- Dataset from Kaggle: https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/mirichoi0218/insurance
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
pd.set_option('display.max_rows', 500)
data = pd.read_csv("insurance.csv")
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 1338 entries, 0 to 1337
Data columns (total 7 columns):
# Column Non-Null Count Dtype
--- ------ -------------- -----
0 age 1338 non-null int64
1 sex 1338 non-null object
2 bmi 1338 non-null float64
3 children 1338 non-null int64
4 smoker 1338 non-null object
5 region 1338 non-null object
6 charges 1338 non-null float64
dtypes: float64(2), int64(2), object(3)
memory usage: 73.3+ KB
age | sex | bmi | children | smoker | region | charges | |
0 | 19 | female | 27.900 | 0 | yes | southwest | 16884.92400 |
1 | 18 | male | 33.770 | 1 | no | southeast | 1725.55230 |
2 | 28 | male | 33.000 | 3 | no | southeast | 4449.46200 |
3 | 33 | male | 22.705 | 0 | no | northwest | 21984.47061 |
4 | 32 | male | 28.880 | 0 | no | northwest | 3866.85520 |
6 possible predictors and 1 target variable
- charges (float, continuous) = target variable
- children (int, discrete)
- number of children / dependents coverd by the insurance plan
- bmi (float, continuous)
- body mass index = weight(kg) / (height (mtr))^2
- ideal bmi: 18.5 - 24.9
- age (int, continuous)
metric_vars = data[["age", "bmi", "children", "charges"]]
count | mean | std | min | 25% | 50% | 75% | max | |
age | 1338.0 | 39.207025 | 14.049960 | 18.0000 | 27.00000 | 39.000 | 51.000000 | 64.00000 |
bmi | 1338.0 | 30.663397 | 6.098187 | 15.9600 | 26.29625 | 30.400 | 34.693750 | 53.13000 |
children | 1338.0 | 1.094918 | 1.205493 | 0.0000 | 0.00000 | 1.000 | 2.000000 | 5.00000 |
charges | 1338.0 | 13270.422265 | 12110.011237 | 1121.8739 | 4740.28715 | 9382.033 | 16639.912515 | 63770.42801 |
- diagonal: univariate distributions
- off-diagonal: bivariate distributions
g = sns.PairGrid(data, hue="smoker", palette=["C3", "C2"])
<seaborn.axisgrid.PairGrid at 0x2207ca05400>
- absolute pearson correlation coefficent
corr = metric_vars.corr().round(decimals = 2).abs()
sns.heatmap(corr, cmap="Blues", robust=True, annot = True)
- 50% of people cause medical costs between 4740.29\$ and 16639.91\$
- only 10% have costs over 34831.72\$
- high positive skew (lef-leaning, right-skewed)
print("Median:\t\t", np.percentile(data["charges"], 50))
print("90%-quantile:\t", np.percentile(data["charges"], 90))
Median: 9382.033
90%-quantile: 34831.7197
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(12, 4))
sns.histplot(x=data["charges"], ax=ax[0])
sns.boxplot(y=data["charges"], ax=ax[1])
- the number of children doesn't seem too tell a lot about the medical charges
sns.catplot(x="children", y="charges", kind="box", data=data)
<seaborn.axisgrid.FacetGrid at 0x2207e9a15e0>
- the bmi alone is only weakly correlated with the medical costs:
$r=+0.2$ - For smokers, however, a higher bmi clearly coincides with higher medical costs
sns.regplot(x=data["bmi"][data["smoker"] == "yes"], y=data["charges"][data["smoker"] == "yes"], color="C3", label="smoker")
sns.regplot(x=data["bmi"][data["smoker"] == "no"], y=data["charges"][data["smoker"] == "no"], color="C2", label="non-smoker")
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x22073a5e9d0>
only people from 18 to 64 years old --> no retired persons captured, working age population
overproportionally more data of young people (age 18-22) captured
older people clearly seem to produce higher medical costs
there can be identified 3 clusters:
- cluster 2: smokers, high medical costs
- cluster 1: smokers & non-smokers, medium medical costs
- cluster 0: non-smokers, low medical costs
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(14, 4))
sns.histplot(x=data["age"], ax=ax[0])
sns.scatterplot(x="age", y="charges", hue="smoker", data=data, palette=["C3", "C2"], ax=ax[1])
<AxesSubplot:xlabel='age', ylabel='charges'>
- Smoker: "Yes" or "No" ----> binary
- Region: "southwest", "southeast", "nortwest" or "northeast"
- the beneficiary's place of residence in the U.S, divided into 4 geographical regions
- Sex: "Male" or "Female" ----> binary
- Smoking clearly coincides with much higher medical charges
sns.catplot(x="smoker", y="charges", kind="box", hue="sex", data=data, palette=["C1", "C0"])
<seaborn.axisgrid.FacetGrid at 0x22073993130>
- there seem to be no significant differences between charges in the different regions
sns.catplot(x="region", y="charges", kind="box", hue="smoker", data=data, palette=["C3", "C2"])
<seaborn.axisgrid.FacetGrid at 0x2207c8727f0>
- The data set is balanced in terms of gender
- There are ~6% more men smoking than women
sns.countplot(x="smoker", data=data, hue="sex", palette=["C1", "C0"])
males = data[data.sex == "male"].shape[0]
females = data[data.sex == "female"].shape[0]
male_smokers = data[(data.sex == "male") & (data.smoker == "yes")].shape[0]
female_smokers = data[(data.sex == "female") & (data.smoker == "yes")].shape[0]
print("Male {:.2f}% | Female {:.2f}%".format(100*males/(males+females), 100*females/(males+females)))
print("\n{} of {} ({:.2f}%) men smoke.".format(male_smokers, males, 100*male_smokers/males))
print("{} of {} ({:.2f}%) women smoke.".format(female_smokers, females, 100*female_smokers/females))
Male 50.52% | Female 49.48%
159 of 676 (23.52%) men smoke.
115 of 662 (17.37%) women smoke.
- Men tend to cause slightly higher medical charges (same median, but higher mean)
sns.catplot(x="sex", y="charges", kind="box", data=data)
<seaborn.axisgrid.FacetGrid at 0x22073fc3b80>
from sklearn.cluster import KMeans
data['charges/age'] = data['charges'] - data['age']*260
X = np.array(data["charges/age"]).reshape(-1, 1)
kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=3, init=np.array([8000, 20000, 40000]).reshape(-1, 1), n_init=1, random_state=0).fit(X)
data["age_cluster"] = kmeans.labels_
sns.scatterplot(x=data["age"], y=data["charges"], hue=data["age_cluster"])
[1 0 0 ... 0 0 1]
Text(0, 0.5, 'charges')
import scipy
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(18, 4))
x = data["age"][data["age_cluster"] == 0]
y = data["charges"][data["age_cluster"] == 0]
slope, intercept, r, p, stderr = scipy.stats.linregress(x, y)
line = f'Regression line: y={intercept:.2f}+{slope:.2f}x, r={r:.2f}'
ax[0].set_title("CLUSTER 0")
ax[0].plot(x, y, linewidth=0, marker='x')
ax[0].plot(x, intercept + slope * x, label=line)
x = data["age"][data["age_cluster"] == 1]
y = data["charges"][data["age_cluster"] == 1]
slope, intercept, r, p, stderr = scipy.stats.linregress(x, y)
line = f'Regression line: y={intercept:.2f}+{slope:.2f}x, r={r:.2f}'
ax[1].set_title("CLUSTER 1")
ax[1].plot(x, y, linewidth=0, marker='x')
ax[1].plot(x, intercept + slope * x, label=line)
x = data["age"][data["age_cluster"] == 2]
y = data["charges"][data["age_cluster"] == 2]
slope, intercept, r, p, stderr = scipy.stats.linregress(x, y)
line = f'Regression line: y={intercept:.2f}+{slope:.2f}x, r={r:.2f}'
ax[2].set_title("CLUSTER 2")
ax[2].plot(x, y, linewidth=0, marker='x')
ax[2].plot(x, intercept + slope * x, label=line)
# sns.regplot(x=X, y=y)
- introducing dummy variables for sex, smoker, region: !AVOIDING DUMMY TRAP!
