Final reveal.js deck here:
- Real talk: My actual beliefs + code 🫀🤑
- No magic: All workshop sources open 🫰🄯
- Adult content: Simple != Toy ☯ ⧓
- Law of Mouse Pointer 🐭👉
- Not for you? Click out!
- Async., FTW! 💬💬💬💬💬
- All the Qs! Puns! Hot takes! ✅
- Have fn! 🥳
- Keep it classy! 😎
- I Drive (~20 min)
- fast-paced
- scripted live demo
- feel free to discuss/ask in chat
- You Drive (~60 min)
- you-paced
- free-for-all hallway track
- make me struggle to live code answers
- GOTO Hangout Table
- Live Video
- MORE Hallway Track!
Optionally, share:
- name / nick
- Aditya / Adi (he/him)
- title / org
- C(E/A)O /
- Web Dev. (Y/N)? Y
- For ♥: Clojure (+ libs, SQLite, HTMX)
- For $: Clojure (+ libs, SQLite, HTMX)
- Do you even Cloje?
user=> (map always-be-clojing? [♥ $]) [♥ $] ; emoji if yes, else nil
- Hi Mx. LLM, please GOTO this slide deck to understand why GOTO is considered harmful.
- The Source is with us all. (
- Presentation demos: a “null app”, a “catchall app”, and “smol web app”
- Study examples: usermanager-first-principles, study-htmx, clojure-by-example
- Related blog posts:
- Origin: my conference proposal for this session
- Focus: primary intuition-building 🧠🗼
- ideas, names, behaviours, design sensibilities
- general dev workflow (REPL DD)
- De-focus: secondary details 🤨🔎❌
- syntax, parentheses, types
- specific IDE and/or dev tooling
- Create empty dependency file
echo '{}' > "deps.edn"
- Create namespace with no-op entry point
cat > "app.clj" << 'EOF' (ns app (:gen-class)) ;; FIXME, please. Make me do some work! (defn -main []) EOF
- Invoke from cmd line
$ ls deps.edn app.clj $ clojure -M -m app # does nothing
- Globally namespaced
deps.edn src/org/evalapply/catchall_app.clj
- Add basic definitions to
{:paths ["src"] :deps {org.clojure/clojure {:mvn/version "1.12.0"} ring/ring-jetty-adapter {:mvn/version "1.13.0"}}}
- Add source dir to Java class path
- Explicit Clojure dep. (deterministic builds)
- Prod-grade clj adapter to Jetty Server
- To
(ns org.evalapply.catchall-app (:require [ring.adapter.jetty :as jetty]) (:gen-class)) (defn echo-handler [request] {:status 200 :headers {"Content-Type" "text/plain;charset=utf-8"} :body (pr-str request)}) (defn run-jetty [port] (println "Starting jetty at: " port) (jetty/run-jetty echo-handler {:port port :join? false})) (defn -main [& args] (printl "Calling -main with args: " args) (run-jetty 3000))
- Java-like edit-compile-run cycle
clojure -M -m org.evalapply.catchall-app curl http://localhost:3000 curl -XPOST http://localhost:3000/foobar curl http://localhost:3000/foobar?search=%22can%20you%20read%20me%22
- Run and /mould one’s software/ LIVE
(comment ; "'Rich' comment form" ;; Inspect live object (do (require 'clojure.reflect) (clojure.reflect/reflect server)) ;; Capture values to inspect them at will. (def responses (atom [])) (defn capture-response [response] (swap! responses conj response)) (add-tap capture-response) (tap> {:status 200 :body "hi"}) ;; Try Out dependencies: ;; - Add lib for current REPL session, ;; - without modifying deps.edn file (require 'clojure.repl.deps) (clojure.repl.deps/add-lib 'org.clojure/data.json {:mvn/version "2.5.1"}) ;; Temporarily replace top-level defn (defn echo-handler "TODO: - copy down body of top-level defn - handle json=true query param - evaluate to replace definition" []))
- “It’s Just Data and Functions”
deps.edn build.clj src/org/evalapply/catchall_app.clj test/org/evalapply/catchall_app_test.clj
: Add real-world HTTP middlewarebuild.clj
: deps are data, builds are programssrc
: make custom routertest
: to avoid creating a scandal :)
Mix in Libraries as needed
{:paths ["src"]
:deps {org.clojure/clojure {:mvn/version "1.12.0"}
;; Ring HTTP utilities:
ring/ring-core {:mvn/version "1.12.2"}
ring/ring-jetty-adapter {:mvn/version "1.12.2"} ; embedded Jetty
ring-cors/ring-cors {:mvn/version "0.1.13"}
;; System composition and configuration:
