[Fix] - Resolve Boost List UI rendering issue on Space Detail when Image/video failed to load content.
[New] - Implemented "Super Invite Code" as a boost action, providing functionality of share invite code.
[New] - Implemented "Chat" as a boost action, providing functionality of share chat.
Automatically subscribe to all objects you created or interact with to receive push notifications on updates about it. You can disable that in the notification settings if you want to.
[Labs] Chat-NG:
[Fix]: user mentions are now correctly sent from the chat.
[Fix]: not having typed double letters when mention overlay is opened and typing something -
[New] : Now chat is also part of Quick Search screen.
[New] - Implemented "Space" as a boost action, providing functionality of share space.
[Fix] : Resolved issue with 'Manage' button not opening Edit Invite Code on the Invite Page.