- sex --> sex_male
- smoker --> smoker_yes
- region --> region_northeast, region_southeast, region_south_west
# data = data.drop(["sex_female", "smoker_no", "region_northwest"], axis=1)
data[["age_cluster_0", "age_cluster_1", "age_cluster_2"]] = pd.get_dummies(data["age_cluster"], drop_first=False).copy()
# data = data.drop(["age_cluster"], axis=1)
data = pd.get_dummies(data)
data = data.drop(["sex_female", "smoker_no", "region_northwest"], axis=1)
age | bmi | children | charges | charges/age | age_cluster | age_cluster_0 | age_cluster_1 | age_cluster_2 | sex_male | smoker_yes | region_northeast | region_southeast | region_southwest | |
0 | 19 | 27.900 | 0 | 16884.92400 | 11944.92400 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
1 | 18 | 33.770 | 1 | 1725.55230 | -2954.44770 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 |
2 | 28 | 33.000 | 3 | 4449.46200 | -2830.53800 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 |
3 | 33 | 22.705 | 0 | 21984.47061 | 13404.47061 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
4 | 32 | 28.880 | 0 | 3866.85520 | -4453.14480 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
bmi*cluster0, bmi*cluster1, bmi*cluster2
age*cluster0, age*cluster1, age*cluster2
sns.regplot(x=data["bmi"][data["smoker_yes"] == 1], y=data["charges"][data["smoker_yes"] == 1], color="C3", label="smoker")
sns.regplot(x=data["bmi"][data["smoker_yes"] == 0], y=data["charges"][data["smoker_yes"] == 0], color="C2", label="non-smoker")
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x22073c5b730>
# poly = PolynomialFeatures(interaction_only=True,include_bias = True)
data["smoker*bmi"] = data["smoker_yes"]*data["bmi"]
data["bmi*age0"] = data["age_cluster_0"]*data["bmi"]
data["bmi*age1"] = data["age_cluster_1"]*data["bmi"]
data["bmi*age2"] = data["age_cluster_2"]*data["bmi"]
data["age2"] = data["age"]**2
data["age0"] = data["age_cluster_0"]*data["age"]
data["age1"] = data["age_cluster_1"]*data["age"]
data["age2"] = data["age_cluster_2"]*data["age"]
data["age0*smoker_no"] = data["age_cluster_0"]*data["age"]*(1-data["smoker_yes"])
data["age2*smoker_yes"] = data["age_cluster_2"]*data["age"]*data["smoker_yes"]
# data.head()
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 1338 entries, 0 to 1337
Data columns (total 23 columns):
# Column Non-Null Count Dtype
--- ------ -------------- -----
0 age 1338 non-null int64
1 bmi 1338 non-null float64
2 children 1338 non-null int64
3 charges 1338 non-null float64
4 charges/age 1338 non-null float64
5 age_cluster 1338 non-null int32
6 age_cluster_0 1338 non-null uint8
7 age_cluster_1 1338 non-null uint8
8 age_cluster_2 1338 non-null uint8
9 sex_male 1338 non-null uint8
10 smoker_yes 1338 non-null uint8
11 region_northeast 1338 non-null uint8
12 region_southeast 1338 non-null uint8
13 region_southwest 1338 non-null uint8
14 smoker*bmi 1338 non-null float64
15 bmi*age0 1338 non-null float64
16 bmi*age1 1338 non-null float64
17 bmi*age2 1338 non-null float64
18 age2 1338 non-null int64
19 age0 1338 non-null int64
20 age1 1338 non-null int64
21 age0*smoker_no 1338 non-null int64
22 age2*smoker_yes 1338 non-null int64
dtypes: float64(7), int32(1), int64(7), uint8(8)
memory usage: 162.1 KB
# from sklearn.preprocessing import PolynomialFeatures
# poly = PolynomialFeatures(interaction_only=False)
# data = poly.fit_transform(data)
# print(data.shape)
- training dataset split again into (real) training set and validation set for the purpose of model validation/hyperparameter selection in CV
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
data_train, data_test = train_test_split(data, test_size=0.3, random_state=24, stratify=data["age_cluster"]).copy()
data_train = data_train.sort_index().copy()
data_test = data_test.sort_index().copy()
from collections import Counter
Counter({0: 680, 1: 150, 2: 106})
Counter({0: 292, 1: 64, 2: 46})
scaler = StandardScaler()
data_train = data_train.copy()
data_train[["age", "bmi", "children", "smoker*bmi", "bmi*age0", "bmi*age1", "bmi*age2", "age0", "age1", "age2", "age0*smoker_no", "age2*smoker_yes"]] = scaler.fit_transform(data_train[["age", "bmi", "children", "smoker*bmi", "bmi*age0", "bmi*age1", "bmi*age2", "age0", "age1", "age2", "age0*smoker_no", "age2*smoker_yes"]])
# scale test data with scaler trained on traning data --> no information leakage
data_test = data_test.copy()
data_test[["age", "bmi", "children", "smoker*bmi", "bmi*age0", "bmi*age1", "bmi*age2", "age0", "age1", "age2", "age0*smoker_no", "age2*smoker_yes"]] = scaler.transform(data_test[["age", "bmi", "children", "smoker*bmi", "bmi*age0", "bmi*age1", "bmi*age2", "age0", "age1", "age2", "age0*smoker_no", "age2*smoker_yes"]])
age | bmi | children | charges | charges/age | age_cluster | age_cluster_0 | age_cluster_1 | age_cluster_2 | sex_male | ... | region_southwest | smoker*bmi | bmi*age0 | bmi*age1 | bmi*age2 | age2 | age0 | age1 | age0*smoker_no | age2*smoker_yes | |
0 | -1.424944 | -0.449654 | -0.904391 | 16884.9240 | 11944.9240 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | ... | 1 | 1.683996 | -1.525072 | 2.283565 | -0.353945 | -0.333614 | -1.345294 | 0.847148 | -1.345294 | -0.331874 |
1 | -1.496459 | 0.526350 | -0.103530 | 1725.5523 | -2954.4477 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | ... | 0 | -0.501836 | 0.792094 | -0.429204 | -0.353945 | -0.333614 | -0.491924 | -0.405924 | -0.491924 | -0.331874 |
4 | -0.495254 | -0.286710 | -0.904391 | 3866.8552 | -4453.1448 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | ... | 0 | -0.501836 | 0.456561 | -0.429204 | -0.353945 | -0.333614 | 0.171809 | -0.405924 | 0.171809 | -0.331874 |
5 | -0.566769 | -0.808797 | -0.904391 | 3756.6216 | -4303.3784 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | ... | 0 | -0.501836 | 0.241106 | -0.429204 | -0.353945 | -0.333614 | 0.124399 | -0.405924 | 0.124399 | -0.331874 |
7 | -0.137681 | -0.476257 | 1.498191 | 7281.5056 | -2338.4944 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | ... | 0 | -0.501836 | 0.378339 | -0.429204 | -0.353945 | -0.333614 | 0.408856 | -0.405924 | 0.408856 | -0.331874 |
5 rows × 23 columns
metric_vars = data_train[["charges", "age", "bmi", "children", "sex_male", "smoker_yes", "region_northeast", "region_southeast", "region_southwest",
"smoker*bmi", "age_cluster_0", "age_cluster_2", "bmi*age0", "bmi*age1", "bmi*age2", "age0", "age1", "age2",
"age0*smoker_no", "age2*smoker_yes"]]
corr = metric_vars.corr().round(decimals = 2).abs()
sns.heatmap(corr, cmap="Blues", robust=True, annot = True)
class_X = [
"age", "bmi", "children", "sex_male", "smoker_yes", "region_northeast", "region_southeast",
"region_southwest", "smoker*bmi"
class_X = [
"age", "bmi", "children", "sex_male", "smoker_yes"
reg_X = [
"age", "bmi", "children", "sex_male", "smoker_yes", "region_northeast", "region_southeast", "region_southwest",
"smoker*bmi", "age_cluster_0", "age_cluster_2", "bmi*age0", "bmi*age1", "bmi*age2", "age0", "age1", "age2",
"age0*smoker_no", "age2*smoker_yes"
class_y = ["age_cluster"]
reg_y = ["charges"]
# class_X = {}
reg_X = {}
training_results = {}
single_training_results = {}
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error, mean_absolute_error, r2_score
linReg = LinearRegression()
X_train = data_train[["age", "children", "bmi", "smoker_yes", "region_northeast", "region_southeast", "region_southwest"]]
y_train = data_train[["charges"]]
linReg.fit(X_train, y_train)
print("######### Baseline Model Training #########")
print("R-squared:\t", linReg.score(X_train, y_train))
print("intercept:\t", linReg.intercept_)
print("coefficients:\t", linReg.coef_)
# Baseline Prediction
X_test = data_test[["age", "children", "bmi", "smoker_yes", "region_northeast", "region_southeast", "region_southwest"]]
y_test = data_test[["charges"]]
y_pred = linReg.predict(X_test)
# Calculate regression metrics
rmse = np.sqrt(mean_squared_error(y_test, y_pred))
mae = mean_absolute_error(y_test, y_pred)
r2 = r2_score(y_test, y_pred)
print("\n######### Baseline Model Test #########")
print("R-squared:\t", r2)
print("RMSE:\t", rmse)
print("MAE:\t", mae)
######### Baseline Model Training #########
R-squared: 0.7489852211199308
intercept: [8272.18507222]
coefficients: [[ 3550.6070567 715.63126578 2052.80736344 23836.17306996
816.96079161 -510.4643883 -270.90536007]]
######### Baseline Model Test #########
R-squared: 0.7544318452656915
RMSE: 5888.9098571164195
MAE: 4127.799435577642
3. Model Training: Classification
4. Model Training: Sequential Regression Models (using Cluster Information)
5. Model Training: Single Regression Models (no Cluster Information)
3.1 Support Vector Classifier
3.2 Random Forest Classifier
3.3 Gradient Boosting Classifier
# specify training data
X_train = data_train[class_X]
y_train = np.array(data_train[class_y]).reshape(-1, 1).flatten()
# Create List to save trained classification models
classification_models = []
C: Regularization parameter where the strength of the regularization is inversely proportional to C. It controls the impact of misclassification on the training process. Intuitively it specifies how many training points are allowed to be misclassified (soft margin vs. hard margin).
kernel: Specifies the kernel type to be used in the algorithm:
gamma: Gamma controls the smoothness and the extent of curvature on our decision boundary. A large value of gamma of is problematic with regard to overfitting because the class regions get too specific. A lower gamma value often results in a more generalized model because the decision boundary gets smoother.
from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline
from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV, StratifiedKFold
from sklearn.svm import SVC
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.metrics import classification_report, confusion_matrix
from imblearn.over_sampling import SMOTE
# Set up steps for pipeline
steps = [
("SVC", SVC(class_weight="balanced", decision_function_shape='ovo'))
pipeline = Pipeline(steps)
# Specify possible hyperparameters
parameters = {'SVC__C': np.logspace(-1, 3, 5),
'SVC__gamma': np.logspace(-3, 1, 5),
# # "SVC__kernel": ["linear", "poly", "sigmoid"]
"SVC__kernel": ["rbf"]
# parameters = {'SVC__C': [1000],
# 'SVC__gamma': [0.01],
# "SVC__kernel": ["rbf"]
# }
# Define scoring metrics
from sklearn.metrics import make_scorer
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score
scoring = {'Accuracy': make_scorer(accuracy_score), "F1": "f1_micro"}
# Instantiate GridSearchCV object
stratKFold = StratifiedKFold(n_splits=5, random_state=99, shuffle = True)
gs_cv = GridSearchCV(pipeline, parameters, refit = "Accuracy", cv=stratKFold, scoring=scoring, verbose=0)
# # Oversampling the training dataset only
# oversample = SMOTE()
# X_train, y_train = oversample.fit_resample(X_train, y_train)
# Fit to training set
gs_cv.fit(X_train, y_train)
GridSearchCV(cv=StratifiedKFold(n_splits=5, random_state=99, shuffle=True),
param_grid={'SVC__C': array([1.e-01, 1.e+00, 1.e+01, 1.e+02, 1.e+03]),
'SVC__gamma': array([1.e-03, 1.e-02, 1.e-01, 1.e+00, 1.e+01]),
'SVC__kernel': ['rbf']},
scoring={'Accuracy': make_scorer(accuracy_score),
'F1': 'f1_micro'})
# print(gs_cv.cv_results_["params"])
# Accuracy Scores
accuracy_cv = gs_cv.cv_results_["split0_test_Accuracy"]+gs_cv.cv_results_["split1_test_Accuracy"]+gs_cv.cv_results_["split2_test_Accuracy"]+gs_cv.cv_results_["split3_test_Accuracy"]+gs_cv.cv_results_["split4_test_Accuracy"]
accuracy_cv = accuracy_cv/5
# F1-Scores
f1_cv = gs_cv.cv_results_["split0_test_F1"]+gs_cv.cv_results_["split1_test_F1"]+gs_cv.cv_results_["split2_test_F1"]+gs_cv.cv_results_["split3_test_F1"]+gs_cv.cv_results_["split4_test_F1"]
f1_cv = f1_cv/5
svc__gamma = []
svc__C = []
for i in gs_cv.cv_results_["params"]:
# print(svc__C)
# Plot CV_Results
# plt.scatter(gs_cv.cv_results_["params"][np.arange(0, accuracy_cv.shape[0])]["SVC__C"], accuracy_cv)
# plt.scatter(svc__gamma, f1_cv)
# plot hyyperparameters vs. accuracy in 3D
from mpl_toolkits import mplot3d
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
fig = plt.figure()
ax = plt.axes(projection="3d")
import math
plt.title("CV-Accuracy vs. Hyperparameter Space")
z_line = accuracy_cv
x_line = np.log(svc__gamma) / np.log(10)
y_line = np.log(svc__C) / np.log(10)
# ax.plot3D(x_line, y_line, z_line, 'gray')
z_points = z_line
x_points = x_line
y_points = y_line
ax.scatter3D(x_points, y_points, z_points, c=z_points, cmap='hsv');
print("Best CV Score (Accuracy): {}".format(gs_cv.best_score_))
print("Tuned Model Parameters: {}".format(gs_cv.best_params_))
# from sklearn.model_selection import cross_val_score
# all_scores = cross_val_score(estimator=gs_cv, X=X_train, y=y_train, cv=5)
# print(all_scores)
Best CV Score (Accuracy): 0.9273466833541928
Tuned Model Parameters: {'SVC__C': 10.0, 'SVC__gamma': 0.01, 'SVC__kernel': 'rbf'}
# Save SVM with optimized hyperparameters
import pickle
pickle.dump(gs_cv, open("models/svm.sav", "wb"))
max_depth: The maximum depth of the tree. If None, then nodes are expanded until all leaves are pure or until all leaves contain less than min_samples_split samples.
