This project implements a simple Model-View-Controller design pattern using the PHP programming language.
The MVC design pattern divides the application into three components:
- Model: manages the data and the business logic of the application.
- View: It is the application's user interface.
- Controller: Accepts input and converts it to commands for the model or view.
index.php -> Entry point for the application.
config.php -> Application constants and configuration variables.
autoloader.php -> Load all classes.
Config.php -> Config class.
View.php -> Class to manage views.
FrontController.php -> This class loads the controllers and executes the actions.
messages_model.php -> Model to generate messages.
_header.php -> Header for all pages.
_footer.php -> Footer for all pages.
home.php -> Home page.
404.php -> Error page.
home_controller.php -> Home page controller.
This project is shared under license CC BY 4.0 (