Portspoof is meant to be a lightweight, fast, portable and secure addition to any firewall system or security system. The general goal of the program is to make the reconnaissance phase slow and bothersome for your attackers as much it is possible. This is quite a change to the standard aggressive Nmap scan, which will give a full view of your system's running services.
By using all of the techniques mentioned below:
- your attackers will have a tough time while trying to identify all of your listening services.
- the only way to determine if a service is emulated is through a protocol probe (imagine probing protocols for 65k open ports!).
- it takes more than 8 hours and 200MB of sent data in order to get all of the service banners for your system ( nmap -sV -p - equivalent).
The Portspoof program's primary goal is to enhance OS security through a set of new techniques:
- All TCP ports are always open
Instead of informing an attacker that a particular port is CLOSED or FILTERED a system with Portspoof will return SYN+ACK for every port connection attempt.
As a result it is impractical to use stealth (SYN, ACK, etc.) port scanning against your system, since all ports are always reported as OPEN. With this approach it is really difficult to determine if a valid software is listening on a particular port (check out the screenshots).
- Every open TCP port emulates a service
Portspoof has a huge dynamic service signature database, which will be used to generate responses to your offenders scanning software service probes.
Scanning software usually tries to determine a service that is running on an open port. This step is mandatory if one would want to identify port numbers on which you are running your services on a system behind the Portspoof. For this reason Portspoof will respond to every service probe with a valid service signature, which is dynamically generated based on a service signature regular expression database.
As a result an attacker will not be able to determine which port numbers your system is truly using.
portspoof -h
Usage: portspoof [OPTION]...
Portspoof - service emulator / frontend exploitation framework.
-i ip : Bind to a particular IP address
-p port : Bind to a particular PORT number
-s file_path : Portspoof service signature regex. file
-c file_path : Portspoof configuration file
-l file_path : Log port scanning alerts to a file
-f file_path : FUZZER_MODE - fuzzing payload file list
-n file_path : FUZZER_MODE - wrapping signatures file list
-1 FUZZER_MODE - generate fuzzing payloads internally
-2 switch to simple reply mode (doesn't work for Nmap)!
-D run as daemon process
-d disable syslog
-v be verbose
-h display this help and exit
Portspoof, when run, listens on a single port. By default this is port 4444. In order to fool a port scan, we have to allow Portspoof to listen on every port. To accomplish this we will use an iptables
command that redirects every packet sent to any port to port 4444 where the Portspoof port will be listening. This allows Portspoof to respond on any port.
iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp -m tcp --dport 1:65535 -j REDIRECT --to-ports 4444
Then run Portspoof with no options, which defaults it to "open port" mode. This mode will just return OPEN state for every connection attempt.
If you were to scan using Nmap from another machine now you would see something like this:
Note: You must run Nmap from a different machine. Scanning from the same machine will not reach Portspoof.
nmap -p 1-20
Starting Nmap 6.47 ( )
Nmap scan report for
Host is up (0.0018s latency).
1/tcp open tcpmux
2/tcp open compressnet
3/tcp open compressnet
4/tcp open unknown
5/tcp open unknown
6/tcp open unknown
7/tcp open echo
8/tcp open unknown
9/tcp open discard
10/tcp open unknown
11/tcp open systat
12/tcp open unknown
13/tcp open daytime
14/tcp open unknown
15/tcp open netstat
16/tcp open unknown
17/tcp open qotd
18/tcp open unknown
19/tcp open chargen
20/tcp open ftp-data
All ports are reported as open! When run this way, Nmap reports the service that typically runs on each port.
To get more accurate results, an attacker might run an Nmap service scan, which would actively try to detect the services running. But performing an Nmap service detection scan shows that something is amiss because all ports are reported as running the same type of service.
nmap -p 1-20 -sV
Starting Nmap 6.47 ( )
Nmap scan report for
Host is up (0.00047s latency).
1/tcp open tcpwrapped
2/tcp open tcpwrapped
3/tcp open tcpwrapped
4/tcp open tcpwrapped
5/tcp open tcpwrapped
6/tcp open tcpwrapped
7/tcp open tcpwrapped
8/tcp open tcpwrapped
9/tcp open tcpwrapped
10/tcp open tcpwrapped
11/tcp open tcpwrapped
12/tcp open tcpwrapped
13/tcp open tcpwrapped
14/tcp open tcpwrapped
15/tcp open tcpwrapped
16/tcp open tcpwrapped
17/tcp open tcpwrapped
18/tcp open tcpwrapped
19/tcp open tcpwrapped
20/tcp open tcpwrapped
Showing all ports as open is all well and good. But the same thing could be accomplished with a simple netcat listener (nc -l -k 4444
). To make things more interesting, how about we have Portspoof fool Nmap into actually detecting real services running?
portspoof -s /usr/local/etc/portspoof_signatures
This mode will generate and feed port scanners like Nmap bogus service signatures.
Now running an Nmap service detection scan against the top 100 most common ports (a common hacker activity) will turn up some very interesting results.
nmap -F -sV
Starting Nmap 6.47 ( )
Stats: 0:00:49 elapsed; 0 hosts completed (1 up), 1 undergoing Service Scan
Service scan Timing: About 90.00% done; ETC: 01:11 (0:00:05 remaining)
Nmap scan report for
Host is up (0.21s latency).
7/tcp open http Milestone XProtect video surveillance http interface (tu-ka)
9/tcp open ntop-http Ntop web interface 1ey (Q)
13/tcp open ftp VxWorks ftpd 6.a
21/tcp open http Grandstream VoIP phone http config 6193206
22/tcp open http Cherokee httpd X
23/tcp open ftp MacOS X Server ftpd (MacOS X Server 790751705)
25/tcp open smtp?
