Provides network connected, standalone monitoring of computer health data using AIDA64 LCD data streams. Neuromancer Dash supports multiple pages and can also pull data from other hardware such as temperature and humidity sensors.
Inspired by JayzTwoCents' external monitor panel:
Neuromancer Dash will run on anything with an external display that's capable of running pygame 2.0.0. For my dashboard I'm using a Raspberry Pi Zero W and 5" 480x320 HDMI LCD panel. The files required to customize and print your own mount are included in the hardware_support directory or can be found on Thingiverse:
Install AIDA64 (required, I used AIDA64 Extreme) Install RivaTunerStatisticsServer (optional if you want FPS data)
- Open AIDA64 Extreme
- File -> Preferences
- Hardware Monitoring -> LCD -> Remote Sensor -> Enabled RemoteSensor LCD support
- Hardware Monitoring -> LCD -> LCD Items -> Import, choose file in assets\aida64_layouts
- Hardware Monitoring -> Update Frequency -> Change LCD to 100ms (or whatever you're comfortable with)
- Open the port configured by AIDA64's RemoteSensor support in your firewall (default 8080)
- Clone this repository onto your client
- Install Python3 components:
- pip3 install sseclient
- pip3 install pygame --upgrade
- pip3 install Adafruit_DHT
- Install required SDL2 components:
- sudo apt-get install libsdl2-ttf-2.0-0 libsdl2-mixer-2.0-0 libsdl2-image-2.0-0
- Update to reflect the path you cloned this repository into as well as the network address information of your host.
- (optional) Add to your crontab for automatic execution
- sudo crontab -e
- Add this line to the bottom of the file: @reboot sh /home/pi/src/neuromancerdash/ &
Other client hardware can easily be used, clone the repo, install the Python3 components using whichever mechanisms work best for your client. Some systems may already have the SDL2 components in place after pygame is installed/updated, others may required building them from source. I used a Windows 10 PC for the bulk of development and it was easy-peesy.
Two options:
- Run, this can be added to your crontab for automatic startup
- Run python3 --aidasse http://example_ip:8080/sse