We made a online payment application where customer can open his account and add money from account to his wallet , can do transfer money..
- Customers will be able to park their money in the wallet.
- Customer will be able to pay different bills using this wallet.
- They should be able to connect bank account with this payment wallet and add money.
- Customers transaction details will be saved.
- Customers can able to check balance, deposit money, transaction history etc.
- Spring Boot
- Java
- Lombok
- MySql
- Jpa
- Swagger-Ui
The Apllication is not hosted on cloud services, so you cannot make api call directly.
You can clone this repository and run the application on local machine.
Before running the application make sure that you updated the database properties.
spring.jpa.show-sql=true spring.jpa.hibernate.ddl-auto=update spring.jpa.properties.hibernate.dialect=org.hibernate.dialect.MySQL5InnoDBDialect
spring.mvc.throw-exception-if-no-handler-found=true spring.web.resources.add-mappings=false
#Swagger-Ui properties spring.mvc.pathmatch.matching-strategy=ANT_PATH_MATCHER
- Wallet Module fw19_0695 - Abhishek Tomar
- Transaction Module fw19_0650 - Rituraj Nagar
- Account Module fw18_0171 - Raushan Kumar
- Bill Payment Module fw16_693 - Rutuja Atul Kavitake
- Beneficiary Module fp04_048 - Vivek Kumar Mishra
- Customer Module fp04_048 - Vivek Kumar Mishra
- During this project we got to learn how to work in groups.
- During this project we increased our communication skills.
- We Learned how to communicate with team members.
- Overall we learn lots of things during this project.
- Our skills of Java And Spring boot became more better and clear.
👤 fw19_0695 - Abhishek Tomar Team-Leader
👤 fp04_048 - Vivek Kumar Mishra Member
👤 fw16_693 - Rutuja Atul Kavitake Member