This is a simple way to create reusable Inferno components.
git clone --depth 1
mv create-inferno-component my-component-name
cd my-component-name
rm -rf .git
git init
npm install
npm run watch
Just execute npm run watch
to start the simple development server with live-reload on
by default.
The component is located in component.js. Components should be stateless and
not modify their own props. The prototyping harness is in main.js. You can edit the
props that are passed to your component, and call update()
when that component
would receive new props.
npm run build
will output that completed component to dist/component.js.
inferno and inferno-create-element are not included in the output
(they are peerDependencies). The only thing added is a very small script to inject the
component's css into the document via inject-css. The tagged css
and html
template strings are pre-compiled by sheetify and hyperxify respectively
for performance and to minimize the bundle size.
When finished, just add some details to your package.json about the project, update the README, and publish it to NPM!