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Macaron Integration Tests

Integration Test Utility

We have an integration test utility script, ./tests/integration/, for running integration tests. The script should be called within the dev virtual environment and from the root directory of the repository.

$ python ./tests/integration/ -h
usage: ./tests/integration/ [-h] {check,vet,run,update} ...

positional arguments:
                        The command to run.
    check               Schema-validate test case config files in the test data directory.
    vet                 Validate test case directories.
    run                 Run test cases in the test data directory.
    update              Run test cases, but update expected output files instead of
                        comparing them with expected output.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

The utility offers 4 different commands, as shown in the help message above. Some example usages for these commands will be introduced later in the Example Usages section. You can also have a look at the help message of each command by providing <command> -h to the script.

# Show help message for the check command.
$ python ./tests/integration/ check -h

Test Case Configuration

The utility interacts with integration test cases. Each test case locates in a single directory containing a test config file test.yaml, alongside other files required for the test case (e.g. config files, policy files, provenance expectation files).

Here is an example. The test case directory looks like this. Alongside the test.yaml file, there is a file named analysis_report.json storing the expected output of an analysis report.

├── analysis_report.json
└── test.yaml

Here is the content of the test.yaml file.

description: >
  Analyze with PURL and repository path without dependency resolution.

- name: Run macaron analyze
  kind: analyze
    - --package-url
    - pkg:maven/apache/maven
    - --repo-path
    - -b
    - master
    - -d
    - 3fc399318edef0d5ba593723a24fff64291d6f9b
- name: Compare analysis report
  kind: compare
    kind: analysis_report
    result: output/reports/maven/apache/maven/maven.json
    expected: analysis_report.json

Each test config file has a description at the top telling what the test case is about, and a sequence of steps to be executed. The execution of a test case stops whenever a step fails (i.e. exits with non-zero code, by default). In the example above, there are 2 steps: (1) run the macaron analyze command, and (2) compare a JSON analysis report with the corresponding expected result file. Note that all steps are executed with the test case directory being the current working directory. Therefore, all filepaths in the test config file are relative to the test case directory.

Example Usages

Create a new test case

You create a new test case by creating a new directory, then a test.yaml within it. To schema-validate the test.yaml file, you can use the check command and point to the test case directory:

# Schema-validate the ./test/case/directory/test.yaml file.
$ python ./tests/integration/ check ./test/case/directory

At this point, some expected result files do not exist yet, since you normally want to run macaron once, inspect the result files, then turn them into expected result files if they look good enough. To do this, you can run in interactive mode. In this mode, the utility stops at each step and asks if you want to run or skip a step. For compare steps, the utility also asks if you want to "update" the expected result file instead of compare.

# Run a test case in interactive mode.
$ python ./tests/integration/ run -i ./test/case/directory

After you have finished running the test case, you can rerun the test case to make sure everything works as expected.

# Run a test case end-to-end.
$ python ./tests/integration/ run ./test/case/directory

Inspect test cases

Besides the interactive mode, the run command also has another special mode called dry-run mode, enabled with the flag -d/--dry. In this mode, the utility only shows what commands will be run during the execution of the test cases without actually running any of them. This is especially useful for debugging purposes.

# Run a test case in dry-run mode.
$ python ./tests/integration/ run -d ./test/case/directory

Validate test cases before pushing commits to remote or running in CI

Integration test cases take some reasonable amount of time to run. The vet command not only does schema validation on test config files, but also carries out additional validations for each test case to prevent as many unintentional errors as possible and save us time waiting just to see CI failing eventually.

The vet command is meant to be used in CI before running integration test. It is also a useful static check in general. Hence, it has been added as a hook to pre-commit.

Bulk-process multiple test cases

All commands (check, vet, run, and update) can process multiple test cases, one after another. You can specify more than one directory as positional arguments of these commands.

# Run two test cases one after another.
$ python ./tests/integration/ run ./test_case_a/directory ./test_case_b/directory

You can also use the ... path wildcard to allow for discovering test case directories recursively under a root directory.

# Run all test cases discovered recursively under a directory.
$ python ./tests/integration/ run ./all/cases/...

Select a subset of test cases to run

In certain cases, we can utilize the feature of tags to select a subset of test cases to run with the run command.

Each test case can be attached with one or more tags in the yaml configuration. For example, you may find some of our test cases having the tags as follows.

description: ...
- macaron-python-package
- macaron-docker-image
- ...

We typically have test cases that are shared for the container image and the Macaron Python package. We can mark the test cases shared for both purposes with macaron-python-package and macaron-docker-image tags. When we do integration testing for the container image, we can add the argument --include-tag macaron-docker-image to filter test cases that are tagged with macaron-docker-image.