max_features: The number of features to consider when looking for the best split:
min_samples_leaf: The minimum number of samples required to be at a leaf node. A split point at any depth will only be considered if it leaves at least min_samples_leaf training samples in each of the left and right branches. This may have the effect of smoothing the model, especially in regression.
min_samples_split: The minimum number of samples required to split an internal node.
n_estimators: The number of trees in the forest.
from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline
from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV
from sklearn.svm import SVC
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.metrics import classification_report, confusion_matrix
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
# Specify possible hyperparameters
# parameters = {
# 'max_depth': [10, 50, 100],
# 'max_features': ['log2', 'sqrt'],
# 'min_samples_leaf': [1, 2, 4],
# 'min_samples_split': [2, 5, 10],
# 'n_estimators': np.insert(np.arange(100, 1000, 100), 0, 10)
# }
parameters = {
'max_depth': [10],
'max_features': ['log2'],
'min_samples_leaf': [2],
'min_samples_split': [2],
'n_estimators': [250]
# Define scoring metrics
from sklearn.metrics import make_scorer
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score
scoring = {'Accuracy': make_scorer(accuracy_score), "F1": "f1_macro"}
# Instantiate GridSearchCV object
gs_cv = GridSearchCV(RandomForestClassifier(), parameters, scoring=scoring, refit="Accuracy", verbose=42, n_jobs=-1)
# Fit to training set
gs_cv.fit(X_train, y_train)
Fitting 5 folds for each of 1 candidates, totalling 5 fits
GridSearchCV(estimator=RandomForestClassifier(), n_jobs=-1,
param_grid={'max_depth': [10], 'max_features': ['log2'],
'min_samples_leaf': [2], 'min_samples_split': [2],
'n_estimators': [250]},
scoring={'Accuracy': make_scorer(accuracy_score),
'F1': 'f1_macro'},
print("Best CV Score (Accuracy): {}".format(gs_cv.best_score_))
print("Tuned Model Parameters: {}".format(gs_cv.best_params_))
for c in range(0, X_train.columns.shape[0]):
print("{}: \t{:.2f}".format(X_train.columns[c], gs_cv.best_estimator_.feature_importances_[c]))
# from sklearn.model_selection import cross_val_score
# all_scores = cross_val_score(estimator=gs_cv, X=X_train, y=y_train, cv=5)
# print(all_scores)
Best CV Score (Accuracy): 0.9294743429286608
Tuned Model Parameters: {'max_depth': 10, 'max_features': 'log2', 'min_samples_leaf': 2, 'min_samples_split': 2, 'n_estimators': 250}
age: 0.08
bmi: 0.25
children: 0.02
sex_male: 0.01
smoker_yes: 0.63
# Save model with optimized hyperparameters
import pickle
pickle.dump(gs_cv, open("models/rand_forest_class.sav", "wb"))
learning_rate: Learning rate shrinks the contribution of each tree by learning_rate. There is a trade-off between learning_rate and n_estimators.
subsample: The fraction of samples to be used for fitting the individual base learners. If smaller than 1.0 this results in Stochastic Gradient Boosting. subsample interacts with the parameter n_estimators. Choosing subsample < 1.0 leads to a reduction of variance and an increase in bias.
n_estimators: The number of boosting stages to perform. Gradient boosting is fairly robust to over-fitting so a large number usually results in better performance.
from sklearn.ensemble import GradientBoostingClassifier
# Specify possible hyperparameters
parameters = {
# "loss":["deviance"],
"learning_rate": [0.0025, 0.005, 0.0075],
# "min_samples_split": np.linspace(0.1, 0.5, 12),
# "min_samples_leaf": np.linspace(0.1, 0.5, 12),
# "max_depth":[3,7,9],
# "max_features":["log2","sqrt"],
# "criterion": ["friedman_mse", "mae"],
"subsample":[0.65, 0.7, 0.75],
"n_estimators":[120, 125, 130]
parameters = {
"learning_rate": [0.005],
"subsample": [0.75],
"n_estimators": [120]
# Define scoring metrics
from sklearn.metrics import make_scorer
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score
scoring = {'Accuracy': make_scorer(accuracy_score), "F1": "f1_macro"}
# Instantiate GridSearchCV object
gs_cv = GridSearchCV(GradientBoostingClassifier(), parameters, scoring=scoring, refit="Accuracy", verbose=42, n_jobs=-1)
# Fit to training set
gs_cv.fit(X_train, y_train)
Fitting 5 folds for each of 1 candidates, totalling 5 fits
GridSearchCV(estimator=GradientBoostingClassifier(), n_jobs=-1,
param_grid={'learning_rate': [0.005], 'n_estimators': [120],
'subsample': [0.75]},
scoring={'Accuracy': make_scorer(accuracy_score),
'F1': 'f1_macro'},
print("Best CV Score (Accuracy): {}".format(gs_cv.best_score_))
print("Tuned Model Parameters: {}".format(gs_cv.best_params_))
for c in range(0, X_train.columns.shape[0]):
print("{}: \t{:.2f}".format(X_train.columns[c], gs_cv.best_estimator_.feature_importances_[c]))
# from sklearn.model_selection import cross_val_score
# all_scores = cross_val_score(estimator=gs_cv, X=X_train, y=y_train, cv=5)
# print(all_scores)
Best CV Score (Accuracy): 0.9284048242120833
Tuned Model Parameters: {'learning_rate': 0.005, 'n_estimators': 120, 'subsample': 0.75}
age: 0.00
bmi: 0.34
children: 0.00
sex_male: 0.00
smoker_yes: 0.65
# Save SVM with optimized hyperparameters
import pickle
pickle.dump(gs_cv, open("models/grad_boost_class.sav", "wb"))
4.1 Ridge Regression
4.2 Clustered Ridge Regression
4.3 LASSO Regression
4.4 OLS Regression
4.5 Random Forest Regressor
4.6 Gradient Boosting Regressor
4.7 Neural Network
# Create List to save trained regression models
regression_models = []
single_regression_models = []
# specify train data for classification
X_train = data_train[class_X].copy()
y_train = np.array(data_train[class_y]).reshape(-1, 1).flatten()
cm = "svm"
class_model = pickle.load(open("models/"+cm+".sav", "rb"))
# add classification result to train data
y_pred = class_model.predict(X_train[class_X])
data_train_reg = data_train.copy()
data_train_reg["pred_age_cluster"] = y_pred.copy()
data_train_reg["age_cluster"] = y_pred.copy()
# print("\ny_pred added")
# print(data_train_reg.info())
# print(data_train_reg["age_cluster"])
# sns.scatterplot(x = data_train_reg["age"], y=data_train_reg["charges"], hue=data_train_reg["pred_age_cluster"])
# replace real age_cluster with predicted age cluster from classification
# df = pd.DataFrame()
# df[["age_cluster_0", "age_cluster_1", "age_cluster_2"]] = pd.get_dummies(data_train["pred_age_cluster"].copy(), drop_first=False)
# print(df.info())
data_train_reg[["age_cluster_0", "age_cluster_1", "age_cluster_2"]] = pd.get_dummies(data_train_reg["pred_age_cluster"].copy(), drop_first=False)
# print("\nage cluster dummies added")
# print(data_train.info())
data_train_reg["bmi*age0"] = data_train_reg["age_cluster_0"].copy()*data_train_reg["bmi"].copy()
data_train_reg["bmi*age1"] = data_train_reg.loc[:,"age_cluster_1"]*data_train_reg["bmi"]
data_train_reg["bmi*age2"] = data_train_reg.loc[:,"age_cluster_2"]*data_train_reg["bmi"]
data_train_reg["age0"] = data_train_reg["age_cluster_0"]*data_train_reg["age"]
data_train_reg["age1"] = data_train_reg["age_cluster_1"]*data_train_reg["age"]
data_train_reg["age2"] = data_train_reg["age_cluster_2"]*data_train_reg["age"]
data_train_reg["age0*smoker_no"] = data_train_reg["age_cluster_0"]*data_train_reg["age"]*(1-data_train_reg["smoker_yes"])
data_train_reg["age2*smoker_yes"] = data_train_reg["age_cluster_2"]*data_train_reg["age"]*data_train_reg["smoker_yes"]
GridSearchCV(cv=StratifiedKFold(n_splits=5, random_state=99, shuffle=True),
param_grid={'SVC__C': array([1.e-01, 1.e+00, 1.e+01, 1.e+02, 1.e+03]),
'SVC__gamma': array([1.e-03, 1.e-02, 1.e-01, 1.e+00, 1.e+01]),
'SVC__kernel': ['rbf']},
scoring={'Accuracy': make_scorer(accuracy_score),
'F1': 'f1_micro'})
reg_X["ridge_x_terms"] = ["children", "sex_male", "smoker_yes", "smoker*bmi","bmi*age0", "bmi*age1", "bmi*age2", "age0", "age1",
"age0*smoker_no", "age2*smoker_yes"]
reg_X["ridge_x_terms"] = ["age", "bmi", "children", "region_northeast", "region_southeast", "region_southwest",
"smoker*bmi", "age_cluster_0", "age_cluster_2", "bmi*age0", "bmi*age1", "bmi*age2", "age0", "age1", "age2",
"age0*smoker_no", "age2*smoker_yes"]
reg_X["ridge_x_terms"] = ["age", "bmi", "children", "region_northeast", "region_southeast", "region_southwest",
"smoker*bmi", "age_cluster_0", "age_cluster_2", "bmi*age0", "bmi*age1", "bmi*age2", "age0", "age1", "age2",
"age0*smoker_no", "age2*smoker_yes"]
X_train = data_train_reg[reg_X["ridge_x_terms"]]
# X_train = X_train[["age", "smoker_yes", "children", "bmi"]]
y_train = np.array(data_train_reg[reg_y]).reshape(-1, 1).flatten()
# Import modules
from sklearn.feature_selection import RFECV
from sklearn.linear_model import Ridge
selector = RFECV(Ridge(), step=1, cv=5, scoring="neg_mean_squared_error")
selector = selector.fit(X_train, y_train)
print("\nWhich variables should be selected? ", selector.support_)
print("\nRanking of the variables: ", selector.ranking_)
print("\nGrid search scores: ", np.sqrt(np.abs(selector.grid_scores_)))
Which variables should be selected? [ True True True True True True True True True True True True
True True True True True]
Ranking of the variables: [1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1]
Grid search scores: [[7138.67103019 7739.77368905 6337.92465015 7398.72070492 7042.69153942]
[5936.81142318 6626.86076858 5266.74730253 6130.49498527 5693.17489792]
[4150.28219027 5719.44228157 3781.62420373 4803.27007947 4597.38172403]
[4148.36253166 5722.6880076 3781.47001082 4799.86168777 4604.95971821]
[4156.43019153 5701.56961518 3782.72792572 4784.05858971 4617.58071579]
[4144.50580069 5679.75298713 3776.20510701 4753.31605139 4644.70770821]
[4124.60263887 5676.1042636 3794.78100912 4742.52466822 4640.62079901]
[4121.95560945 5650.08523587 3791.55999314 4751.39725541 4666.42074818]
[4128.41951805 5659.07821672 3791.29016312 4757.41959744 4682.59828349]
[4140.15675865 5656.54015738 3791.57669633 4757.68220131 4683.01562734]
[4150.98029378 5656.78347693 3739.6946527 4757.24369007 4681.07258915]
[4146.88265727 5656.88809737 3739.60791478 4757.24922355 4608.92042897]
[4146.60687995 5656.79070238 3722.51532363 4684.23234727 4611.38406745]
[4146.81972293 5660.03104114 3727.91347861 4684.04785506 4612.0499913 ]
[4146.69251666 5661.07710205 3728.15838223 4690.27757142 4612.11687324]
[4144.35751635 5660.79345423 3728.08188747 4690.14497819 4611.80003467]
[4145.24983333 5654.90468923 3713.60943913 4690.07686246 4605.39133569]]
c:\Users\adria\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\sklearn\utils\deprecation.py:103: FutureWarning: The `grid_scores_` attribute is deprecated in version 1.0 in favor of `cv_results_` and will be removed in version 1.2.
