use we must indicate projects by @jmkerloch in #142
- Fix/qgis 3 28 use by @jmkerloch in #143
- fix(dataclass): use field and default_factory for default value by @jmkerloch in #97
- Fix: help menu was leading to a 404 by @Guts in #118
- Docs: fix and reorganize by @Guts in #122
- fix(ci): root's requirements file is required by setup-python by @Guts in #123
- Fix: i18n workflow by @Guts in #124
- fix(project read): must check if layer is available in qgs project by @jmkerloch in #126
- Use QgsProject to load needed informations for menu creation by @jmkerloch in #87
- feat: restore xml parsing to avoid postgis request by @jmkerloch in #89
- feat: add unit tests by @jmkerloch in #90
- feat(project load): run projects config load in a QgsTask by @jmkerloch in #91
- feat(plugin): move settings to a specific class by @jmkerloch in #92
- feat(layer load): move code for layer load to a specific class LayerLoad by @jmkerloch in #93
- feat(layer load): add typing and docstring for better understanding by @jmkerloch in #94
- Feat naive cache by @jmkerloch in #95
- Feat add cache options by @jmkerloch in #96
- feat(cache): add cache validation uri support by @jmkerloch in #100
- refacto(quality): apply git hooks to existing codebase by @Guts in #121
- update(docs): add contributing guidelines by @Guts in #113
- rm(deadcode): remove unused Python logger by @Guts in #116
- (feat): use profile cache dir by @jmkerloch in #111
- add(tooling): PR autolabeler by @Guts in #109
- Documentation: modernize CI/CD workflow by @Guts in #110
- Packaging: modernize plugin package and release workflow by @Guts in #115
- Tooling: update dev dependencies by @Guts in #98
- update(tooling): upgrade git hooks by @Guts in #99
- update(packaging): make changelog compliant with 'keep a changelog' convention by @Guts in #106
- update(packaging): use new project's URL by @Guts in #108
- add(tooling): use issue form templates to gather feedback by @Guts in #119
- fix(tooling): fix path for flake8 by @Guts in #112
- update(docs): complete contribute section by @Guts in #114
- update(packaging): set minimum version to 3.28 by @Guts in #120
- @jmkerloch made their first contribution in #87
- fix(project read): must check if layer is available in qgs project by @jmkerloch in #126
- Layer notes as tooltip
- Minimum QGIS version is 3.28
- Defer menu creation in QThreads (funded by EPTB Loire, ANFSI and Charente Eaux Rivière)
- Add a cache mechanism to improve performances (funded by EPTB Loire, ANFSI and Charente Eaux Rivière)
- Refactoring project's tooling, documentation and CI/CD (funded by Agences de l'Eau)
- Move GitHub project under Agence de l'eau Adour Garonne organization to allow better access management
- Support relations, fix #20
- #51 Support relations
- Minimum Version is 3.14
- fix #77
- Added some icons ( #72
- fix #67
- Japanese translation, thanks to Yamamoto Ryuzo (, Tokimasasogo (
- fix #53 Help not showing Extensions
- fix #50 Alternatively use metadata as tooltip instead of OGC metadata
- fix #48 (Load above in ToC), better configuration interface
- Allow pointing to http/https online qgs-qgz project file,
- Support of Joined layers
- Minor refactoring and tooling made by @Guts, funded by Oslandia and ANFSI
- It is now possible to merge two projects (#27).
- Build menus on initializationCompleted, otherwise tooltips are imperfect
- fix #25
- Add support for "trusted project" option, thanks to
- fix #20 - Layer doesn't appear when sourced from "Integrate layers and group"
- Load all styles from DB if the plugin DB-Style-Manager is setup
- Bugfix #18. Relative paths mode
- Display geometry type icon, new location possible: "add layer" menu, code cleaning. Thanks to Etienne Trimaille (
- Fix load-all failure
- Allow a project stored in database, thanks to Etienne Trimaille (
- Allow qgz projects
- When create group option is checked, the original layer visibility is preserved. Thanks to Eric LAZZARETTI.
- Code cleaning
- QGIS 2.99 compatible: Python 3, QT5
- Migration for QGIS3
- Better documentation
- Tooltip refinement
- Some python cleaning
- New layer id without special characters
- Some optimizations
- QGIS 2.4 compatible. Deprecated functions are deleted
- works with "relative path" projects, and embedded layers
- 2.2 compatible
- 2.0 compatible
- Load all layers item, create group option (dev version 1.9)