This repository contains solution programs written for the Low-level programming & Algorithm projects/tasks. This is the part of the Software Engineering program organized by Alx Africa which occurred throughout the duration of the year 2022 June, cohort08 curriculum. The projects are written in C programming language.
- 0x00. C - Hello, World
- 0x01. C - Variables, if, else, while
- 0x02. C -Functions_nested_loops
- 0x03. C-Debugging
- 0x04. C - More functions, more nested loops
- 0x05. C - Pointers, arrays and strings
- 0x06. C - Pointers, arrays and strings
- 0x07. C - Even more pointers, arrays and strings
- 0x08. C - Recursion
- 0x09. C - Static libraries
- 0x10. C - Variadic functions
- 0x11. C - Printf
- 0x12. C - Singly linked lists
- 0x13. C - More singly linked lists
- 0x14. C - Bit manipulation
- 0x16. C - Simple Shell
- 0x15. C - File input output
- 0x16. C - Simple Shell
- 0x17. C - Doubly linked lists
- 0x18. C - Dynamic libraries
- 0x19. C - Stacks,Queues LIFO-FIFO
- 0x0A. C - argc, argv
- 0x0B. C - malloc, free
- 0x0C. C - more malloc, free
- 0x0D. C - preprocessor
- 0x0E. C - Structures, typedef
- 0x0F. C - Variadic functions
- 0x1A. C - Hash tables
- 0x1B. C - Sorting algorithms & Big O
- 0x1C. C - Makefiles
- 0x1D. C - Binary trees
- 0x1E. C - Search Algorithms
To run this project, you will need to install the following tools.
- GCC : GNU Compiler
- Betty : C code checker
To access any project you are willing to view , please proceed like this:
clone the repository
- git clone - cd alx-low_level_programming
open your desired project (we take Hello world project as example)
- cd [0x00. C - Hello, World](./0x00-hello_world)
test your desired file
- gcc -Wall -Werror -Wextra -pedantic -std=gnu89 4-puts.c 4-puts - ./4-puts
Repeat with other files or projects
- This repo is done as a school assignment. Beware of copying my responses. I recommend you to read resources and come up with your own solutions instead. Feel free to reach out for help!
- This repo may contain some errors. If you notice any, please add a pull request.
All work contained in this project was completed as part of the curriculum for ALX Africa Software Engineering program built upon Holberton School projects and materials. Holberton School is a campus-based full-stack software engineering program that prepares students for careers in the tech industry using project-based peer learning.
For more information, visit this link.