warnings.warn(msg, category=FutureWarning)
# Plotting the number of features vs. cross-validation roc_auc scores
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
plt.xlabel("Number of features selected")
plt.ylabel("Cross validation score (MSE)")
plt.xticks(np.arange(0, 19, 1))
reg_X["ridge_x_terms"] = ["age", "children", "region_southwest", "smoker*bmi", "age_cluster_2"]
X_train = data_train_reg[reg_X["ridge_x_terms"]]
y_train = np.array(data_train_reg[reg_y]).reshape(-1, 1).flatten()
- alpha: Regularization strength. Regularization improves the conditioning of the problem and reduces the variance of the estimates. Larger values specify stronger regularization.
from sklearn.linear_model import Ridge
from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline
from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV
# Define Pipeline for GridSearchCV
steps = [("Ridge", Ridge())]
pipeline = Pipeline(steps)
# Specify possible hyperparameters
n_alphas = 100
parameters = {'Ridge__alpha': np.insert(np.logspace(-1, 5, n_alphas), 0, 0)
# parameters = {'Ridge__alpha': [0]
# }
# Instantiate GridSearchCV object
gs_cv = GridSearchCV(pipeline, parameters, scoring='neg_mean_squared_error', refit = "true", verbose=0)
gs_cv.fit(X_train, y_train)
GridSearchCV(estimator=Pipeline(steps=[('Ridge', Ridge())]),
param_grid={'Ridge__alpha': array([0.00000000e+00, 1.00000000e-01, 1.14975700e-01, 1.32194115e-01,
1.51991108e-01, 1.74752840e-01, 2.00923300e-01, 2.31012970e-01,
2.65608778e-01, 3.05385551e-01, 3.51119173e-01, 4.03701726e-01,
4.64158883e-01, 5.33669923e-01, 6.13590727e-01, 7.05480231e-01,
8.11130831e-01, 9....
6.13590727e+03, 7.05480231e+03, 8.11130831e+03, 9.32603347e+03,
1.07226722e+04, 1.23284674e+04, 1.41747416e+04, 1.62975083e+04,
1.87381742e+04, 2.15443469e+04, 2.47707636e+04, 2.84803587e+04,
3.27454916e+04, 3.76493581e+04, 4.32876128e+04, 4.97702356e+04,
5.72236766e+04, 6.57933225e+04, 7.56463328e+04, 8.69749003e+04,
refit='true', scoring='neg_mean_squared_error')
coefs = []
mse = []
mae = []
r2 = []
alphas = np.insert(np.logspace(-1, 5, n_alphas), 0, 0)
for a in alphas:
# print(a)
ridge = Ridge(alpha=a, fit_intercept=True)
ridge.fit(X_train, y_train)
y_pred = ridge.predict(X_train)
r2.append(ridge.score(X_train, y_train))
mse.append(mean_squared_error(y_train, y_pred))
mae.append(mean_absolute_error(y_train, y_pred))
# print(ridge.score(X_test, y_test))
# print()
# #############################################################################
# Display results
coefs = np.array(coefs)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1)
# print(coefs)
for (c,l) in zip(coefs.T, X_train.columns):
sns.lineplot(ax=ax, x=alphas, y=c, label=l)
ax.set_ylabel("ridge estimates")
ax.set_title('Parameter Shrinking in Ridge')
plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 1), loc=2, borderaxespad=0.)
plt.ylim([-3e3, 15e3])
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(12, 4))
# plt.subplots_adjust(left=None, bottom=None, right=None, top=None, wspace=None, hspace=0.4)
sns.lineplot(ax=ax[0], x=alphas, y=mse, label="mse")
sns.lineplot(ax=ax[1], x=alphas, y=mae, label="mae")
sns.lineplot(ax=ax[2], x=alphas, y=r2, label="r2")
# print(mae)
ax[0].set_title('Ridge Training Performance (MSE)')
# print(mae)
ax[1].set_title('Ridge Training Performance (MAE)')
ax[2].set_title('Ridge Training Performance (R2)')
# best estimator
# print(gs_cv.getsupport())
# print(gs_cv.ranking_)
print("Best CV Score (RMSE): {}".format(np.sqrt(np.abs(gs_cv.best_score_))))
print("Tuned Model Parameters: {}".format(gs_cv.best_params_))
training_results["ridge_x_terms"] = np.sqrt(np.abs(gs_cv.best_score_))
# from sklearn.model_selection import cross_val_score
# all_scores = np.sqrt(np.abs(cross_val_score(estimator=gs_cv, X=X_train, y=y_train, scoring='neg_mean_squared_error', cv=5)))
# print(all_scores)
# # r^2
# all_scores = np.sqrt(np.abs(cross_val_score(estimator=gs_cv, X=X_train, y=y_train, scoring='r2', cv=5)))
# print(all_scores)
# print(np.mean(all_scores))
Pipeline(steps=[('Ridge', Ridge(alpha=0.1519911082952934))])
Best CV Score (RMSE): 4597.851400728133
Tuned Model Parameters: {'Ridge__alpha': 0.1519911082952934}
# save the best trained model
pickle.dump(gs_cv, open("models/ridge_x_terms.sav", "wb"))
reg_X["clustered_ridge"] = ["age_cluster","age", "smoker*bmi","bmi*age0", "bmi*age1", "bmi*age2", "age0", "age1",
"age0*smoker_no", "age2*smoker_yes"]
X_train = data_train_reg[reg_X["clustered_ridge"]]
y_train = np.array(data_train_reg[reg_y]).reshape(-1, 1).flatten()
from sklearn.linear_model import Ridge
from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline
from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
def ridge(data_train, reg_X, reg_y):
X_train = data_train[reg_X]
y_train = data_train[reg_y]
# Specify possible hyperparameters
n_alphas = 10
parameters = {'alpha': np.insert(np.logspace(-3, 7, n_alphas), 0, 0)
# Instantiate GridSearchCV object
ridge = GridSearchCV(Ridge(), parameters, scoring='neg_mean_squared_error', refit = "true", verbose=0)
ridge.fit(X_train, y_train)
# best estimator
# print(ridge.best_estimator_)
return ridge
class ClusteredRidge:
def __init__(self):
self.models = []
self.y_pred = None
self.best_params_ = []
self.best_score_ = None
self.model_scores = []
def fit(self, data_train_reg, reg_X, reg_y):
score_sum = 0
number_total = data_train_reg.shape[0]
for cluster in range(0,3):
training_data = data_train_reg[data_train_reg["age_cluster"] == cluster]
number = training_data.shape[0]
model = ridge(training_data, reg_X, reg_y)
# calculate score (neg_mse) as weighted avg
score_sum = score_sum + model.best_score_ * (number/number_total)
# save ridge model to list
# save best params to list
self.best_score_ = score_sum/3
def predict(self, X_test):
predictions = pd.DataFrame()
for cluster in range(0,3):
test_data = X_test[X_test["age_cluster"] == cluster].copy()
# print(test_data.info())
# print(test_data.head())
# print(test_data.tail())
# save df index for merging the results
index = test_data.index
# add prediction for every cluster
predictions = predictions.append(pd.DataFrame(data = self.models[cluster].predict(test_data), index=index))
y_pred = np.array(predictions.sort_index()).flatten()
return y_pred
clusteredRidge = ClusteredRidge()
clusteredRidge.fit(data_train_reg, reg_X["clustered_ridge"], reg_y)
# clusteredRidge.predict(data_test[reg_X])
# print(clusteredRidge.predict(data_test[reg_X]))
# print(clusteredRidge.predict(data_test[reg_X]))
# print(clusteredRidge.model_scores)
print("Best CV Score (RMSE): {}".format(np.sqrt(np.abs(clusteredRidge.best_score_))))
print("Tuned Model Parameters: {}".format(clusteredRidge.best_params_))
training_results["clustered_ridge"] = np.sqrt(np.abs(clusteredRidge.best_score_))
# from sklearn.model_selection import cross_val_score
# all_scores = np.sqrt(np.abs(cross_val_score(estimator=gs_cv, X=X_train, y=y_train, scoring='neg_mean_squared_error', cv=5)))
# print(all_scores)
# # r^2
# all_scores = np.sqrt(np.abs(cross_val_score(estimator=gs_cv, X=X_train, y=y_train, scoring='r2', cv=5)))
# print(all_scores)
# print(np.mean(all_scores))
Best CV Score (RMSE): 2691.955927908613
Tuned Model Parameters: [{'alpha': 0.0}, {'alpha': 2.1544346900318843}, {'alpha': 0.001}]
# save the best trained model
pickle.dump(clusteredRidge, open("models/clustered_ridge.sav", "wb"))
reg_X["lasso"] = ["age", "bmi", "children", "sex_male", "smoker_yes", "region_northeast", "region_southeast", "region_southwest",
"smoker*bmi", "age_cluster_0", "age_cluster_2", "bmi*age0", "bmi*age1", "bmi*age2", "age0", "age1", "age2",
"age0*smoker_no", "age2*smoker_yes"]
reg_X["lasso"] = ["age_cluster","age", "smoker*bmi","bmi*age0", "bmi*age1", "bmi*age2", "age0", "age1",
X_train = data_train_reg[reg_X["lasso"]]
y_train = np.array(data_train_reg[reg_y]).reshape(-1, 1).flatten()
- alpha: Regularization strength. Regularization improves the conditioning of the problem and reduces the variance of the estimates. Larger values specify stronger regularization.
from sklearn.linear_model import Lasso
from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV
# Specify possible hyperparameters
n_alphas = 100
parameters = {'alpha': np.logspace(-3, 7, n_alphas),
"max_iter": [100000]
# Instantiate GridSearchCV object
gs_cv = GridSearchCV(Lasso(), parameters, scoring='neg_mean_squared_error', refit = "true", verbose=0)
gs_cv.fit(X_train, y_train)
param_grid={'alpha': array([1.00000000e-03, 1.26185688e-03, 1.59228279e-03, 2.00923300e-03,
2.53536449e-03, 3.19926714e-03, 4.03701726e-03, 5.09413801e-03,
6.42807312e-03, 8.11130831e-03, 1.02353102e-02, 1.29154967e-02,
1.62975083e-02, 2.05651231e-02, 2.59502421e-02, 3.27454916e-02,
4.13201240e-02, 5.21400829e-02, 6.57933225e-02, 8.30217...
