batman.js is a framework for building rich single-page browser applications. It is written in CoffeeScript and its API is developed with CoffeeScript in mind, but of course you can use plain old JavaScript too.
- a stateful MVC architecture
- a powerful binding system
- routable controller actions
- pure HTML views
- toolchain support built on node.js and cake
The APIs are heavily inspired by Rails and designed to make Rails devs feel right at home.
We're targeting Chrome, Safari 4+, Firefox 3+, and IE 7+ for compatibility, although some of those require you to include es5shim.
class Shopify extends Batman.App
@root 'products#index'
@resources 'products'
class Shopify.Product extends Batman.Model
@persist Batman.RestStorage
class Shopify.ProductsController extends Batman.Controller
index: ->
show: (params) ->
Shopify.Product.find, (err, product) =>
@set('product', product)
<ul id="products">
<li data-foreach-product="Product.all" data-mixin="animation">
<a data-route="product" data-bind="">name will go here</a>
<li><span data-bind="'product' | pluralize products.length"></span></li>
If you haven't already, you'll need to install node.js (0.6.x and 0.8.x supported) and npm. Then:
npm install -g batman
Generate a new batman.js app somewhere, called my_app:
cd ~/code
batman new my_app
Fire it up:
cd my_app
batman server # (or just "batman s")
Now visit http://localhost:1047 and start playing around!
Most of the classes you work with in your app code will descend from Batman.Object
, which gives you some nice things that are used extensively by the rest of the system.
Events in batman.js are pretty simple. Handling an event is like subscribing to a named channel on a particular object, and firing an event is like publishing an argument list (which might be empty) to all subscribers of that channel.
class BatBelt.Gadget extends Batman.Object
constructor: -> @usesRemaining = 5
use: (howManyTimes) ->
if howManyTimes <= @usesRemaining
@usesRemaining -= howManyTimes
@fire('use', howManyTimes)
You can use the on
method to register handler functions which then get called whenever fire
is called for the specified event name. The handlers get whichever extra arguments were passed to fire
after the event name itself:
gadget.on 'use', (howManyTimes) ->
console.log "gadget was used #{howManyTimes} times!"
# console output: "gadget was used 2 times!"
The observe
function is used to observe changes to properties. This forms the basis of the binding system. Here's a simple example:
gadget.observe 'name', (newVal, oldVal) ->
console.log "name changed from #{oldVal} to #{newVal}!"
gadget.set 'name', 'Batarang'
# console output: "name changed from undefined to Batarang!"
When you observe
a property, you are really just handling its "change" event, which happens to get fired with the new and old values.
Of course you can also get
properties to return their values, and if you want to remove them completely then you can unset
gadget.get 'name'
# returns: 'Batarang'
gadget.unset 'name'
# console output: "name changed from Batarang to undefined!"
By default, these properties are stored like plain old JavaScript properties: that is,
would return "Batarang" just like you'd expect. But if you set the gadget's name with = 'Shark Spray'
, then the observer function you set on gadget
will not fire. So when you're working with batman.js properties, use get
to read/write/delete them.
What's the point of using gadget.get 'name'
instead of just
? Well, batman.js properties don't always correspond with vanilla JS properties. Let's write a Box
class with a custom getter for its volume:
class Box extends Batman.Object
constructor: (@length, @width, @height) ->
@accessor 'volume',
get: (key) -> @get('length') * @get('width') * @get('height')
box = new Box(16,16,12)
box.get 'volume'
# returns 3072
The really cool thing about this is that, because we used @get
to access the component properties of volume
, batman.js can keep track of those dependencies and let us observe the volume
box.observe 'volume', (newVal, oldVal) ->
console.log "volume changed from #{oldVal} to #{newVal}!"
box.set 'height', 6
# console output: "volume changed from 3072 to 1536!"
The box's volume
is a read-only attribute here, because we only provided a getter in the accessor we defined. Here's a Person
class with a (rather naive) read-write accessor for their name:
class Person extends Batman.Object
constructor: (name) -> @set 'name', name
@accessor 'name',
get: (key) -> [@get('firstName'), @get('lastName')].join(' ')
set: (key, val) ->
[first, last] = val.split(' ')
@set 'firstName', first
@set 'lastName', last
unset: (key) ->
@unset 'firstName'
@unset 'lastName'
If you want to get at properties of properties, use keypaths:
employee.get ''
This does what you expect and is pretty much the same as employee.get('team').get('manager').get('name')
. If you want to observe a deep keypath for changes, go ahead:
employee.observe '', (newVal, oldVal) ->
console.log "you now answer to #{newVal || 'nobody'}!"
