Base URL:
Signup - METHOD/POST - "Base URL/signup"
Login - METHOD/POST - "Base URL/login"
Verify - METHOD/GET - "Base URL/Verify"
Logout - METHOD/POST - "BASE URL/logout"
Resend - METHOD/POST - "BASE URL/resend"
Before making the connection with client,server validates the reuqest using io.use(middleware) in which server verifies whther a valid combination of access and refresh token were provided or not.
After soon as connection is made , Server Emits 3 events to the client:
Below Event is fired so that user can know his id which can help him fetch his self chat(self chat always have id same as the userId)"user-id", { userId, userName });
Below event is fired so that user can display the personal chatList to the user"personal-chat-list", { PersonalChatList});
Below event is fired so that user can display the group chatList to the user"group-chat-list", { GroupChatList});
After sending this 3 things to client, all events are carried out when a user asks for it.
For Fetching Self chat(when user clicks on self chat), client sends:
Socket.emit("fetch-self-chat", {});
To which server responds with"self-chat", { Messages, Name});
For Sending Self Message, Client Sends:
Socket.emit("send-self-message", { Content });
To which server responds with nothing as there is no need for notification on self messages
For Fetching Personal chat(when user clicks on personal chat),client sends:
Socket.emit("fetch-personal-chat", { ChatId, Partner });
To which server responds with"personal-chat", { Messages, UserId, User, Partner });
For Sending Personal msg, client sends:
Socket.emit("send-personal-message", { ChatId, Content });
To which user send message to the receiver (if he is online) using:"receive-personal-message", {ChatId,Content,Sender});
Receiver Reads the message using:
When Receiver Reads msg, he notifies the server via:
Socket.emit("read-personal-message", { ChatId});
Server receives it and send an acknowlegment through:"read-personal-msg-ack", { ChatId});
All command of sending and reading msgs are similar to personal chat, list about different functionalities of group are given below:
When a user wants to create a group:
Socket.emit("create-group-chat", {Name,Description,Participants});
When admin adds a new member to group, admin send:
When admin wants someone to kickout of the group:
Socket.emit("kickout", { GroupId, Member });
When admin want to make someone else as admin:
Socket.emit("change-admin", { GroupId, Member});
When any user wants to leave a group:
Socket.emit("leave-grp", { GroupId: activeId });