1.20450354e+05, 1.51991108e+05, 1.91791026e+05, 2.42012826e+05,
3.05385551e+05, 3.85352859e+05, 4.86260158e+05, 6.13590727e+05,
7.74263683e+05, 9.77009957e+05, 1.23284674e+06, 1.55567614e+06,
1.96304065e+06, 2.47707636e+06, 3.12571585e+06, 3.94420606e+06,
4.97702356e+06, 6.28029144e+06, 7.92482898e+06, 1.00000000e+07]),
'max_iter': [100000]},
refit='true', scoring='neg_mean_squared_error')
# best estimator
print("Best CV Score (RMSE): {}".format(np.sqrt(np.abs(gs_cv.best_score_))))
print("Tuned Model Parameters: {}".format(gs_cv.best_params_))
training_results["lasso"] = np.sqrt(np.abs(gs_cv.best_score_))
for c in range(0, X_train.columns.shape[0]):
print("{}: \t{:.2f}".format(X_train.columns[c], gs_cv.best_estimator_.coef_[c]))
# from sklearn.model_selection import cross_val_score
# all_scores = np.sqrt(np.abs(cross_val_score(estimator=ridge, X=X_train, y=y_train, scoring='neg_mean_squared_error', cv=5)))
# print(all_scores)
# # r^2
# all_scores = np.sqrt(np.abs(cross_val_score(estimator=ridge, X=X_train, y=y_train, scoring='r2', cv=5)))
# print(all_scores)
# print(np.mean(all_scores))
Lasso(alpha=17.47528400007683, max_iter=100000)
Best CV Score (RMSE): 4659.321710689284
Tuned Model Parameters: {'alpha': 17.47528400007683, 'max_iter': 100000}
age_cluster: 14074.41
age: 3585.50
smoker*bmi: 461.66
bmi*age0: -22.19
bmi*age1: 1599.81
bmi*age2: 4127.02
age0: 113.83
age1: -48.98
age0*smoker_no: 0.00
# save the best trained model
pickle.dump(gs_cv, open("models/lasso.sav", "wb"))
reg_X["ols_regression"] = ["age", "bmi", "children", "age_cluster_0", "age_cluster_2"]
reg_X["ols_regression"] = ["age", "children", "region_southwest", "smoker*bmi", "age_cluster_2"]
X_train = data_train_reg[reg_X["ols_regression"]]
y_train = np.array(data_train_reg[reg_y]).reshape(-1, 1).flatten()
import statsmodels.api as sm
X_train = sm.add_constant(X_train)
statsmod = sm.OLS(y_train,X_train).fit()
Dep. Variable: | y | R-squared: | 0.860 |
Model: | OLS | Adj. R-squared: | 0.860 |
Method: | Least Squares | F-statistic: | 1147. |
Date: | Wed, 15 Feb 2023 | Prob (F-statistic): | 0.00 |
Time: | 18:26:51 | Log-Likelihood: | -9213.5 |
No. Observations: | 936 | AIC: | 1.844e+04 |
Df Residuals: | 930 | BIC: | 1.847e+04 |
Df Model: | 5 | ||
Covariance Type: | nonrobust |
coef | std err | t | P>|t| | [0.025 | 0.975] | |
const | 1.189e+04 | 192.176 | 61.887 | 0.000 | 1.15e+04 | 1.23e+04 |
age | 3662.6649 | 149.575 | 24.487 | 0.000 | 3369.122 | 3956.208 |
children | 697.2045 | 149.538 | 4.662 | 0.000 | 403.733 | 990.677 |
region_southwest | -870.5627 | 346.879 | -2.510 | 0.012 | -1551.319 | -189.807 |
smoker*bmi | 6803.3546 | 253.246 | 26.865 | 0.000 | 6306.354 | 7300.355 |
age_cluster_2 | 1.395e+04 | 798.376 | 17.467 | 0.000 | 1.24e+04 | 1.55e+04 |
Omnibus: | 591.879 | Durbin-Watson: | 2.012 |
Prob(Omnibus): | 0.000 | Jarque-Bera (JB): | 5174.028 |
Skew: | 2.885 | Prob(JB): | 0.00 |
Kurtosis: | 12.969 | Cond. No. | 5.84 |
[1] Standard Errors assume that the covariance matrix of the errors is correctly specified.
training_results["ols_regression"] = np.sqrt(mean_squared_error(y_train, statsmod.fittedvalues))
# save the best trained model
pickle.dump(statsmod, open("models/ols_regression.sav", "wb"))
max_depth: The maximum depth of the tree. If None, then nodes are expanded until all leaves are pure or until all leaves contain less than min_samples_split samples.
max_features: The number of features to consider when looking for the best split:
n_estimators: The number of trees in the forest.
# reg_X["random_forest_reg"] = ["age", "bmi", "children", "sex_male", "smoker_yes", "region_northeast", "region_southeast", "region_southwest",
# "smoker*bmi", "age_cluster_0", "age_cluster_2", "bmi*age0", "bmi*age1", "bmi*age2", "age0", "age1", "age2",
# "age0*smoker_no", "age2*smoker_yes"]
reg_X["random_forest_reg"] = ["age", "bmi", "smoker_yes",
"smoker*bmi", "age_cluster_0", "age_cluster_2", "bmi*age0", "bmi*age1", "bmi*age2", "age0", "age2",
"age0*smoker_no", "age2*smoker_yes"]
# reg_X["random_forest_reg"] = ["age", "children", "region_southwest", "smoker*bmi", "age_cluster_2"]
X_train = data_train_reg[reg_X["random_forest_reg"]]
y_train = np.array(data_train_reg[reg_y]).reshape(-1, 1).flatten()
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor
# Specify possible hyperparameters
# parameters = {
# 'max_depth': [10],
# 'max_features': ['log2'],
# 'n_estimators': np.insert(np.arange(100, 1000, 100), 0, 50)
# }
# Specify possible hyperparameters
parameters = {
'max_depth': [1, 2, 3, 5, 10],
'max_features': ['log2'],
'n_estimators': np.insert(np.arange(100, 1000, 100), 0, 10)
parameters = {
'max_depth': [5],
'max_features': ['log2'],
'n_estimators': [300]
# Instantiate GridSearchCV object
gs_cv = GridSearchCV(RandomForestRegressor(), parameters, scoring='neg_mean_squared_error', refit = "true", verbose=5, n_jobs=-1)
gs_cv.fit(X_train, y_train)
# best estimator
Fitting 5 folds for each of 1 candidates, totalling 5 fits
RandomForestRegressor(max_depth=5, max_features='log2', n_estimators=300)
print("Best CV Score (RMSE): {}".format(np.sqrt(np.abs(gs_cv.best_score_))))
print("Tuned Model Parameters: {}".format(gs_cv.best_params_))
training_results["random_forest_reg"] = np.sqrt(np.abs(gs_cv.best_score_))
for c in range(0, X_train.columns.shape[0]):
print("{}: \t{:.2f}".format(X_train.columns[c], gs_cv.best_estimator_.feature_importances_[c]))
# from sklearn.model_selection import cross_val_score
# all_scores = np.sqrt(np.abs(cross_val_score(estimator=gs_cv, X=X_train, y=y_train, scoring='neg_mean_squared_error', cv=5)))
# print(all_scores)
# # r^2
# all_scores = np.sqrt(np.abs(cross_val_score(estimator=gs_cv, X=X_train, y=y_train, scoring='r2', cv=5)))
# print(all_scores)
# print(np.mean(all_scores))
Best CV Score (RMSE): 4708.778409890828
Tuned Model Parameters: {'max_depth': 5, 'max_features': 'log2', 'n_estimators': 300}
age: 0.03
bmi: 0.02
smoker_yes: 0.11
smoker*bmi: 0.23
age_cluster_0: 0.14
age_cluster_2: 0.18
bmi*age0: 0.00
bmi*age1: 0.02
bmi*age2: 0.09
age0: 0.05
age2: 0.03
age0*smoker_no: 0.05
age2*smoker_yes: 0.04
# save the best trained model
pickle.dump(gs_cv, open("models/random_forest_reg.sav", "wb"))
n_estimators: The number of boosting stages to perform. Gradient boosting is fairly robust to over-fitting so a large number usually results in better performance.
learning_rate: Learning rate shrinks the contribution of each tree by learning_rate. There is a trade-off between learning_rate and n_estimators.
subsample: The fraction of samples to be used for fitting the individual base learners. If smaller than 1.0 this results in Stochastic Gradient Boosting. subsample interacts with the parameter n_estimators. Choosing subsample < 1.0 leads to a reduction of variance and an increase in bias.
reg_X["gradient_boosting_reg"] = ["age", "bmi", "children", "sex_male", "smoker_yes", "region_northeast", "region_southeast", "region_southwest",
"smoker*bmi", "age_cluster_0", "age_cluster_2", "bmi*age0", "bmi*age1", "bmi*age2", "age0", "age1", "age2",
"age0*smoker_no", "age2*smoker_yes"]
reg_X["gradient_boosting_reg"] = [ "age_cluster_2", "bmi*age1", "bmi*age2", "age0", "age2"]
reg_X["gradient_boosting_reg"] = ["age", "children", "region_southwest", "smoker*bmi", "age_cluster_2"]
X_train = data_train_reg[reg_X["gradient_boosting_reg"]]
y_train = np.array(data_train_reg[reg_y]).reshape(-1, 1).flatten()
from sklearn.ensemble import GradientBoostingRegressor
# Specify possible hyperparameters
parameters = {'n_estimators': [50, 100, 200],
"learning_rate": [0.03, 0.04, 0.045, 0.05, 0.055, 0.06, 0.07, 0.1],
"subsample": [0.8, 0.85, 0.875, 0.9, 0.925, 0.95, 0.975, 1]
parameters = {'n_estimators': [100],
"learning_rate": [0.05],
"subsample": [1]
# Instantiate GridSearchCV object
gs_cv = GridSearchCV(GradientBoostingRegressor(), parameters, scoring='neg_mean_squared_error', refit = "true", verbose=0)
gs_cv.fit(X_train, y_train)
# best estimator
GradientBoostingRegressor(learning_rate=0.05, subsample=1)
print("Best CV Score (RMSE): {}".format(np.sqrt(np.abs(gs_cv.best_score_))))
print("Tuned Model Parameters: {}".format(gs_cv.best_params_))
training_results["gradient_boosting_reg"] = np.sqrt(np.abs(gs_cv.best_score_))
for c in range(0, X_train.columns.shape[0]):
print("{}: \t{:.2f}".format(X_train.columns[c], gs_cv.best_estimator_.feature_importances_[c]))
# from sklearn.model_selection import cross_val_score
# all_scores = np.sqrt(np.abs(cross_val_score(estimator=gs_cv, X=X_train, y=y_train, scoring='neg_mean_squared_error', cv=5)))
# print(all_scores)
# # r^2
# all_scores = np.sqrt(np.abs(cross_val_score(estimator=gs_cv, X=X_train, y=y_train, scoring='r2', cv=5)))
# print(all_scores)
# print(np.mean(all_scores))
Best CV Score (RMSE): 4593.299016472459
Tuned Model Parameters: {'learning_rate': 0.05, 'n_estimators': 100, 'subsample': 1}
age: 0.11
children: 0.01
region_southwest: 0.00
smoker*bmi: 0.87
age_cluster_2: 0.00
# save the best trained model
pickle.dump(gs_cv, open("models/gradient_boosting_reg.sav", "wb"))
reg_X["neural_net"] = ["age_cluster","age", "smoker*bmi","bmi*age0", "bmi*age1", "bmi*age2", "age0", "age1",
"age0*smoker_no", "age2*smoker_yes"]
X_train = data_train_reg[reg_X["neural_net"]]
y_train = np.array(data_train_reg[reg_y]).reshape(-1, 1).flatten()
from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler
nn_y_scaler = MinMaxScaler()
y_train = nn_y_scaler.fit_transform(np.array(data_train_reg[reg_y]))
nn_y_min = np.min(data_train_reg[reg_y])
nn_y_max = np.max(data_train_reg[reg_y])
import pandas
from keras.models import Sequential
from keras.layers import Dense
from keras.wrappers.scikit_learn import KerasRegressor
from sklearn.model_selection import cross_val_score
from sklearn.model_selection import KFold
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline
# define base model
def baseline_model():
# create model
model = Sequential()
model.add(Dense(20, input_dim=10, kernel_initializer='normal', activation='sigmoid'))
# model.add(Dense(20, kernel_initializer='normal', activation='relu'))
model.add(Dense(1, kernel_initializer='normal', activation="sigmoid"))
# Compile model
model.compile(loss='mean_squared_error', optimizer='adam')
return model
print(X_train.shape, y_train.shape)
(936, 10) (936, 1)
# evaluate model
neural_net = KerasRegressor(build_fn=baseline_model, epochs=1000, batch_size=100, verbose=0)
kfold = KFold(n_splits=5)
results = cross_val_score(neural_net, X_train, y_train, cv=kfold)
neural_net.fit(X_train, y_train)
<keras.callbacks.History at 0x2207ea888e0>
print("Baseline: %.2f (%.2f) RMSE" % (np.sqrt(np.abs(results.mean())), np.sqrt(np.abs(results.std()))))
print(((nn_y_max - nn_y_min) * np.sqrt(np.abs(results.mean()))).item())
Baseline: 0.07 (0.04) RMSE
# save the best trained model
training_results["neural_net"] = ( (nn_y_max - nn_y_min) * np.sqrt(np.abs(results.mean()))).item()
5.1 Ridge Regression
5.2 Random Forest Regressor
5.3 Gradient Boosting Regressor
5.4 Neural Network
- alpha: Regularization strength. Regularization improves the conditioning of the problem and reduces the variance of the estimates. Larger values specify stronger regularization.