manager = employee.get 'team.manager'
manager.set 'name', 'Bill'
# console output: "you now answer to Bill!"
If any component of the keypath is set to something that would change the overall value, then observers will fire:
employee.set 'team', larrysTeam
# console output: "you now answer to Larry!" 'manager'
# console output: "you now answer to nobody!"
employee.set 'team', jessicasTeam
# console output: "you now answer to Jessica!"
batman.js's dependency tracking system makes sure that no matter how weird your object graph gets, your observers will fire exactly when they should.
The MVC architecture of batman.js fits together like this:
- Controllers are persistent objects which render the views and give them mediated access to the model layer.
- Views are written in pure HTML, and use
attributes to create bindings with model data and event handlers exposed by the controllers. - Models have validations, lifecycle events, a built-in identity map, and can use arbitrary storage backends (
, andBatman.RailsStorage
are included).
A batman.js application is served up in one page load, followed by asynchronous requests for various resources as the user interacts with the app. Navigation within the app uses pushState where supported, otherwise falling back to hash-bang fragment identifers.
Sitting in front of everything else is a subclass of Batman.App
which represents your application as a whole and acts as a namespace for your other app classes. The app class never gets instantiated; your main interactions with it are using macros in its class definition, and calling run()
on it when it's time to fire up your app.
Here's a simple app class:
class BatBelt extends Batman.App
@root 'app#index'
@route 'faq/:questionID', 'app#faq'
@resources 'gadgets'
The calls to @controller
and @model
load external app classes with XHRs. For the controllers, this ends up fetching /controllers/
and /controllers/
. The gadget model gets loaded from /models/
Routes are defined in a few different ways.
takes two strings, one representing a path pattern and the other representing a controller action. In the above example, 'faq/:questionID'
matches any path starting with "/faq/" and having one other segment. That segment is then passed as a named param to the controller action function specified by the second string argument.
For the FAQ route, 'app#faq'
specifies the faq
function on BatBelt.AppController
, which should take a params
argument and do something sensible with params.questionID
@root 'app#index'
is just a shorthand for @route '/', 'app#index'
You can also mark a segment of your route as optional, allowing URLs to match with or without those optional segments. Eg. @route 'calendar(/:type(/:date))', calendar#index
will match all of the following URLs:
When the segments are missing, your controller action is handed an undefined
value for that param.
The @resources
macro takes a resource name which should ideally be the underscored-pluralized name of one of your models. It sets up three routes, as if you'd used the @route
macro like so:
@route 'gadgets', 'gadgets#index'
@route 'gadgets/new', 'gadgets#new'
@route 'gadgets/:id', 'gadgets#show'
@route 'gadgets/:id/edit', 'gadgets#edit'
can also take a list of labels to set up routing for multiple models at once:
@resources 'stores', 'products', 'customers'
In addition to setting up these routes, the call to @resources
keeps track of the fact that the Gadget
model can be accessed in these ways. This lets you load these routes in your controllers or views by using model instances and classes on their own:
BatBelt.Gadget.find 1, (err, gadget) =>
@redirect gadget unless err? # redirects to "/gadgets/1"
@redirect BatBelt.Gadget # redirects to "/gadgets"
batman.js controllers are singleton classes with one or more instance methods that can serve as routable actions. Because they're singletons, instance variables persist as long as the app is running.
class BatBelt.AppController extends Batman.Controller
index: ->
faq: (params) ->
@set('question', @get('questions').get(params.questionID)
Now when you navigate to /#!/faq/what-is-art
, the dispatcher runs this faq
action with {questionID: "what-is-art"}
. It also makes an implicit call to @render
, which by default will look for a view at /views/app/faq.html
. The view is rendered within the main content container of the page, which is designated by setting data-yield="main"
on some tag in the layout's HTML. You can prevent this implicit rendering by calling @render false
in your action.
