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Issues or bug fix PRs that were raised during the testing of release 24.0.0
24.0.0 Manual Test Assignment
24.0.0 Manual Test Assignment
Manual test assignment label
25.0.0 - Bugs
25.0.0 - Bugs
25.0.0 Manual Test Assignment
25.0.0 Manual Test Assignment
Issues that were raised during the release testing for 26.0.0
27.0.0 - Bugs
27.0.0 - Bugs
Bugs Found in LORIS 27 testing
Area: API
Area: API
PR or issue related to the API
Area: CI
Area: CI
PR or issue related to CI (GitHub actions, automated tests, static checks...)
Area: EEG
Area: EEG
Issue or PR related to electroencephalography
Area: Imaging
Area: Imaging
PR or issue related to imaging
Area: Instruments
Area: Instruments
PR or issue related instruments
Area: UI
Area: UI
PR or issue related to the user interface
Beginner Friendly
Beginner Friendly
PR or Issue appears to be easy for someone to use to familiarize themselves with LORIS
PR should be prioritized because it is blocking the progress of another task
Category: Bug
Category: Bug
PR or issue that aims to report or fix a bug
Category: Documentation
Category: Documentation
PR or issue that aims to improve the documentation (test plans, wiki, comments...)
Category: Feature
Category: Feature
PR or issue that aims to introduce a new feature
Category: Perfomance
Category: Perfomance
Issue or PR that aims to report or improve perfomance
Category: Refactor
Category: Refactor
PR or issue that aims to improve the existing code
Category: Security
Category: Security
PR or issue that aims to improve security
PR or issue introducing/requiring at least one clean-up operation
Critical to release
Critical to release
PR or issue is key for the release to which it has been assigned
PR that updates dependency files
Difficulty: Complex
Difficulty: Complex
PR or issue that require a great effort to implementat, review, or test
Difficulty: Medium
Difficulty: Medium
PR or issue that require a moderate effort or expertise to implement, review, or test
Difficulty: Simple
Difficulty: Simple
PR or issue that should be easy to implement, review, or test
Difficuly: Trivial
Difficuly: Trivial
PR or issue whose implementation is obviously correct and no-risk (typo, formatting...)
Event: GSOC
Event: GSOC
PR or issue accepted for Google Summer of Code
Event: Hacktoberfest 2020
Event: Hacktoberfest 2020
PR or issue accepted for Hacktoberfest 2020
Event: Hacktoberfest 2021
Event: Hacktoberfest 2021
PR or issue accepted for Hacktoberfest 2021