reg_X["ridge_single"] = ["age", "bmi", "children", "smoker_yes", "smoker*bmi"]
X_train = data_train[reg_X["ridge_single"]]
y_train = np.array(data_train[reg_y]).reshape(-1, 1).flatten()
ridge_reg = ridge(data_train, reg_X["ridge_single"], reg_y)
single_training_results["ridge_single"] = np.sqrt(np.abs(ridge_reg.best_score_))
# save the best trained model
pickle.dump(ridge_reg, open("models/ridge_single.sav", "wb"))
max_depth: The maximum depth of the tree. If None, then nodes are expanded until all leaves are pure or until all leaves contain less than min_samples_split samples.
max_features: The number of features to consider when looking for the best split:
n_estimators: The number of trees in the forest.
reg_X["rand_forest_reg_single"] = ["age", "bmi", "children", "sex_male", "smoker_yes", "region_northeast", "region_southeast", "region_southwest",
"smoker*bmi", "age_cluster_0", "age_cluster_2", "bmi*age0", "bmi*age1", "bmi*age2", "age0", "age1", "age2",
"age0*smoker_no", "age2*smoker_yes"]
reg_X["rand_forest_reg_single"] = ["age", "bmi", "children", "sex_male", "smoker_yes", "region_northeast", "region_southeast",
X_train = data_train[reg_X["rand_forest_reg_single"]]
y_train = np.array(data_train[reg_y]).reshape(-1, 1).flatten()
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor
# Specify possible hyperparameters
parameters = {
'max_depth': [10],
'max_features': ['log2'],
'n_estimators': np.insert(np.arange(100, 1000, 100), 0, 50)
parameters = {
'max_depth': [10],
'max_features': ['log2'],
'n_estimators': [800]
# Instantiate GridSearchCV object
gs_cv = GridSearchCV(RandomForestRegressor(), parameters, scoring='neg_mean_squared_error', refit = "true", verbose=0)
gs_cv.fit(X_train, y_train)
# best estimator
RandomForestRegressor(max_depth=10, max_features='log2', n_estimators=800)
print("Best CV Score (RMSE): {}".format(np.sqrt(np.abs(gs_cv.best_score_))))
print("Tuned Model Parameters: {}".format(gs_cv.best_params_))
single_training_results["rand_forest_reg_single"] = np.sqrt(np.abs(gs_cv.best_score_))
for c in range(0, X_train.columns.shape[0]):
print("{}: \t{:.2f}".format(X_train.columns[c], gs_cv.best_estimator_.feature_importances_[c]))
# from sklearn.model_selection import cross_val_score
# all_scores = np.sqrt(np.abs(cross_val_score(estimator=gs_cv, X=X_train, y=y_train, scoring='neg_mean_squared_error', cv=5)))
# print(all_scores)
# # r^2
# all_scores = np.sqrt(np.abs(cross_val_score(estimator=gs_cv, X=X_train, y=y_train, scoring='r2', cv=5)))
# print(all_scores)
# print(np.mean(all_scores))
Best CV Score (RMSE): 4752.358188849131
Tuned Model Parameters: {'max_depth': 10, 'max_features': 'log2', 'n_estimators': 800}
age: 0.12
bmi: 0.09
children: 0.02
sex_male: 0.01
smoker_yes: 0.29
region_northeast: 0.01
region_southeast: 0.00
smoker*bmi: 0.46
# save the best trained model
pickle.dump(gs_cv, open("models/rand_forest_reg_single.sav", "wb"))
n_estimators: The number of boosting stages to perform. Gradient boosting is fairly robust to over-fitting so a large number usually results in better performance.
learning_rate: Learning rate shrinks the contribution of each tree by learning_rate. There is a trade-off between learning_rate and n_estimators.
subsample: The fraction of samples to be used for fitting the individual base learners. If smaller than 1.0 this results in Stochastic Gradient Boosting. subsample interacts with the parameter n_estimators. Choosing subsample < 1.0 leads to a reduction of variance and an increase in bias.
reg_X["grad_boost_reg_single"] = ["age", "bmi", "children", "sex_male", "smoker_yes", "region_northeast", "region_southeast", "region_southwest",
"smoker*bmi", "age_cluster_0", "age_cluster_2", "bmi*age0", "bmi*age1", "bmi*age2", "age0", "age1", "age2",
"age0*smoker_no", "age2*smoker_yes"]
reg_X["grad_boost_reg_single"] = ["age", "bmi", "children", "smoker_yes", "smoker*bmi"]
X_train = data_train[reg_X["grad_boost_reg_single"]]
y_train = np.array(data_train[reg_y]).reshape(-1, 1).flatten()
from sklearn.ensemble import GradientBoostingRegressor
# Specify possible hyperparameters
parameters = {'n_estimators': [50, 100, 200],
"learning_rate": [0.001, 0.005, 0.01, 0.05, 0.1, 0.15, 0.25, 0.5],
"subsample": [0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1]
parameters = {'n_estimators': [75, 100, 150],
"learning_rate": [0.03, 0.035, 0.04, 0.045, 0.05, 0.055, 0.06, 0.07, 0.1],
"subsample": [0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.825, 0.85, 0.875, 0.9, 0.925, 0.975, 1]
parameters = {'n_estimators': [100],
"learning_rate": [0.045],
"subsample": [0.875]
# Instantiate GridSearchCV object
gs_cv = GridSearchCV(GradientBoostingRegressor(random_state=42), parameters, scoring='neg_mean_squared_error', refit = "true", verbose=0, n_jobs=-1)
gs_cv.fit(X_train, y_train)
# best estimator
GradientBoostingRegressor(learning_rate=0.045, random_state=42, subsample=0.875)
print("Best CV Score (RMSE): {}".format(np.sqrt(np.abs(gs_cv.best_score_))))
print("Tuned Model Parameters: {}".format(gs_cv.best_params_))
single_training_results["grad_boost_reg_single"] = np.sqrt(np.abs(gs_cv.best_score_))
for c in range(0, X_train.columns.shape[0]):
print("{}: \t{:.2f}".format(X_train.columns[c], gs_cv.best_estimator_.feature_importances_[c]))
# from sklearn.model_selection import cross_val_score
# all_scores = np.sqrt(np.abs(cross_val_score(estimator=gs_cv, X=X_train, y=y_train, scoring='neg_mean_squared_error', cv=5)))
# print(all_scores)
# # r^2
# all_scores = np.sqrt(np.abs(cross_val_score(estimator=gs_cv, X=X_train, y=y_train, scoring='r2', cv=5)))
# print(all_scores)
# print(np.mean(all_scores))
Best CV Score (RMSE): 4603.210125271665
Tuned Model Parameters: {'learning_rate': 0.045, 'n_estimators': 100, 'subsample': 0.875}
age: 0.12
bmi: 0.02
children: 0.01
smoker_yes: 0.02
smoker*bmi: 0.83
# save the best trained model
pickle.dump(gs_cv, open("models/grad_boost_reg_single.sav", "wb"))
reg_X["neural_net_single"] = ["age", "bmi", "children", "sex_male", "smoker_yes", "region_northeast", "region_southeast", "region_southwest",
X_train = data_train[reg_X["neural_net_single"]]
y_train = np.array(data_train[reg_y]).reshape(-1, 1).flatten()
# scale target value for NN
from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler
nn_pure_y_scaler = MinMaxScaler()
y_train = nn_pure_y_scaler.fit_transform(data_train[reg_y])
nn_y_min = np.min(data_train[reg_y])
nn_y_max = np.max(data_train[reg_y])
import pandas
from keras.models import Sequential
from keras.layers import Dense
from keras.wrappers.scikit_learn import KerasRegressor
from sklearn.model_selection import cross_val_score
from sklearn.model_selection import KFold
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline
# define base model
def baseline_model():
# create model
model = Sequential()
model.add(Dense(18, input_dim=9, kernel_initializer='normal', activation='sigmoid'))
# model.add(Dense(18, kernel_initializer='normal', activation='relu'))
model.add(Dense(1, kernel_initializer='normal', activation="sigmoid"))
# Compile model
model.compile(loss='mean_squared_error', optimizer='adam')
return model
print(X_train.shape, y_train.shape)
(936, 9) (936, 1)
# evaluate model
neural_net_pure = KerasRegressor(build_fn=baseline_model, epochs=500, batch_size=100, verbose=0)
kfold = KFold(n_splits=5)
results = cross_val_score(neural_net_pure, X_train, y_train, cv=kfold)
neural_net_pure.fit(X_train, y_train)
<keras.callbacks.History at 0x2207f523f70>
print("Baseline: %.2f (%.2f) RMSE" % (np.sqrt(np.abs(results.mean())), np.sqrt(np.abs(results.std()))))
single_training_results["neural_net_single"] = ( (nn_y_max - nn_y_min) * np.sqrt(np.abs(results.mean()))).item()
print("cross-validated RMSE:", single_training_results["neural_net_single"])
Baseline: 0.08 (0.04) RMSE
cross-validated RMSE: 4796.793006385908
from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error
from sklearn.metrics import mean_absolute_error
from sklearn.metrics import r2_score
from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix, ConfusionMatrixDisplay
#Evaluate classification on test data
prediction_results = {}
for cm in classification_models:
# specify test data for classification
X_test = data_test[class_X].copy()
y_test = np.array(data_test[class_y]).reshape(-1, 1).flatten()
print("------------------", cm, "-------------------")
class_model = pickle.load(open("models/"+cm+".sav", "rb"))
# print(class_model)
# add classification result to test data
y_pred = class_model.predict(X_test[class_X])
print(classification_report(y_pred, y_test))
print(confusion_matrix(y_test, y_pred, labels=[0,1,2]))
class_scores = {
"accuracy": accuracy_score(y_test, y_pred)
data_test_reg = data_test.copy()
data_test_reg["pred_age_cluster"] = y_pred.copy()
data_test_reg["age_cluster"] = y_pred.copy()
# print("\ny_pred added")
# print(data_test_reg.info())
# print(data_test_reg["age_cluster"])
sns.scatterplot(x = data_test_reg["age"], y=data_test_reg["charges"], hue=data_test_reg["pred_age_cluster"])