Controllers are also a fine place to put event handlers used by your views. Here's one that uses jQuery to toggle a CSS class on a button:
class MyApp.BigRedButtonController extends Batman.Controller
index: ->
buttonWasClicked: (node, event) ->
If you want to redirect to some route, you can use @redirect
buttonWasClicked: (node, event) ->
@redirect '/apocalypse/'
You write views in plain HTML. These aren't templates in the usual sense: the HTML is rendered in the page as-is, and you use data-*
attributes to specify how different parts of the view bind to your app's data. Here's a very small view which displays a user's name and avatar:
<div class="user">
<img data-bind-src="user.avatarURL" />
<p data-bind=""></p>
The data-bind
attribute on the <p>
tag sets up a binding between the user's name
property and the content of the tag. The data-bind-src
attribute on the <img>
tag binds the user's avatarURL
property to the src
attribute of the tag. You can do the same thing for arbitrary attribute names, so for example data-bind-href
would bind to the href
batman.js uses a bunch of these data attributes for different things:
: for most tags, this defines a one-way binding with the contents of the node: when the given
changes, the contents of the node are set to that value. Whendata-bind
is set on a form input tag, a two-way binding is defined with the value of the node, such that any changes from the user will update the property in realtime. -
: defines a one-way binding from the given propertybar.baz
to any attributefoo
on the node. -
: used to render a collection of zero or more items. If the collection descends fromBatman.Set
, then the DOM will be updated when items are added or removed.
: when this node is clicked, the function specified by the
is called with the node object as the first argument, and the click event as the second argument. -
: likedata-event-click
, but fires on change events. -
: likedata-event-click
, but fires either when a form is submitted (in the case of<form>
nodes) or when a user hits the enter key when an<input>
has focus.
: pushes a new context onto the context stack for children of this node. If the context
, then children of this node may access properties
directly, as if they were properties of the controller.
: used in your layout to specify the locations that other views get rendered into when they are rendered. By default, a controller action renders each whole view into whichever node is set up to yield"main"
. If you want some content in a view to be rendered into a differentdata-yield
node, you can usedata-contentfor
. -
: when the view is rendered into your layout, the contents of this node will be rendered into whichever node hasdata-yield="identifier"
. For example, if your layout has"main"
yields, then you may put adata-contentfor="sidebar"
node in a view and it will be rendered in the sidebar instead of the main content area. If multipledata-contentfor
nodes with the same identifier are present in a view, their contents will be concatenated in the correspondingdata-yield
node. -
: renders the view at the path/views/shared/sidebar.html
within this node. Note that/views/
is prepended. -
ordata-route="{'controller': 'products', 'action': 'index'}"
: loads a route when this node is clicked. The route can either be specified by a path beginning with a slash "/", or by a property leading to either a model instance (resulting in a resource's "show" action) or a model class (for the resource's "index" action).
batman.js models:
- can persist to various storage backends
- only serialize a defined subset of their properties as JSON
- use a state machine to expose lifecycle events
- can validate with synchronous or asynchronous operations
A model object may have arbitrary properties set on it, just like any JS object. Only some of those properties are serialized and persisted to its storage backends, however. You define persisted attributes on a model with the encode
class Article extends Batman.Model
@encode 'body_html', 'title', 'author', 'summary_html', 'blog_id', 'id', 'user_id'
@encode 'created_at', 'updated_at', 'published_at', Batman.Encoders.railsDate
@encode 'tags',
encode: (tagSet) -> tagSet.toArray().join(', ')
decode: (tagString) -> new Batman.Set(tagString.split(', ')...)
Given one or more strings as arguments, @encode
will register these properties as persisted attributes of the model, to be serialized in the model's toJSON()
output and extracted in its fromJSON()
. Properties that aren't specified with @encode
will be ignored for both serialization and deserialization. If an optional coder object is provided as the last argument, its encode
and decode
functions will be used by the model for serialization and deserialization, respectively.
By default, a model's primary key (the unchanging property which uniquely indexes its instances) is its id
property. If you want your model to have a different primary key, specify the name of the key on the primaryKey
class property:
class User extends Batman.Model
@primaryKey: 'handle'
@encode 'handle', 'email'
: a new model instance remains in this state until some persisted attribute is set on it.loading
: entered when the model instance'sload()
method is called.loaded
: entered after the model's storage adapter has completed loading updated attributes for the instance. Immediately transitions to theclean
: entered when one of the model's persisted attributes changes.validating
: entered when the validation process has started.validated
: entered when the validation process has completed. Immediately after entering this state, the model instance transitions back to either thedirty
: entered when the storage adapter has begun saving the model.saved
: entered after the model's storage adapter has completed saving the model. Immediately transitions to theclean
: indicates that none of an instance's attributes have been changed since the model wassaved
: entered when the model instance'sdestroy()
method is called.destroyed
: indicates that the storage adapter has completed destroying this instance.