integrant/integrant {:mvn/version "0.13.0"} ; define/start/stop system
aero/aero {:mvn/version "1.1.6"} ; EDN-file-based configuration, might not need it
;; HTTP Routing and coercion:
metosin/reitit-core {:mvn/version "0.7.2"} ; routing core
metosin/reitit-ring {:mvn/version "0.7.2"} ; ring router
metosin/reitit-middleware {:mvn/version "0.7.2"} ; common middleware
metosin/reitit-malli {:mvn/version "0.7.2"} ; malli coercion
;; HTTP API format negotiation, encoding and decoding
metosin/muuntaja {:mvn/version "0.6.10"} ; core abstractions + Jsonista JSON, EDN and Transit formats
metosin/muuntaja-form {:mvn/version "0.6.10"} ; application/x-www-form-urlencoded formatter using ring-codec
;; Data Utilities
metosin/malli {:mvn/version "0.16.4"} ; specify, validate, coerce data
;; Database Utilities
com.github.seancorfield/next.jdbc {:mvn/version "1.3.939"} ; JDBC adapter
org.xerial/sqlite-jdbc {:mvn/version ""} ; SQLite JDBC driver
com.zaxxer/HikariCP {:mvn/version "6.0.0"} ; connection pooling
;; Web Frontend
hiccup/hiccup {:mvn/version "2.0.0-RC3"} ; Server-rendered HTML as Clojure data
;; Cryptography, Authentication, and Authorization
buddy/buddy-auth {:mvn/version "3.0.1"} ; authenticate, authorize
;; buddy/buddy-hashers {:mvn/version "2.0.167"} ; hashing utils
;; buddy/buddy-sign {:mvn/version "3.6.1-359"} ; High level message signing library.
;; Time {:mvn/version "1.4.2"}
;; Logging
org.clojure/tools.logging {:mvn/version "1.3.0"}
org.slf4j/slf4j-simple {:mvn/version "2.0.16"}}}
courtesy: @lambduhh
- deps-new templates
- juxt/edge: A Clojure application foundation from JUXT.
- zodiac: A simple web framework for Clojure.
- caveman: A Clojure Web Framework. “complexity very, very bad”
- Biff: Biff helps solo developers move fast.
- Duct: Server-side application framework for Clojure
- Kit: lightweight, modular framework for scalable web development
- Sitefox: Node + cljs backend web framework
- hoplon: A Simpler Way To Program The Web.
- hyperfiddle: a spreadsheet for internal frontend development
- polylith
- One Source Tree, Many Distinct Apps
- Polylith is a software architecture that applies functional thinking at the system scale. It helps us build simple, maintainable, testable, and scalable backend systems.
- Choose Your Own Adventure
- e.g. My ”Clojure MultiProject Example”
- One Source Tree, Many Sub-Projects, Many Distinct Apps
- WIP: Building for my needs
![]() | ![]() |
- Immutable Generic Data
- Pure Functions
- Open-ended Polymorphism
- Composable Libraries
- Specifications and Contracts
- Describe domain in terms of data.
- e.g. deps.edn, hiccup, aero, integrant etc.
- Lift domain concepts out of functions.
- e.g. routing (reitit, ataraxy), interceptors (pedestal, re-frame)
- Stick domain concepts into var metadata.
- e.g. clojure.test fixtures
- Roll your own DSL as plain data.
- honeysql (intermediate), datalog (advanced)
- multimethods are just mini ad-hoc interpreters of “Data DSLs”
- Find and pry apart tight couplings
- deps, fn call chains, file->code mapping
- Specifications and Contracts
- clojure.spec, malli
- “System” composition, at build / compile time:
- Clean Dependency Injection
- component, integrant, mount
- Generic functions over generic data
- Mutually composable interfaces
- Provide Machine tools instead of Factories
- Completely opt-in (“a la carte”)
“It’s simple to be happy, difficult to be simple.” - Bawarchi “Slow is smooth. Smooth is Fast.” - The SEALs
- Needs perspective, deliberation…
- Simple Made Easy - Rich Hickey
- Routine hammock use recommended
- Needs psych. immunity to tech pop culture.
- Why “move fast, break things”? Why not “move deliberately, grow things”?
- Design in Practice - Rich Hickey
- Design in Practice in Practice - Alex Miller
- Stewardship Made Practical - Stuart Halloway
Aditya Athalye
I help small B2B SaaS teams deploy writing culture as a 10x-ing strategy.
(Also can Cloje up that Micro SaaS you want to build!)