# replace real age_cluster with predicted age cluster from classification
# df = pd.DataFrame()
# df[["age_cluster_0", "age_cluster_1", "age_cluster_2"]] = pd.get_dummies(data_test["pred_age_cluster"].copy(), drop_first=False)
# print(df.info())
data_test_reg[["age_cluster_0", "age_cluster_1", "age_cluster_2"]] = pd.get_dummies(data_test_reg["pred_age_cluster"].copy(), drop_first=False)
# print("\nage cluster dummies added")
# print(data_test.info())
data_test_reg["bmi*age0"] = data_test_reg["age_cluster_0"].copy()*data_test_reg["bmi"].copy()
data_test_reg["bmi*age1"] = data_test_reg.loc[:,"age_cluster_1"]*data_test_reg["bmi"]
data_test_reg["bmi*age2"] = data_test_reg.loc[:,"age_cluster_2"]*data_test_reg["bmi"]
data_test_reg["age0"] = data_test_reg["age_cluster_0"]*data_test_reg["age"]
data_test_reg["age1"] = data_test_reg["age_cluster_1"]*data_test_reg["age"]
data_test_reg["age2"] = data_test_reg["age_cluster_2"]*data_test_reg["age"]
data_test_reg["age0*smoker_no"] = data_test_reg["age_cluster_0"]*data_test_reg["age"]*(1-data_test_reg["smoker_yes"])
data_test_reg["age2*smoker_yes"] = data_test_reg["age_cluster_2"]*data_test_reg["age"]*data_test_reg["smoker_yes"]
# print("\nall variables added")
# print(data_test.info())
# print(y_pred.shape)
# print(reg_X)
new_entry = {
"class_score": class_scores
for rm in regression_models:
print("################# ",rm)
# specify test data for regression
X_test = data_test_reg[reg_X[rm]]
y_test = np.array(data_test_reg[reg_y]).reshape(-1, 1).flatten()
# print(X_test[0:10])
# print(y_test[0:10])
if rm == "neural_net":
reg_model = neural_net
reg_model = pickle.load(open("models/"+rm+".sav", "rb"))
# Predict with regression model
# print(X_test.info())
if rm == "ols_regression":
y_pred = reg_model.predict(sm.add_constant(X_test))
elif rm == "neural_net":
y_pred = nn_y_scaler.inverse_transform(reg_model.predict(X_test).reshape(-1, 1))
y_pred = y_pred.reshape(-1, )
y_pred = reg_model.predict(X_test)
sns.scatterplot(x = data_test_reg["age"], y=y_pred, label="y_pred", color="red")
sns.scatterplot(x = data_test_reg["age"], y=y_test, label="y_test", color="green")
# Calculate regression metrics
rmse = np.sqrt(mean_squared_error(y_test, y_pred))
mae = mean_absolute_error(y_test, y_pred)
r2 = r2_score(y_test, y_pred)
scores = {
"rmse": rmse,
"mae": mae,
"r2": r2
new_entry.update({str(rm): scores})
# print("--------update", scores)
# add to dict
prediction_results.update({str(cm): new_entry})
------------------ svm -------------------
precision recall f1-score support
0 1.00 0.90 0.95 324
1 0.47 0.94 0.62 32
2 0.93 0.93 0.93 46
accuracy 0.91 402
macro avg 0.80 0.92 0.84 402
weighted avg 0.95 0.91 0.92 402
[[292 0 0]
[ 31 30 3]
[ 1 2 43]]
################# ridge_x_terms
['age', 'children', 'region_southwest', 'smoker*bmi', 'age_cluster_2']
################# clustered_ridge
['age_cluster', 'age', 'smoker*bmi', 'bmi*age0', 'bmi*age1', 'bmi*age2', 'age0', 'age1', 'age0*smoker_no', 'age2*smoker_yes']
################# lasso
['age_cluster', 'age', 'smoker*bmi', 'bmi*age0', 'bmi*age1', 'bmi*age2', 'age0', 'age1', 'age0*smoker_no']
################# ols_regression
['age', 'children', 'region_southwest', 'smoker*bmi', 'age_cluster_2']
################# random_forest_reg
['age', 'bmi', 'smoker_yes', 'smoker*bmi', 'age_cluster_0', 'age_cluster_2', 'bmi*age0', 'bmi*age1', 'bmi*age2', 'age0', 'age2', 'age0*smoker_no', 'age2*smoker_yes']
################# gradient_boosting_reg
['age', 'children', 'region_southwest', 'smoker*bmi', 'age_cluster_2']
################# neural_net
['age_cluster', 'age', 'smoker*bmi', 'bmi*age0', 'bmi*age1', 'bmi*age2', 'age0', 'age1', 'age0*smoker_no', 'age2*smoker_yes']
------------------ rand_forest_class -------------------
precision recall f1-score support
0 1.00 0.90 0.95 324
1 0.52 0.94 0.67 35
2 0.93 1.00 0.97 43
accuracy 0.92 402
macro avg 0.82 0.95 0.86 402
weighted avg 0.95 0.92 0.93 402
[[292 0 0]
[ 31 33 0]
[ 1 2 43]]
################# ridge_x_terms
['age', 'children', 'region_southwest', 'smoker*bmi', 'age_cluster_2']
################# clustered_ridge
['age_cluster', 'age', 'smoker*bmi', 'bmi*age0', 'bmi*age1', 'bmi*age2', 'age0', 'age1', 'age0*smoker_no', 'age2*smoker_yes']
################# lasso
['age_cluster', 'age', 'smoker*bmi', 'bmi*age0', 'bmi*age1', 'bmi*age2', 'age0', 'age1', 'age0*smoker_no']
################# ols_regression
['age', 'children', 'region_southwest', 'smoker*bmi', 'age_cluster_2']
################# random_forest_reg
['age', 'bmi', 'smoker_yes', 'smoker*bmi', 'age_cluster_0', 'age_cluster_2', 'bmi*age0', 'bmi*age1', 'bmi*age2', 'age0', 'age2', 'age0*smoker_no', 'age2*smoker_yes']
################# gradient_boosting_reg
['age', 'children', 'region_southwest', 'smoker*bmi', 'age_cluster_2']
################# neural_net
['age_cluster', 'age', 'smoker*bmi', 'bmi*age0', 'bmi*age1', 'bmi*age2', 'age0', 'age1', 'age0*smoker_no', 'age2*smoker_yes']
------------------ grad_boost_class -------------------
precision recall f1-score support
0 1.00 0.90 0.95 324
1 0.52 0.94 0.67 35
2 0.93 1.00 0.97 43
accuracy 0.92 402
macro avg 0.82 0.95 0.86 402
weighted avg 0.95 0.92 0.93 402
[[292 0 0]
[ 31 33 0]
[ 1 2 43]]
################# ridge_x_terms
['age', 'children', 'region_southwest', 'smoker*bmi', 'age_cluster_2']
################# clustered_ridge
['age_cluster', 'age', 'smoker*bmi', 'bmi*age0', 'bmi*age1', 'bmi*age2', 'age0', 'age1', 'age0*smoker_no', 'age2*smoker_yes']
################# lasso
['age_cluster', 'age', 'smoker*bmi', 'bmi*age0', 'bmi*age1', 'bmi*age2', 'age0', 'age1', 'age0*smoker_no']
################# ols_regression
['age', 'children', 'region_southwest', 'smoker*bmi', 'age_cluster_2']
################# random_forest_reg
['age', 'bmi', 'smoker_yes', 'smoker*bmi', 'age_cluster_0', 'age_cluster_2', 'bmi*age0', 'bmi*age1', 'bmi*age2', 'age0', 'age2', 'age0*smoker_no', 'age2*smoker_yes']
################# gradient_boosting_reg
['age', 'children', 'region_southwest', 'smoker*bmi', 'age_cluster_2']
################# neural_net
['age_cluster', 'age', 'smoker*bmi', 'bmi*age0', 'bmi*age1', 'bmi*age2', 'age0', 'age1', 'age0*smoker_no', 'age2*smoker_yes']
x = []
y = []
models = []
for cm in prediction_results:
for rm in prediction_results[cm]:
if rm != "class_score":
for s in prediction_results[cm][rm]:
print("\t", s, prediction_results[cm][rm][s])
accuracy 0.9079601990049752
{'rmse': 4559.966170530843, 'mae': 2411.5121821100297, 'r2': 0.8527601130760974}
rmse 4559.966170530843
mae 2411.5121821100297
r2 0.8527601130760974
{'rmse': 4568.484334057749, 'mae': 2508.2148892272617, 'r2': 0.8522095015833457}
rmse 4568.484334057749
mae 2508.2148892272617
r2 0.8522095015833457
{'rmse': 4562.8115936998465, 'mae': 2505.3459228306065, 'r2': 0.8525763000890569}
rmse 4562.8115936998465
mae 2505.3459228306065
r2 0.8525763000890569
{'rmse': 4560.5509421512925, 'mae': 2411.4006426455785, 'r2': 0.8527223464677905}
rmse 4560.5509421512925
mae 2411.4006426455785
r2 0.8527223464677905
{'rmse': 4515.218977120326, 'mae': 2597.6097515355186, 'r2': 0.8556356803274469}
rmse 4515.218977120326
mae 2597.6097515355186
r2 0.8556356803274469
{'rmse': 4425.730562775533, 'mae': 2419.597293975663, 'r2': 0.8613013687906581}
rmse 4425.730562775533
mae 2419.597293975663
r2 0.8613013687906581
{'rmse': 4509.003190141607, 'mae': 2484.034467409632, 'r2': 0.8560328793167942}
rmse 4509.003190141607
mae 2484.034467409632
r2 0.8560328793167942
accuracy 0.9154228855721394
{'rmse': 4379.625555603834, 'mae': 2307.862224174572, 'r2': 0.8641761000582435}
rmse 4379.625555603834
mae 2307.862224174572
r2 0.8641761000582435
{'rmse': 4424.333728044337, 'mae': 2418.757960126792, 'r2': 0.8613889061989333}
rmse 4424.333728044337
mae 2418.757960126792
r2 0.8613889061989333
{'rmse': 4418.478182278509, 'mae': 2414.7974719208514, 'r2': 0.8617555632160584}
rmse 4418.478182278509
mae 2414.7974719208514
r2 0.8617555632160584
{'rmse': 4379.557830599713, 'mae': 2307.3304071678235, 'r2': 0.8641803006927242}
rmse 4379.557830599713
mae 2307.3304071678235
r2 0.8641803006927242
{'rmse': 4516.535208253194, 'mae': 2602.222375235576, 'r2': 0.8555515007964498}
rmse 4516.535208253194
mae 2602.222375235576
r2 0.8555515007964498
{'rmse': 4425.730562775533, 'mae': 2419.597293975663, 'r2': 0.8613013687906581}
rmse 4425.730562775533
mae 2419.597293975663
r2 0.8613013687906581
{'rmse': 4405.499379910087, 'mae': 2410.087708990788, 'r2': 0.8625665266047825}
rmse 4405.499379910087
mae 2410.087708990788
r2 0.8625665266047825
accuracy 0.9154228855721394
{'rmse': 4379.625555603834, 'mae': 2307.862224174572, 'r2': 0.8641761000582435}
rmse 4379.625555603834
mae 2307.862224174572
r2 0.8641761000582435
{'rmse': 4424.333728044337, 'mae': 2418.757960126792, 'r2': 0.8613889061989333}
rmse 4424.333728044337
mae 2418.757960126792
r2 0.8613889061989333
{'rmse': 4418.478182278509, 'mae': 2414.7974719208514, 'r2': 0.8617555632160584}
rmse 4418.478182278509
mae 2414.7974719208514
r2 0.8617555632160584
{'rmse': 4379.557830599713, 'mae': 2307.3304071678235, 'r2': 0.8641803006927242}
