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Update main.yml

Update main.yml #11

Workflow file for this run

# # This is a basic workflow that is manually triggered
# name: Maps Deployment Date Check
# on:
# # schedule:
# # - cron: "30 * * * *"
# workflow_dispatch:
# jobs:
# getRepoCacheVars:
# # The type of runner that the job will run on
# runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# # Steps represent a sequence of tasks that will be executed as part of the job
# steps:
# - name: regular_middle_cacheKey
# run: echo "current regular_middle_cacheKey = ${{ vars.regular_middle_cacheKey}}"
# - name: Get CF deployments
# id: get_cf_deployments
# run: |
# DEPLOYMENT=$(wget -qO- --header="Authorization: Bearer ${{ secrets.CF_PAGES_READ_ALL_API }}" \
# --header="Content-Type: application/json" \
# "${{ secrets.CF_ACCOUNT_ID }}/pages/projects/${{ vars.REGULAR_MIDDLE_CF_PROJECT_NAME }}/deployments?order=desc&per_page=1")
# DEPLOYED_ON=$(echo "$DEPLOYMENT" | jq -r '.result[0].created_on')
# echo "d_on=$DEPLOYED_ON" >> ${{ vars.REGULAR_MIDDLE_CACHEKEY }}
# # $secrets.CF_PAGES_READ_ALL_API: ${{ secrets.CF_PAGES_READ_ALL_API }}
# # $secrets.CF_ACCOUNT_ID: ${{ secrets.CF_ACCOUNT_ID }}
# # run: curl --request GET --header 'Authorization: Bearer ${{ secrets.CF_PAGES_READ_ALL_API }}' --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --url '$secrets.CF_ACCOUNT_ID/pages/projects/$REGULAR_MIDDLE_CF_PROJECT_NAME/deployments/latest'
# # - name: regular_left_pw_cacheKey
# # run: echo "regular_left_pw_cacheKey = vars.$regular_left_pw_cacheKey"
# # - name: regular_right_pw_cacheKey
# # run: echo "regular_right_pw_cacheKey = vars.$regular_right_pw_cacheKey"
# # - name: nightmare_hd_cacheKey
# # run: echo "nightmare_hd_cacheKey = vars.$nightmare_hd_cacheKey"
# # - name: new_game_plus_hd_cacheKey
# # run: echo "new_game_plus_hd_cacheKey = vars.$new_game_plus_hd_cacheKey"
# # - name: regular_main_branch_cacheKey
# # run: echo "regular_main_branch_cacheKey = vars.$regular_main_branch_cacheKey"
# # - name: purgatory_cacheKey
# # run: echo "purgatory_cacheKey = vars.$purgatory_cacheKey"
# # - name: apotheosis_cacheKey
# # run: echo "apotheosis_cacheKey = vars.$apotheosis_cacheKey"
# # - name: apotheosis_new_game_plus_cacheKey
# # run: echo "apotheosis_new_game_plus_cacheKey = vars.$apotheosis_new_game_plus_cacheKey"
# # - name: noitavania_cacheKey
# # run: echo "noitavania_cacheKey = vars.$noitavania_cacheKey"
# # - name: noitavania_new_game_plus_cacheKey
# # run: echo "noitavania_new_game_plus_cacheKey = vars.$noitavania_new_game_plus_cacheKey"
# # - name: alternate_biomes_cacheKey
# # run: echo "alternate_biomes_cacheKey = vars.$alternate_biomes_cacheKey"
# # - name: apotheosis_tuonela_cacheKey
# # run: echo "apotheosis_tuonela_cacheKey = vars.$apotheosis_tuonela_cacheKey"