: Opcode
operands ; //
Token | What | Usage |
Label |
Any Valid Variable name | Used to mark an instruction as well as Data.Instruction may or may not contain Label. Compulsary to mark an instruction when using Branching Operation. ALSO , when declaring a variable Label should clearly be DATA OR when assigning value to a variable , Label must be DATA . SEE : Labels |
: |
To be used after Label. To be used even if there is no Label |
Tells the assembler about end of label. Every Instruction must use : Throws an error otherwise |
Opcode |
The string representing instruction. | Must be from the list given below. If not , throw an error |
Operands |
Operands to be used with Opcode. | Must be defined in this procedure , Variable name should be valid , Number of operands must be equal to those demanded by Opcode |
; |
End of Instruction | Compulsary to use in every instruction. if : is reached directly after ; Or file ends and ; is not present , then throw error. |
\\ |
Single line comments | Everything after ; is ignored as long as it is in same line |
/* Comments */ |
Multi-line comments | Everything in between /* and */ is ignored. Throw error if either of two is missing |
Variable Types | What |
Represents an address. Defined as Label |
Represents Data eg. 2,5,16 etc., Declared explicitly |
is a reserved keyword. Whenever defining a variable the label must clearly be DATA
General Format
DATA : type variable name , value ;
Eamples :
DATA : int y , 10 ; //variable y declared and assigned value 10
DATA : int y ; //variable y declared but not assigned any value.
DATA : y = 10 ; //Already assigned vaiable attached a value.
is not a keyword. Any valid variable name can be used to mark address of an instruction
Examples :
Addition : Add x ; //Labeled Addition
: BRZ Addition ; // No label to it. But can jump to "Address"
- Can contain English alphabets , digits 0-9 and only one special character
. - Cannot Start with a digit.
- Cannot contain tabs , spaces new line etc.
Possible Errors
1)Variable name not valid
2)Variable is already declared
Opcode | Assembly Opcode | Parameters | Meaning |
0000 |
- | Clear accumulator |
0001 |
x |
Load into accumulator from address |
0010 |
x |
Store accumulator contents into address |
0011 |
x |
Add address contents to accumulator contents |
0100 |
x |
Subtract address contents from accumulator contents |
0101 |
Branch to address if accumulator contains zero |
0110 |
Branch to address if accumulator contains negative value |
0111 |
Branch to address if accumulator contains positive value |
1000 |
x |
Read from terminal and put in address |
1001 |
x |
Display value in address on terminal |
1010 |
x |
Multiply accumulator contents and address contents |
1011 |
x , R1 , R2 |
Divide accumulator contents by **address content **. Quotient in R1 and remainder in R2 |
1100 |
- | Stop execution |
Assemble Opcode | Possible Errors |
- |
LAC x |
Variable not defined , **Variable Type : DATA expected ** , Value not assigned to variable |
SAC x |
Variable not defined , **Variable Type : DATA expected ** , Value not assigned to variable, Accumulator Contents Not Set |
ADD x |
Variable not defined , **Variable Type : DATA expected ** , Value not assigned to variable, Accumulator Contents Not Set |
SUB x |
Variable not defined , **Variable Type : DATA expected ** , Value not assigned to variable, Accumulator Contents Not Set |
Variable not defined , **Variable Type : ADDRESS expected ** |
Variable not defined , **Variable Type : ADDRESS expected ** |
Variable not defined , **Variable Type : ADDRESS expected ** |
INP x |
Variable not defined , **Variable Type : DATA expected ** , Value not assigned to variable |
DSP x |
Variable not defined , **Variable Type : DATA expected ** , Value not assigned to variable |
MUL x |
Value not defined ,**Variable Type : DATA expected ** , Value not assigned to variable , , Accumulator Contents Not Set |
DIV x , R1 , R2 |
Variable not defined , Zero division error , Variable Type : DATA expected , Value not assigned to variable , Accumulator Contents Not Set |
If anything after STP , Not reachable Code |
(1) typeMismatchError : (i) `DATA` expected and `ADDRESS` passed and ice-versa. (ii) In `ADD`,`MUL`,`SUB`,`DIV` Type of opperand different from accumulator type. (iii) Variable defied type `A` and found to be type `B`. (2) variableError : (i) Variable name invalid. (ii) Variable not defined. (a) `ADDRESS` not defined, (b) `DATA` not defined, (iii) Value not assigned. (3) syntaxError : (i)`:` missing. (ii) `;` missing. (iii) Opcode invalid. (iv) Possible variable defination , but not labelled `DATA` (v) Multiline comment : (a) Not starting , but ending. (b) Not ending but start found. (4) mathEror : (i)zeroDivisionError (5) accumulatorContentsNotSetError : Thrown when during program , accumulator is not cleared or No data is loaded. But an operation is done using contents of accumulator.