26/tcp open http ZNC IRC bouncer http config 0.097 or later
37/tcp open finger NetBSD fingerd
53/tcp open ftp Rumpus ftpd
79/tcp open http Web e (Netscreen administrative web server)
80/tcp open http BitTornado tracker dgpX
81/tcp open hosts2-ns?
88/tcp open http 3Com OfficeConnect Firewall http config
106/tcp open pop3pw?
110/tcp open ipp Virata-EmWeb nbF (HP Laserjet 4200 TN http config)
111/tcp open imap Dovecot imapd
113/tcp open smtp Xserve smtpd
119/tcp open nntp?
135/tcp open http netTALK Duo http config
139/tcp open http Oversee Turing httpd kC (domain parking)
143/tcp open crestron-control TiVo DVR Crestron control server
144/tcp open http Ares Galaxy P2P httpd 7942927
179/tcp open http WMI ViH (3Com 5500G-EI switch http config)
199/tcp open smux?
389/tcp open http-proxy ziproxy http proxy
427/tcp open vnc (protocol 3)
443/tcp open https?
444/tcp open snpp?
445/tcp open http Pogoplug HBHTTP QpwKdZQ
465/tcp open http Gordian httpd 322410 (IQinVision IQeye3 webcam rtspd)
513/tcp open login?
514/tcp open finger ffingerd
515/tcp open pop3 Eudora Internet Mail Server X pop3d 4918451
543/tcp open ftp Dell Laser Printer z printer ftpd k
544/tcp open ftp Solaris ftpd
548/tcp open http Medusa httpd Elhmq (Sophos Anti-Virus Home http config)
554/tcp open rtsp?
587/tcp open http-proxy Pound http proxy
631/tcp open efi-webtools EFI Fiery WebTools communication
646/tcp open ldp?
873/tcp open rsync?
990/tcp open http OpenWrt uHTTPd
993/tcp open ftp Konica Minolta bizhub printer ftpd
995/tcp open pop3s?
1025/tcp open sip-proxy Comdasys SIP Server D
1026/tcp open LSA-or-nterm?
1027/tcp open IIS?
1028/tcp open rfidquery Mercury3 RFID Query protocol
1029/tcp open smtp-proxy ESET NOD32 anti-virus smtp proxy
1110/tcp open http qhttpd
1433/tcp open http ControlByWeb WebRelay-Quad http admin
1720/tcp open H.323/Q.931?
1723/tcp open pptp?
1755/tcp open http Siemens Simatic HMI MiniWeb httpd
1900/tcp open tunnelvision Tunnel Vision VPN info 69853
2000/tcp open telnet Patton SmartNode 4638 VoIP adapter telnetd
2001/tcp open dc?
2049/tcp open nfs?
2121/tcp open http Bosch Divar Security Systems http config
2717/tcp open rtsp Darwin Streaming Server 104621400
3000/tcp open pop3 Solid pop3d
3128/tcp open irc-proxy muh irc proxy
3306/tcp open ident KVIrc fake identd
3389/tcp open ms-wbt-server?
3986/tcp open mapper-ws_ethd?
4899/tcp open printer QMC DeskLaser printer (Status o)
5000/tcp open http D-Link DSL-eTjM http config
5009/tcp open airport-admin?
5051/tcp open ssh (protocol 325257)
5060/tcp open http apt-cache/apt-proxy httpd
5101/tcp open ftp OKI BVdqeC-ykAA VoIP adapter ftpd kHttKI
5190/tcp open http Conexant-EmWeb JqlM (Intertex IX68 WAP http config; SIPGT TyXT)
5357/tcp open wsdapi?
5432/tcp open postgresql?
5631/tcp open irc ircu ircd
5666/tcp open litecoin-jsonrpc Litecoin JSON-RPC f_
5800/tcp open smtp Lotus Domino smtpd rT Beta y
5900/tcp open ftp
6000/tcp open http httpd.js (Songbird WebRemote)
6001/tcp open daap mt-daapd DAAP TGeiZA
6646/tcp open unknown
7070/tcp open athinfod Athena athinfod
8000/tcp open amanda Amanda backup system index server (broken: not found)
8008/tcp open http?
8009/tcp open ajp13?
8080/tcp open http D-Link DGL-4300 WAP http config
8081/tcp open http fec ysp (Funkwerk bintec R232B router; .h.K...z)
8443/tcp open smtp
8888/tcp open smtp OpenVMS smtpd uwcDNI (OpenVMS RVqcGIr; Alpha)
9100/tcp open jetdirect?
9999/tcp open http Embedded HTTPD 3BOzejtHW (Netgear MRd WAP http config; j)
10000/tcp open http MikroTik router http config (RouterOS 0982808)
32768/tcp open filenet-tms?
49152/tcp open unknown
49153/tcp open http ASSP Anti-Spam Proxy httpd XLgR(?)?
49154/tcp open http Samsung AllShare httpd
49155/tcp open ftp Synology DiskStation NAS ftpd
49156/tcp open aspi ASPI server 837305
49157/tcp open sip AVM FRITZ!Box |
Notice how all of the ports are still reported as open, but now Nmap reports a unique service on each port. This will either 1) lead an attacker down a rabbit hole investigating each port while wasting their time, or 2) the attacker may discard the results as false positives and ignore this machine altogether, leaving any legitimate service running untouched.
To reset ADHD, you may reboot (recommended) or:
- Kill Portspoof by pressing Ctrl-C.
- Flush all iptables rules by running the command (as root):
sudo iptables -t nat -F