0.3.0 (2024-01-26)
- add loading screen for showing resume pdf (63cf1ea)
- add redirect in public to resolve frontend deployment issue with netlify or vercel (531d0d1)
- add typescript and remove all classes components (dff359d)
- change footer color to match main background color (5d720b8)
- change resume (be6ddfb)
- fix grid system on the first component of the home page (6d65e43)
- ignore .eslintcache in .gitignore (202d40f)
- make sure all components or styles for home page are in typescript (a644030)
- refactor home page (4d13c99)
- remove react-transition-group (4284d30)
- remove unused file (64fd3fc)
- update max width for home page (4f8921c)
- update scrollbar (fb9793f)