Before models are saved to persistent storage, they run through any validations you've defined and the save is cancelled if any errors were added to the model during that process.
Validations are defined with the @validate
macro by passing it the properties to be validated and an options object representing the particular validations to perform:
class User extends Batman.Model
@encode 'login', 'password'
@validate 'login', presence: yes, maxLength: 16
@validate 'password', 'passwordConfirmation', presence: yes, lengthWithin: [6,255]
The options get their meaning from subclasses of Batman.Validator
which have been registered by adding them to the Batman.Validators
array. For example, the maxLength
and lengthWithin
options are used by Batman.LengthValidator
To specify a storage adapter for persisting a model, use the @persist
macro in its class definition:
class Product extends Batman.Model
@persist Batman.LocalStorage
Now when you call save()
or load()
on a product, it will use the browser window's localStorage to retrieve or store the serialized data.
If you have a REST backend you want to connect to, Batman.RestStorage
is a simple storage adapter which can be subclassed and extended to suit your needs. By default, it will assume your CamelCased-singular Product
model is accessible at the underscored-pluralized "/products" path, with instances of the resource accessible at /products/:id
. You can override these path defaults by assigning either a string or a function-returning-a-string to the url
property of your model class (for the collection path) or to the prototype (for the member path). For example:
class Product extends Batman.Model
@persist Batman.RestStorage
@url = "/admin/products"
url: -> "/admin/products/#{@get('id')}"
Batman models support belongsTo
, hasOne
, and hasMany
associations. Here's a simple example:
class App.Store extends Batman.Model
@hasMany 'products', options
class App.Product extends Batman.Model
@belongsTo 'store', options
The following options are available:
- namespace: Tells Batman to look for the associated model under the provided namespace. (Defaults to
.) - name: Tells Batman to use the given model name instead. (Defaults to an interpretation of the association's label.)
- saveInline: Tells Batman whether to encode associations as inline JSON when the base model is saved. (Defaults to
, andtrue
.) - autoload: Tells Batman whether to make a request to the server the first time the association is
ted. Defaults to true.
Associations can be loaded via foreign keys or inline JSON:
localStorage =
id: 1
name: "JSON Store"
product: {id: 1, store_id: 1, name: "JSON Product"}
id: 2
name: "Foreign Key Store"
id: 3
store_id: 2
name: "Foreign Key Product Product"
Association saving is done inline:
store = new Store name: "Angry Birds"
product1 = new Product name: "Foo"
product2 = new Product name: "Bar"
store.set 'products', new Batman.Set(product1, product2) (error, record) ->
throw error if error
console.log localStorage["stores#{record.get('id')}"]
# => {
# id: ...
# name: "Angry Birds"
# products: [{name: "Foo", store_id: ...}, {name: "Bar", store_id: ...}]
# }
(Notice that the products did not receive IDs. This is because association saving is non-cascading, meaning that each model needs to be saved individually to fully persist. You can always call toJSON
on a model instance to see what will be stored.)
Associations also support reloading and loaded introspection:
store = new Store name: "Angry Birds"
store.get('products.loaded') #=> false
store.get('products').load (err, products) ->
throw err if err
store.get('products.loaded') #=> true
Associations can be rendered via keypaths, using the same labels you use to create the association:
<div data-foreach-product="store.products" data-bind=""></div>
Well-tested contributions are always welcome! Here's what you should do:
git clone
You can test batman.js locally either on the command line or in the browser and both should work. Tests are written in CoffeeScript using QUnit.
To run on the command line, run the following command from the project root:
cake test
To run in the browser, start a web server to serve up the tests:
coffee tests/
...then visit http://localhost:1047/tests/batman/test.html
The tests are in tests/batman
. All test files in there are automatically included into the browser.
The docs are rendered using percolate and require that pygments is already installed.
Pygments is a Python library, and can be installed using easy_install
sudo easy_install Pygments
To render the docs, run the following command from the project root:
cake doc
If it's good code that fits with the goals of the project, we'll merge it in!
batman.js is copyright 2012 by Shopify, released under the MIT License (see LICENSE for details).