# Test the container image with test cases having the `macaron-docker-image` tag.
$ python ./tests/integration/ run --include-tag macaron-docker-image ./all/cases/...

We can do the same with macaron-python-package when we do integration tests for the Macaron Python package.

The --include-tag flag can be specified multiple times. A selected test case must be tagged with at least a tag specified with any of the --include-tag flags.

# Test the container image with test cases having EITHER `tag-a` for `tag-b` tag.
$ python ./tests/integration/ run --include-tag tag-a --include-tag tag-b ./all/cases/...

There is also the --exclude-tag flag. A selected test case must also not contain any tag specified with the --exclude-tag flag.

# Only run test cases not tagged with `npm-registry-testcase`.
$ python ./tests/integration/ run --exclude-tag npm-registry-testcase ./all/cases/...

You can simply think of each --include-tag/--exclude-tag argument as adding an additional constraint that a selected test case must satisfy.

Debug utility script

In case you want to debug the utility script itself, there is the verbose mode for all commands which can be enabled with the -v/--verbose flag.

Test Config Reference

Test case Schema

  • description (string, required): The description of the test case.
  • tags (array[string], optional, default is []): The tags of the test case. When the --include-tag <tag> and/or --exclude-tag <tag> arguments are passed with the run command, only run test cases having all --include-tag tags and no --exclude-tag tags. You can think of it as each --include-tag/--exclude-tag adds another constraint that a test needs to satisfy for it to be included in a run. These arguments are typically used in combination with test case discovery using the ... wildcard.
  • steps (array[Step], required; see the Step Schema below): The list of steps in a test case. Steps in a test case are executed sequentially. A test case stops execution and fails if any command fails.

Step Schema

  • name (string, required): The name of the step.
  • kind ("analyze" | "verify" | "compare" | "shell" | "validate_schema, required): The kind of the step. There are 5 kinds of steps:
    • "analyze": runs the macaron analyze command.
    • "verify": runs the macaron verify-policy command.
    • "compare": compares an output file with an expected output file.
    • "shell": runs an arbitrary shell command.
    • "validate_schema": validates an output file with a schema.
  • options: Configuration options for the step. These options are specific to the step kind. See their schema below.
  • env (dict[string, string | null], optional): Key value pairs of environment variables being modified during the step after inheriting the environment in which the utility is executed within. Each value can be a string if you want to set a value to the environment variable, or null if you want to "unset" the variable.
  • expect_fail (bool, optional, default is false): If true, assert that the step must exit with non-zero code. This should be used for cases where we expect a command to fail.

Analyze step options Schema

  • main_args (array[string], optional): main arguments for macaron, i.e. those specified before the analyze command, e.g. --verbose.
  • command_args (array[string], optional): arguments for the analyze command.
  • ini (string, optional): The .ini configuration file (a relative path from test case directory). This enables additional validations and is recommended over passing --defaults-path and the config file through main_args.
  • expectation (string, optional): The provenance expectation file in CUE) (a relative path from test case directory). This enables additional validations and is recommended over passing --provenance-expectation and the expectation file through command_args.
  • provenance: (string, optional): The provenance file (a relative path from test case directory). This enables additional validations and is recommended over passing --provenance-file and the provenance file through command_args.
  • sbom: (string, optional): The SBOM file (a relative path from test case directory). This enables additional validations and is recommended over passing --sbom-file and the SBOM file through command_args.

Verify step options Schema

  • main_args (array[string], optional): main arguments for macaron, i.e. those specified before the verify-command command, e.g. --verbose.
  • command_args (array[string], optional): arguments for the verify-policy command.
  • policy (string, optional): The policy.dl file. This enables additional validations and is recommended over passing --file and the policy file through command_args.
  • database (string, optional, default is ./output/macaron.db): The database file. This is recommended over passing --database and the database file through command_args.
  • show_prelude (bool, optional, default is false): Run the command in --show-prelude mode.

Compare step options Schema

  • kind ("analysis_report" | "policy_report" | "deps_report" | "vsa", required): The kind of JSON report to compare.
  • result (string, required): The output file (a relative path from test case directory).
  • expected (string, required): The expected output file (a relative path from test case directory).

Validate Schema step options Schema

  • kind ("json_schema", required): The kind of schema validation to perform. For now, only json-schema is supported.
  • result (string, required): The output file (a relative path from test case directory).
  • schema (output_json_report, required): The name of the schema for the validation. These are the default schemas available for the integration test.
  • custom_schema_path (string, optional): The path to the custom schema (a relative path from test case directory). If it is provided, the validation will use this schema and ignore the schema corresponding with schema.

Shell step options Schema

  • cmd (string, required): The shell command to run.