Application with API in Express.js, Node.js and Sequelize ORM using MariaDB as driver. In addition to its front-end in Vue.js, based on the design proposed in Figma, for API consumption and display of invoice data related to Buyers organized in a table.
- yarn
- This project uses the yarn package manager and therefore it is necessary to install the dependency packages with the following command:
yarn install
- Use the .env.example file to locally configure the server, as well as database and other settings.
- To run the server locally, just run the following command. It will use nodemon and ts-node packages.
yarn dev:api
- To run the server in production/build, run the following command:
yarn start:api
- To run all tests, run the following command:
yarn test:api
- To run the frontend, run the command:
yarn serve:web
- Invoices - Method "GET" - route: "/invoices".
- Buyers - Method "GET" - route: "/buyers".
- CNPJs - Method "GET" - route: "/cnpjs".
- Offers - Method "GET" - route: "/offers".
- Orders - Method "GET" - route: "/orders".
- Orderportions - Method "GET" - route: "/orderportions".
- Providers - Method "GET" - route: "/providers".
- Sponsors - Method "GET" - route: "/sponsors".
- Users - Method "GET" - route: "/users".
Buyers - Method "POST" - route: "/buyers".
- To create a new buyer, it must also contain the following attributes for buyer: cnpj and company type too.
{ "name": "SACADO 004", "tradingName": "SACADO 004 LTDA", "cashforceTax": "0", "responsibleName": "", "responsibleEmail": "", "responsiblePosition": "", "responsiblePhone": "", "responsibleMobile": "", "website": "", "postalCode": "", "address": "", "number": "", "complement": "", "neighborhood": "", "city": "", "state": "", "phoneNumber": "", "situation": "", "situationDate": "", "confirm": 4, "email": "", "cnpj": "00000000000010", "companyType": "1" }
CNPJs - Method "POST" - route: "/cnpjs".
- To create a new CNPJ, it must also contain the following attributes: cnpj and company type.
{ "cnpj": "00000000000001", "companyType": "1" }
Users - Method "POST" - route: "/users".
- To create a new user, it must also contain the following attributes:
{ "name": "user 1", "email": "", "phoneNumber": "", "mobile": "", "departament": "", "verificationCode": "", "emailChecked": 0, "cashforceAdm": 0 }
Sponsors - Method "POST" - route: "/sponsors".
- To create a new Sponsor, it must also contain the following attributes for Sponsor: cnpj and company type too.
{ "name": "Sponsor 1", "tradingName": "", "cashforceTax": "", "responsibleName": "", "responsibleEmail": "", "responsiblePosition": "", "responsiblePhone": "", "responsibleMobile": "", "website": "", "postalCode": "", "address": "", "number": "", "complement": "", "neighborhood": "", "city": "", "state": "", "bank": "", "bankAgency": "", "account": "", "phoneNumber": "", "situation": "", "situationDate": "", "email": "", "cnpj": "00000000000011", "companyType": "1" }
Providers - Method "POST" - route: "/providers".
- To create a new Provider, it must also contain the following attributes for Provider: cnpj and company type too.
{ "name": "Sponsor 2", "tradingName": "PROVIDER 001 LTDA", "cashforceTax": "", "responsibleName": "", "responsibleEmail": "", "responsiblePosition": "", "responsiblePhone": "", "responsibleMobile": "", "website": "", "postalCode": "", "address": "", "number": "", "complement": "", "neighborhood": "", "city": "", "state": "", "bank": "", "bankAgency": "", "account": "", "documents": "", "phoneNumber": "", "situation": "", "situationDate": "", "email": "", "cnpj": "00000000000011", "companyType": "1" }
Orders - Method "POST" - route: "/orders".
- To create a new Order, it must also contain the following attributes for Order: cnpj, userEmail, buyerEmail and providerEmail too.
{ "orderNfId": "1605181324131", "orderNumber": "18150", "orderPath": "0", "orderFileName": "", "orderOriginalName": "", "emissionDate": "", "pdfFile": "", "emitedTo": "22843980000121", "nNf": "", "CTE": "", "value": "", "cnpj": "00000000000010", "userEmail": "", "buyerEmail": "", "providerEmail": "", "orderStatusBuyer": "", "orderStatusProvider": "", "deliveryReceipt": "", "cargoPackingList": "", "deliveryCtrc": "" }
Users - Method "POST" - route: "/users".
- To create a new User, it must also contain the following attributes:
{ "name": "user 1", "email": "", "phoneNumber": "", "mobile": "", "departament": "", "verificationCode": "", "emailChecked": 0, "cashforceAdm": 0 }
Package Manager:
- Yarn;
- Yarn Workspaces;
- Vue.js;
- Axios;
- Typescript;
- Express.js;
- Cors;
- Dotenv;
- Sequelize;
- Driver: mariadb;
- Jest;
- Frisby;
- Ts-node;
- Nodemon;
- Typescript;