- Forked from settle project by Andrew Cumming https://github.com/andrewcumming/settle
- pySettle Repo: https://github.com/adellej/pysettle
- BEANSp Repo: https://github.com/adellej/beans (related, using and depends on pySettle)
This code computes ignition conditions for Type I X-ray bursts using a multi-zone model of the accreting layer (including hot CNO hydrogen burning, but not helium burning), via a one-zone ignition criterion. For more details, see Cumming & Bildsten (2000).
The code contains updates and improvements as described in Goodwin et al. (2019) and subsequent work since.
The original code was written by Andrew Cumming, with subsequent modifications and updates by Adelle J. Goodwin, Martin Cupak, & Duncan K. Galloway
pySettle is on pyPI (https://pypi.org/project/pySettle/) so installation is easy - either straight or in virtual environment:
pip install pySettlefrom pySettle import settler
(See the code of test script test_settle_sft.py as an example.)
Please refer to build instructions.