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Adastack is a comprehensive ecosystem explorer for Cardano.
- Explore thousands of dApps.
- Step-by-step Cardano guides.
- Code Libraries and more for devs.
git clone https://github.com/adastackio/adastack.io.git
pnpm i
pnpm dev
Project Links
Contributions are welcome.
Here's where to go:
- Contribute content or code: Contribute to the open-source Github code here. Feel free to add resources, write descriptions, improve written guides, remove broken links, fix bugs, modify code, or make any other improvements. If you are non-technical, the easiest way to suggest changes is using the "Edit this Page" button on the right side of nearly all pages, though not available on mobile.
- Suggest Features or Report Bugs: Submit an issue to suggest features or report bugs. Please provide as many details as possible.
- Ask a Question: Use the discussion area to ask a question and get answers from the developers and community.
Purpose | Tech |
Frontend | React + Next.js |
Styling | Tailwind CSS |
Documentation | Nextra |
Content | Markdown |
The website's code is open-source, released under the MIT license for the benefit of the Cardano community.