rmse 4379.557830599713
mae 2307.3304071678235
r2 0.8641803006927242
{'rmse': 4516.535208253194, 'mae': 2602.222375235576, 'r2': 0.8555515007964498}
rmse 4516.535208253194
mae 2602.222375235576
r2 0.8555515007964498
{'rmse': 4425.730562775533, 'mae': 2419.597293975663, 'r2': 0.8613013687906581}
rmse 4425.730562775533
mae 2419.597293975663
r2 0.8613013687906581
{'rmse': 4405.499379910087, 'mae': 2410.087708990788, 'r2': 0.8625665266047825}
rmse 4405.499379910087
mae 2410.087708990788
r2 0.8625665266047825
from IPython.display import HTML, display
import tabulate
def display_table(data):
html = "<h3>Performance of the Sequential Models (Classification + Regression)</h3>"
html += "<h4>Root Mean Squared Error of Prediction (Training RMSE)</h4><table>"
html += "<tr><th>class/reg</th><th>class. accuracy</th>"
for r in regression_models:
html += "<th><u>"+str(r)+"</u></th>"
html += "</tr>"
for cm in data:
html += "<tr><th><u>"+str(cm)+"</u></th>"
# print(cm)
for (rm) in data[cm]:
# print(rm)
if rm != "class_score":
html += "<td>{:.2f} ({:.2f})</td>".format(data[cm][rm]["rmse"], training_results[rm])
html += "<td>{:.2f}</td>".format(data[cm][rm]["accuracy"])
html += "</tr>"
html += "</table>"
# print(html)
from IPython.display import HTML, display
import tabulate
def display_table(data):
html = "<h4>Mean Absolute Error</h4><table>"
html += "<tr><th>class/reg</th><th>class. accuracy</th>"
for r in regression_models:
html += "<th><u>"+str(r)+"</u></th>"
html += "</tr>"
for cm in data:
html += "<tr><th><u>"+str(cm)+"</u></th>"
# print(cm)
for rm in data[cm]:
# print(rm)
if rm != "class_score":
html += "<td>{:.2f}</td>".format(data[cm][rm]["mae"])
html += "<td>{:.2f}</td>".format(data[cm][rm]["accuracy"])
html += "</tr>"
html += "</table>"
# print(html)
def display_table(data):
html = "<h4>R-Squared Adjusted (out-of-sample)</h4><table>"
html += "<tr><th>class/reg</th><th>class. accuracy</th>"
for r in regression_models:
html += "<th><u>"+str(r)+"</u></th>"
html += "</tr>"
for cm in data:
html += "<tr><th><u>"+str(cm)+"</u></th>"
# print(cm)
for rm in data[cm]:
# print(rm)
if rm != "class_score":
html += "<td>{:.4f}</td>".format(data[cm][rm]["r2"])
html += "<td>{:.2f}</td>".format(data[cm][rm]["accuracy"])
html += "</tr>"
html += "</table>"
# print(html)
sequential_results = pd.DataFrame(new_entry, columns=["regression_model", "rmse", "mae", "r2"])
for r in regression_models:
rmse = prediction_results["grad_boost_class"][r]["rmse"]
mae = prediction_results["grad_boost_class"][r]["mae"]
r2 = prediction_results["grad_boost_class"][r]["r2"]
sequential_results = sequential_results.append({'regression_model':r, 'rmse':rmse, "mae":mae, "r2":r2}, ignore_index=True)
sequential_results = sequential_results.sort_values("rmse")
fig, ax = plt.subplots(3, 1, figsize=(12,7))
sns.barplot(x=sequential_results["regression_model"], y=sequential_results["rmse"], ax=ax[0])
ax[0].set(ylim=(4000, 4700))
sns.barplot(x=sequential_results["regression_model"], y=sequential_results["mae"], ax=ax[1])
ax[1].set(ylim=(2000, 2800))
sns.barplot(x=sequential_results["regression_model"], y=sequential_results["r2"], ax=ax[2])
ax[2].set(ylim=(0.8, 0.9))
plt.subplots_adjust(left=None, bottom=None, right=None, top=None, wspace=None, hspace=0.4)
class/reg | class. accuracy | ridge_x_terms | clustered_ridge | lasso | ols_regression | random_forest_reg | gradient_boosting_reg | neural_net |
svm | 0.91 | 4559.97 (4597.85) | 4568.48 (2691.96) | 4562.81 (4659.32) | 4560.55 (4557.65) | 4515.22 (4708.78) | 4425.73 (4593.30) | 4509.00 (4695.92) |
rand_forest_class | 0.92 | 4379.63 (4597.85) | 4424.33 (2691.96) | 4418.48 (4659.32) | 4379.56 (4557.65) | 4516.54 (4708.78) | 4425.73 (4593.30) | 4405.50 (4695.92) |
grad_boost_class | 0.92 | 4379.63 (4597.85) | 4424.33 (2691.96) | 4418.48 (4659.32) | 4379.56 (4557.65) | 4516.54 (4708.78) | 4425.73 (4593.30) | 4405.50 (4695.92) |
class/reg | class. accuracy | ridge_x_terms | clustered_ridge | lasso | ols_regression | random_forest_reg | gradient_boosting_reg | neural_net |
svm | 0.91 | 2411.51 | 2508.21 | 2505.35 | 2411.40 | 2597.61 | 2419.60 | 2484.03 |
rand_forest_class | 0.92 | 2307.86 | 2418.76 | 2414.80 | 2307.33 | 2602.22 | 2419.60 | 2410.09 |
grad_boost_class | 0.92 | 2307.86 | 2418.76 | 2414.80 | 2307.33 | 2602.22 | 2419.60 | 2410.09 |
class/reg | class. accuracy | ridge_x_terms | clustered_ridge | lasso | ols_regression | random_forest_reg | gradient_boosting_reg | neural_net |
svm | 0.91 | 0.8528 | 0.8522 | 0.8526 | 0.8527 | 0.8556 | 0.8613 | 0.8560 |
rand_forest_class | 0.92 | 0.8642 | 0.8614 | 0.8618 | 0.8642 | 0.8556 | 0.8613 | 0.8626 |
grad_boost_class | 0.92 | 0.8642 | 0.8614 | 0.8618 | 0.8642 | 0.8556 | 0.8613 | 0.8626 |
from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error
from sklearn.metrics import mean_absolute_error
from sklearn.metrics import r2_score
from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix, ConfusionMatrixDisplay
#Evaluate classification on test data
prediction_results = {}
for rm in single_regression_models:
print("################# ",rm)
# specify test data for regression
X_test = data_test[reg_X[rm]]
y_test = np.array(data_test[reg_y]).reshape(-1, 1).flatten()
# print(X_test[0:10])
# print(y_test[0:10])
if rm == "neural_net_single":
reg_model = neural_net_pure
reg_model = pickle.load(open("models/"+rm+".sav", "rb"))
# Predict with regression model
# print(X_test.info())
if rm == "neural_net_single":
y_pred = nn_pure_y_scaler.inverse_transform(reg_model.predict(X_test).reshape(-1, 1))
y_pred = y_pred.reshape(-1, )
y_pred = reg_model.predict(X_test)
y_pred = y_pred.reshape(-1, )
sns.scatterplot(x = data_test["age"], y=y_pred, label="y_pred", color="red")
sns.scatterplot(x = data_test["age"], y=y_test, label="y_test", color="green")
# Calculate regression metrics
rmse = np.sqrt(mean_squared_error(y_test, y_pred))
mae = mean_absolute_error(y_test, y_pred)
r2 = r2_score(y_test, y_pred)
scores = {
"rmse": rmse,
"mae": mae,
"r2": r2
# add to dict
prediction_results.update({str(rm): scores})
################# ridge_single
['age', 'bmi', 'children', 'smoker_yes', 'smoker*bmi']
################# rand_forest_reg_single
['age', 'bmi', 'children', 'sex_male', 'smoker_yes', 'region_northeast', 'region_southeast', 'smoker*bmi']
################# grad_boost_reg_single
['age', 'bmi', 'children', 'smoker_yes', 'smoker*bmi']
################# neural_net_single
['age', 'bmi', 'children', 'sex_male', 'smoker_yes', 'region_northeast', 'region_southeast', 'region_southwest', 'smoker*bmi']
from IPython.display import HTML, display
import tabulate
def display_table(data):
html = "<h3>Performance of the Single Models (Only Regression)</h3>"
html += "<h4>Root Mean Squared Error of Prediction (Training RMSE)</h4><table>"
for r in single_training_results:
html += "<th><u>"+str(r)+"</u></th>"
html += "</tr>"
html += "<tr>"
for (rm) in data:
# print(rm)
html += "<td>{:.2f} ({:.2f})</td>".format(prediction_results[rm]["rmse"], single_training_results[rm])
html += "</tr>"
html += "</table>"
# print(html)
def display_table(data):
html = "<h4>Mean Absolute Error</h4><table>"
for r in single_training_results:
html += "<th><u>"+str(r)+"</u></th>"
html += "</tr>"
html += "<tr>"
for (rm) in data:
# print(rm)
html += "<td>{:.2f}</td>".format(prediction_results[rm]["mae"])
html += "</tr>"
html += "</table>"
# print(html)
def display_table(data):
html = "<h4>R-Squared Adjusted (out-of-sample)</h4><table>"
for r in single_training_results:
html += "<th><u>"+str(r)+"</u></th>"
html += "</tr>"
html += "<tr>"
for (rm) in data:
# print(rm)
html += "<td>{:.2f}</td>".format(prediction_results[rm]["r2"])
html += "</tr>"
html += "</table>"
# print(html)
# Barplots
single_results = pd.DataFrame(new_entry, columns=["regression_model", "rmse", "mae", "r2"])
for r in single_regression_models:
rmse = prediction_results[r]["rmse"]
mae = prediction_results[r]["mae"]
r2 = prediction_results[r]["r2"]
single_results = single_results.append({'regression_model':r, 'rmse':rmse, "mae":mae, "r2":r2}, ignore_index=True)
single_results = single_results.sort_values("rmse")
fig, ax = plt.subplots(3, 1, figsize=(12,7))
sns.barplot(x=single_results["regression_model"], y=single_results["rmse"], ax=ax[0])
ax[0].set(ylim=(4000, 4800))
sns.barplot(x=single_results["regression_model"], y=single_results["mae"], ax=ax[1])
ax[1].set(ylim=(2000, 2800))
sns.barplot(x=single_results["regression_model"], y=single_results["r2"], ax=ax[2])
ax[2].set(ylim=(0.8, 0.9))
plt.subplots_adjust(left=None, bottom=None, right=None, top=None, wspace=None, hspace=0.4)
ridge_single | rand_forest_reg_single | grad_boost_reg_single | neural_net_single |
4775.81 (4938.27) | 4611.33 (4752.36) | 4433.55 (4603.21) | 4600.37 (4796.79) |
ridge_single | rand_forest_reg_single | grad_boost_reg_single | neural_net_single |
2820.95 | 2547.95 | 2438.08 | 2727.66 |
ridge_single | rand_forest_reg_single | grad_boost_reg_single | neural_net_single |
0.84 | 0.85 | 0.86 | 0.85 |