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SitemapGenerator Usage

rab edited this page Sep 13, 2010 · 7 revisions

Please add your name, site and how many links in your Sitemap, and extra information (e.g. code).

Adam Salter,, 72,956 links, 2m03s

Zipcode.find(:all, :include => :city).each do |z|
  sitemap.add zipcode_path(:state =>, :city =>, :zipcode => z)

Rob Biedenharn,, Sitemap stats: 4,684,358 links, 6h21m31s

Old: Sitemap stats: 78,645 links, 3m37s

New: Sitemap stats: 4,684,358 links, 6h21m31s

  Category.find_in_order.each do |category|
    sitemap.add category_page_path(category), :changefreq => 'daily', :priority => 0.6
    Product.interesting_from_category(, 0, nil, true).each do |product|
      sitemap.add details_id_path(product), :changefreq => 'weekly', :priority => 0.5

And running against a Rails 1.2.2 project. Only a few changes needed:

  • Need to provide a String#present? (which was easy since I already had String#nonblank?)
  • Cope with the change from app/controllers/application.rb to app/controllers/application_controller.rb by adding:
    • require 'app/controllers/application' to lib/sitemap_generator/helper.rb

mattmueller, 1.9 million urls

It took about 2 hours to generate on a very powerful production server without niceing it. If you decide to nice it (we tried at 15) for that sort of load it would take > 8 hours