A Dockerfile for mycli.
- Usage
- Image Size
- Developing
- Suggestion, Bug Reporting, Contributing
- Versioning
- Copyright and License
I have built an docker image in https://hub.docker.com/r/adoyle/mycli .
You can use it directly, or build image by yourself (See Developing).
docker pull adoyle/mycli:1.19.0
docker run --net=host --rm -it adoyle/mycli:1.19.0 -h "$HOST" -P "$PORT" -p "$PASSWORD" -u "$USER" "$DB"
# or invoke the "run" script
./run -h "$HOST" -P "$PORT" -p "$PASSWORD" -u "$USER" "$DB"
adoyle/mycli 1.19.0 2773b149a270 10 minutes ago 104MB
python 3.7.3-alpine3.9 fe3ef29c73f3 6 weeks ago 87MB
The adoyle/mycli is based on python:3.7.3-alpine3.9 image. The mycli layer only uses 17MB.
# build image
# run container
./run -h "$HOST" -P "$PORT" -p "$PASSWORD" -u "$USER" "$DB"
To build different version of mycli.
VERSION=1.19.0 ./build
VERSION=1.19.0 ./run -h "$HOST" -P "$PORT" -p "$PASSWORD" -u "$USER" "$DB"
Any suggestions and contributions are always welcome. Please open an issue to talk with me.
The versioning follows the rules of SemVer 2.0.0.
Attentions: anything may have BREAKING CHANGES at ANY TIME when major version is zero (0.y.z), which is for initial development and the public API should be considered unstable.
For more information on SemVer, please visit http://semver.org/.
Copyright (c) 2019 ADoyle adoyle.h@gmail.com. The project is licensed under the Apache License Version 2.0.
See the LICENSE file for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.